Getting this answer back on the list in case anyone else is trying to share

Thanks for the docs pointer, Tanner.


On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 6:50 PM, Tanner Bruce <>

> You can set a security context on your pod to set the guid as needed:
> This should do what you need
> Tanner
> Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container ...
> <>
> Edit This Page. Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container. A
> security context defines privilege and access control settings for a Pod or
> Container.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* <gluster-users-bounces@
>> on behalf of John Strunk <>
> *Sent:* September 7, 2017 2:28:50 PM
> *To:* Gaurav Chhabra
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Redis db permission issue while running
> GitLab in Kubernetes with Gluster
> I don't think this is a gluster problem...
> Each container is going to have its own notion of user ids, hence the
> mystery uid 1000 in the redis container. I suspect that if you exec into
> the gitlab container, it may be the one running as 1000 (guessing based on
> the file names). If you want to share volumes across containers, you're
> going to have to do something explicitly to make sure each of them (with
> their own uid/gid) can read/write the volume, for example by sharing the
> same gid across all containers.
> I'm going to suggest not sharing the same volume across all 3 containers
> unless they need shared access to the data.
> -John
> On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 12:13 PM, Gaurav Chhabra <>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to setup GitLab, Redis and PostgreSQL containers in
>> Kubernetes using Gluster for persistence. GlusterFS nodes are setup on
>> machines (CentOS) external to Kubernetes cluster (running on RancherOS
>> host). Issue is that when GitLab tries starting up, the login page doesn't
>> load. It's a fresh setup and not something that stopped working now.
>> root@gitlab-2797053212-ph4j8:/var/log/gitlab/gitlab# tail -50 sidekiq.log
>> ...
>> 2017-09-07T11:53:03.099Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR: Error fetching job: ERR Error 
>> running script (call to f_7b91ed9f4cba40689cea7172d1fd3e08b2efd8c9): 
>> @user_script:7: @user_script: 7: -MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB 
>> snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may 
>> modify the data set are disabled. Please check Redis logs for details about 
>> the error.
>> 2017-09-07T11:53:03.100Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR: 
>> /home/git/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/redis-3.3.3/lib/redis/client.rb:121:in
>>  `call'
>> 2017-09-07T11:53:03.100Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR: 
>> /home/git/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/peek-redis-1.2.0/lib/peek/views/redis.rb:9:in
>>  `call'
>> 2017-09-07T11:53:03.100Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR: 
>> /home/git/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/redis-3.3.3/lib/redis.rb:2399:in
>>  `block in _eval'
>> 2017-09-07T11:53:03.100Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR: 
>> /home/git/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/redis-3.3.3/lib/redis.rb:58:in
>>  `block in synchronize'
>> 2017-09-07T11:53:03.100Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR: 
>> /usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/monitor.rb:214:in `mon_synchronize'
>> 2017-09-07T11:53:03.100Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR: 
>> /home/git/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/redis-3.3.3/lib/redis.rb:58:in
>>  `synchronize'
>> ...
>> So i checked for Redis container logs.
>> [root@node-a ~]# docker logs -f 67d44f585705
>> ...
>> ...
>> [1] 07 Sep 14:43:48.140 # Background saving error
>> [1] 07 Sep 14:43:54.048 * 1 changes in 900 seconds. Saving...
>> [1] 07 Sep 14:43:54.048 * Background saving started by pid 2437
>> [2437] 07 Sep 14:43:54.053 # Failed opening .rdb for saving: Permission 
>> denied
>> ...
>> Checked online for this issue and then noticed the following permissions
>> and owner details *inside*of Redis pod:
>> [root@node-a ~]# docker exec -it 67d44f585705 bash
>> groups: cannot find name for group ID 2000
>> root@redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/# ls -ld /var/lib/redis/
>> drwxr-sr-x 12 1000 1000 8192 Sep  7 11:51 /var/lib/redis/
>> root@redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/#
>> root@redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/# ls -l /var/lib/redis/
>> total 22
>> drwxr-sr-x 2  1000  1000     6 Sep  6 10:37 backups
>> drwxr-sr-x 2  1000  1000     6 Sep  6 10:37 builds
>> drwxr-sr-x 2 redis redis     6 Sep  6 10:14 data
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 redis redis 13050 Sep  7 11:51 dump.rdb
>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 redis redis    21 Sep  5 11:00 index.html
>> drwxrws--- 2  1000  1000     6 Sep  6 10:37 repositories
>> drwxr-sr-x 5  1000  1000    55 Sep  6 10:37 shared
>> drwxr-sr-x 2 root  root   8192 Sep  6 10:37 ssh
>> drwxr-sr-x 3 redis redis    70 Sep  7 10:20 tmp
>> drwx--S--- 2  1000  1000     6 Sep  6 10:37 uploads
>> root@redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/#
>> root@redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/# grep 1000 /etc/passwd
>> root@redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/#
>> Ran following and all looked fine.
>> root@redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/# chown redis:redis -R /var/lib/redis/
>> However, when i deleted and ran the GitLab deployment YAML again, the
>> permissions inside the Redis container *again* got skewed up. I am not
>> sure whether Gluster is messing up with the Redis file/folders permissions
>> but i can't think of any other reason
>> ​except for mount​.
>> One thing i would like to highlight is that all the three containers are
>> using the *same* PVC
>> - name: gluster-vol1
>>   persistentVolumeClaim:
>>     claimName: gluster-dyn-pvc
>> Above is common for all three. What differs is shown below:
>> a) postgresql-deployment.yaml
>> volumeMounts:
>> - name: gluster-vol1
>>   mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql
>> b) redisio-deployment.yaml
>> volumeMounts:
>> - name: gluster-vol1
>>   mountPath: /var/lib/redis
>> c) gitlab-deployment.yaml
>> volumeMounts:
>> - name: gluster-vol1
>>   mountPath: /home/git/data
>> Any suggestion? Also, i
>> ​ guess this is not
>> the right way to use the same PVC/Storage Class for all three containers
>> ​ because i just noticed that all contents reside in the same dir inside
>> Gluster nodes.
>> I know there are many things involved besides Gluster so this may not be
>> _the_ right forum but amongst all, my gut feeling is that Gluster might be
>> the reason for the permission issue.
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