
I have a gluster 3.10 volume with a dir with ~1 million small files in
them, say mounted at /mnt/dir with FUSE, and I'm observing something weird:

When I list and stat them all using rsync, then the lstat() calls that
rsync does are incredibly fast (23 microseconds per call on average,
definitely faster than a network roundtrip between my 3-machine bricks
connected via Ethernet).
But when I try to back them up with the `bup` tool
(https://github.com/bup/bup), which (at least according to strace) does
the same syscalls as rsync to stat all files, it takes 1700 microseconds
per lstat() call, and the total time to go over all files is 50x higher.

These are my strace statistics:

rsync strace:

  $ strace -f -w -c rsync -a --dry-run /mnt/dir /tmp/nonexisting

  % time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
  ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
   52.35   69.682773       26617      2618         1 select
   39.60   52.712292        1056     49907           getdents
    8.00   10.655949          11    998102           lstat
    0.02    0.022890          12      1900           read
    0.01    0.017219          21       829           write
    0.01    0.012093          14       868           munmap
    0.01    0.006656          11       606           mmap
    0.00    0.004168        1389         3           readlink
    0.00    0.001796        1796         1           chdir
    0.00    0.001019         510         2           clone
    0.00    0.000841          44        19        13 open

Took ~50 seconds real time to complete.

bup strace (I interrupted it after a while):

  strace: Process 10749 attached
  strace: Process 10750 attached
  Indexing: 25600 (566 paths/s)
  % time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
  ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
   89.55 1140.837325        1700    671016           lstat
    3.92   49.875376         934     53387           getdents
    3.58   45.655985       52238       874           read
    2.14   27.293944         789     34588      5799 open
    0.57    7.266342         141     51384           llistxattr
    0.09    1.090689          42     25692     25692 getxattr
    0.06    0.780977          26     29825      1019 close
    0.05    0.601806          23     25739     25722 ioctl
    0.03    0.373894        1851       202           select
    0.00    0.055953          14      3879           brk

  real    20m52.150s
  user    0m2.608s
  sys     0m11.456s

Note I passed `-c -w` to strace to measure wall time of the syscalls
spend, not system CPU time.


  time strace -f -c -w ls -lU /mnt/dir > /dev/null

shows that ls is as fast as rsync (also in 50 seconds).

(Aside: I've filed the large number of getdents() as
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1478411 but that's not the
core question of this email.)

My volume info:

    # gluster vol info

    Volume Name: myvol
    Type: Replicate
    Volume ID: ...
    Status: Started
    Snapshot Count: 0
    Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3
    Transport-type: tcp
    Options Reconfigured:
    changelog.capture-del-path: on
    changelog.changelog: on
    storage.build-pgfid: on
    nfs.disable: on
    transport.address-family: inet
    client.ssl: on
    server.ssl: on
    storage.linux-aio: on
    performance.io-thread-count: 64
    performance.readdir-ahead: on
    server.event-threads: 32
    client.event-threads: 32
    server.outstanding-rpc-limit: 64
    cluster.lookup-unhashed: auto
    performance.flush-behind: on
    performance.strict-write-ordering: off
    performance.high-prio-threads: 64
    performance.normal-prio-threads: 64
    performance.low-prio-threads: 64
    performance.write-behind-window-size: 10MB
    cluster.ensure-durability: on
    performance.lazy-open: yes
    cluster.use-compound-fops: off
    performance.open-behind: on
    features.cache-invalidation: off
    performance.quick-read: off
    performance.read-ahead: off
    performance.stat-prefetch: off
    changelog.rollover-time: 1
    cluster.self-heal-daemon: enable


What could explain why bup's lstat()s are slow and rsync's lstat()s are

Also, how comes rsync's lstat()s can be faster than a network roundtrip
at all, given that I have all caching disabled (e.g. stat-prefetch: off,
cache-invalidation: off)?

Is there some caching going on? Might bup issue its syscalls in an order
that might destroy this caching, while rsync and ls use a favourable order?

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