Hi hvjunk (Hi Hendrik),

"centos-release-gluster" installs "centos-gluster310". I assume it
picks the latest version and install it.

Would you be so kind and send me a link to your script & systemd
service / Ansible scripts? I cannot find a way how to list your posts
on lists.gluster.org (I assume it's not possible to list posts of a
specific user). Or if you cannot find it could you please tell me when
did you post it? I'll try to find it.

Meantime I wrote something very simple but I assume your scripting
skills are better.

Thank you.

Kind regards.



sudo sh -c 'cat > /root/gluster-run-ganesha << EOF

while true; do
    echo "Wait"
    sleep 30
    if [[ -f /var/run/gluster/shared_storage/nfs-ganesha/ganesha-ha.conf
]]; then
        echo "Start Ganesha"
        systemctl start nfs-ganesha.service
        exit \$?
        echo "Not mounted"

sudo chmod +x /root/gluster-run-ganesha

sudo sh -c 'cat > /etc/systemd/system/custom-gluster-ganesha.service << EOF
Description=Start nfs-ganesha when Gluster shared storage is mounted



sudo systemctl enable custom-gluster-ganesha.service


On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 12:27 PM, hvjunk <hvj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 15 May 2017, at 12:56 PM, Soumya Koduri <skod...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 05/12/2017 06:27 PM, Adam Ru wrote:
>>> Hi Soumya,
>>> Thank you very much for last response – very useful.
>>> I apologize for delay, I had to find time for another testing.
>>> I updated instructions that I provided in previous e-mail. *** means
>>> that the step was added.
>>> Instructions:
>>> - Clean installation of CentOS 7.3 with all updates, 3x node,
>>> resolvable IPs and VIPs
>>> - Stopped firewalld (just for testing)
>>> - *** SELinux in permissive mode (I had to, will explain bellow)
>>> - Install “centos-release-gluster" to get "centos-gluster310" repo
> should I also install the centos-gluster310, or will that be automagically 
> chosen by the centos-release-gluster?
>>> and install following (nothing else):
>>> --- glusterfs-server
>>> --- glusterfs-ganesha
>>> - Passwordless SSH between all nodes
>>> (/var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.pem and secret.pem.pub on all nodes)
>>> - systemctl enable and start glusterd
>>> - gluster peer probe <other nodes>
>>> - gluster volume set all cluster.enable-shared-storage enable
> After this step, I’ll advise (given my experience in doing this by Ansible) 
> to make sure that the shared filesystem have propagated to all the nodes, as 
> well as the needed entries made in fstab… safety check, and I’ll also load my 
> systemd service and helper script to assist in cluster cold-bootstrapping.
>>> - systemctl enable and start pcsd.service
>>> - systemctl enable pacemaker.service (cannot be started at this moment)
>>> - Set password for hacluster user on all nodes
>>> - pcs cluster auth <node 1> <node 2> <node 3> -u hacluster -p blabla
>>> - mkdir /var/run/gluster/shared_storage/nfs-ganesha/
>>> - touch /var/run/gluster/shared_storage/nfs-ganesha/ganesha.conf (not
>>> sure if needed)
>>> - vi /var/run/gluster/shared_storage/nfs-ganesha/ganesha-ha.conf and
>>> insert configuration
>>> - Try list files on other nodes: ls
>>> /var/run/gluster/shared_storage/nfs-ganesha/
>>> - gluster nfs-ganesha enable
>>> - *** systemctl enable pacemaker.service (again, since pacemaker was
>>> disabled at this point)
>>> - *** Check owner of "state", "statd", "sm" and "sm.bak" in
>>> /var/lib/nfs/ (I had to: chown rpcuser:rpcuser
>>> /var/lib/nfs/statd/state)
>>> - Check on other nodes that nfs-ganesha.service is running and "pcs
>>> status" shows started resources
>>> - gluster volume create mynewshare replica 3 transport tcp
>>> node1:/<dir> node2:/<dir> node3:/<dir>
>>> - gluster volume start mynewshare
>>> - gluster vol set mynewshare ganesha.enable on
>>> At this moment, this is status of important (I think) services:
>>> -- corosync.service             disabled
>>> -- corosync-notifyd.service     disabled
>>> -- glusterd.service             enabled
>>> -- glusterfsd.service           disabled
>>> -- pacemaker.service            enabled
>>> -- pcsd.service                 enabled
>>> -- nfs-ganesha.service          disabled
>>> -- nfs-ganesha-config.service   static
>>> -- nfs-ganesha-lock.service     static
>>> -- corosync.service             active (running)
>>> -- corosync-notifyd.service     inactive (dead)
>>> -- glusterd.service             active (running)
>>> -- glusterfsd.service           inactive (dead)
>>> -- pacemaker.service            active (running)
>>> -- pcsd.service                 active (running)
>>> -- nfs-ganesha.service          active (running)
>>> -- nfs-ganesha-config.service   inactive (dead)
>>> -- nfs-ganesha-lock.service     active (running)
>>> May I ask you a few questions please?
>>> 1. Could you please confirm that services above has correct status/state?
>> Looks good to the best of my knowledge.
>>> 2. When I restart a node then nfs-ganesha is not running. Of course I
>>> cannot enable it since it needs to be enabled after shared storage is
>>> mounted. What is best practice to start it automatically so I don’t
>>> have to worry about restarting node? Should I create a script that
>>> will check whether shared storage was mounted and then start
>>> nfs-ganesha? How do you do this in production?
>> That's right.. We have plans to address this in near future (probably by 
>> having a new .service which mounts shared_storage before starting 
>> nfs-ganesha). But until then ..yes having a custom defined script to do so 
>> is the only way to automate it.
> Refer to my previous posting that has a script & systemd service that address 
> this problematic bootstrapping issue w.r.t. locally mounted gluster 
> directories, which the shared directory is.
> That could be used (with my permission) as a basis to help fix this issue…

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