Hi, any advice?

El mié., 25 abr. 2018 19:56, Ricky Gutierrez <xserverli...@gmail.com>

> Hi list, I need a little help, I currently have a cluster with vmware
> and 3 nodes, I have a storage (Dell powervault) connected by FC in
> redundancy, and I'm thinking of migrating it to proxmox since the
> maintenance costs are very expensive, but the Doubt is if I can use
> glusterfs with a san connected by FC? , It is advisable? , I add
> another data, that in another site I have another cluster with proxmox
> with another storage connected by FC (Hp eva 6000), and I am also
> considering using glusterfs, the idea is to be able to replicate one
> cluster to another and have a replica, but not If I can do the job
> with glusterfs?
> I wait for your comments!
> --
> rickygm
> http://gnuforever.homelinux.com
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