Just found out I needed to set following two parameters:
gluster volume set myvol storage.owner-uid 1000
gluster volume set myvol storage.owner-gid 1000
In case that helps any one else :)

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: set owner:group on root of volume
> Local Time: July 11, 2017 8:15 PM
> UTC Time: July 11, 2017 6:15 PM
> From: m...@protonmail.ch
> To: Gluster Users <gluster-users@gluster.org>
> Hi,
> By default the owner and group of a GlusterFS seems to be root:root now I 
> changed this by first mounting my volume using glusterfs/fuse on a client and 
> did the following
> chmod 1000:1000 /mnt/myglustervolume
> This changed correctly the owner and group to UID/GID 1000 of my volume but 
> like 1-2 hours later it was back to root:root. I tried again and this happens 
> again.
> Am I doing something wrong here? I am using GlusterFS 3.8.11 on Debian 8.
> Regards,
> M.
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