On 11/06/2017 9:23 PM, Atin Mukherjee wrote:
Until and unless server side quorum is not enabled that's not correct. I/O path should be active even though management plane is down. We can still get this done by one node after another with out bringing down all glusterd instances at one go but just wanted to ensure the workaround is safe and clean.

Not quite sure of your wording here but I

 * brought down all glusterd with "systemctl stop
   glusterfs-server.service"  on each node
 * rm /var/lib/glusterd/peers/de673495-8cb2-4328-ba00-0419357c03d7 on
   each node
 * systemctl start glusterfs-server.service"  on each node

Several hundred shards needed to be healed after that, but all done now with no split-brain. And:

   root@vng:~# gluster peer status
   Number of Peers: 2

   Hostname: vnh.proxmox.softlog
   Uuid: 9eb54c33-7f79-4a75-bc2b-67111bf3eae7
   State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

   Hostname: vnb.proxmox.softlog
   Uuid: 43a1bf8c-3e69-4581-8e16-f2e1462cfc36
   State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Which is good. Not in a position to test quorum by rebooting a node right now though :) but I'm going to assume its all good, probably test next weekend.

Thanks for all the help, much appreciated.

Lindsay Mathieson

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