Could you append something to this file and check whether it gets synced

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:08 AM, Krishna Verma <> wrote:

> Hi Kotresh,
> Did you get a chance to look into this?
> For replicated gluster volume, Still Master is not getting sync with slave.
> At Master :
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# du -sh /repvol/rflowTestInt18.08-b001.t.Z
> 1.2G    /repvol/rflowTestInt18.08-b001.t.Z
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]#
> At Slave:
> [root@gluster-poc-sj ~]# du -sh /repvol/rflowTestInt18.08-b001.t.Z
> du: cannot access ‘/repvol/rflowTestInt18.08-b001.t.Z’: No such file or
> directory
> [root@gluster-poc-sj ~]#
> File not reached at slave.
> /Krishna
> *From:* Krishna Verma
> *Sent:* Monday, September 3, 2018 4:41 PM
> *To:* 'Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar' <>
> *Cc:* Sunny Kumar <>; Gluster Users <
> *Subject:* RE: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> work
> Hi Kotesh:
> Gluster Master Site Servers : gluster-poc-noida and noi-poc-gluster
> Gluster Slave site servers: gluster-poc-sj and gluster-poc-sj2
> Master Client : noi-foreman02
> Slave Client: sj-kverma
> Step1: Create a LVM partition of 10 GB on all 4 Gluster nodes  (2 Master)
> *  (2 slave) and format that in ext4 filesystem and mount that on server.
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]# df -hT /data/gluster-dist
> Filesystem                            Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted
> on
> /dev/mapper/centos-gluster--vol--dist ext4  9.8G  847M  8.4G   9%
> /data/gluster-dist
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]#
> Step 2:  Created a Trusted storage pool as below:
> At Master:
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]# gluster peer status
> Number of Peers: 1
> Hostname: noi-poc-gluster
> Uuid: 01316459-b5c8-461d-ad25-acc17a82e78f
> State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]#
> At Slave:
> [root@gluster-poc-sj ~]# gluster peer status
> Number of Peers: 1
> Hostname: gluster-poc-sj2
> Uuid: 6ba85bfe-cd74-4a76-a623-db687f7136fa
> State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
> [root@gluster-poc-sj ~]#
> Step 3: Created distributed volume as below:
> At Master:  “gluster volume create glusterdist 
> gluster-poc-noida:/data/gluster-dist/distvol
> noi-poc-gluster:/data/gluster-dist/distvol”
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]# gluster volume info glusterdist
> Volume Name: glusterdist
> Type: Distribute
> Volume ID: af5b2915-7170-4b5e-aee8-7e68757b9bf1
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 2
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1: gluster-poc-noida:/data/gluster-dist/distvol
> Brick2: noi-poc-gluster:/data/gluster-dist/distvol
> Options Reconfigured:
> changelog.changelog: on
> geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
> geo-replication.indexing: on
> transport.address-family: inet
> nfs.disable: on
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]#
> At Slave “ gluster volume create glusterdist 
> gluster-poc-sj:/data/gluster-dist/distvol
> gluster-poc-sj2:/data/gluster-dist/distvol”
> Volume Name: glusterdist
> Type: Distribute
> Volume ID: a982da53-a3d7-4b5a-be77-df85f584610d
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 2
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1: gluster-poc-sj:/data/gluster-dist/distvol
> Brick2: gluster-poc-sj2:/data/gluster-dist/distvol
> Options Reconfigured:
> transport.address-family: inet
> nfs.disable: on
> Step 4 : Gluster Geo Replication configuration
> On  all Gluster node: “yum install glusterfs-geo-replication.x86_64”
> On master node where I created session:
> *ssh-keygen*
> *ssh-copy-id root@gluster-poc-sj*
> *cp /root/.ssh/ /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/*
> *scp /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem*
> root@gluster-poc-sj:/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/   *
> *On Slave Node: *
>  *ln -s /usr/libexec/glusterfs/gsyncd
> /nonexistent/gsyncd                                                       *
>  On Master Node:
> gluster volume geo-replication glusterdist gluster-poc-sj::glusterdist
> create push-pem force
> gluster volume geo-replication glusterdist gluster-poc-sj::glusterdist
> start
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]# gluster volume geo-replication
> glusterdist gluster-poc-sj::glusterdist status
> MASTER NODE          MASTER VOL     MASTER BRICK                  SLAVE
> USER    SLAVE                          SLAVE NODE         STATUS    CRAWL
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> gluster-poc-noida    glusterdist    /data/gluster-dist/distvol
> root          gluster-poc-sj::glusterdist    gluster-poc-sj     Active
> Changelog Crawl    2018-08-31 13:12:58
> noi-poc-gluster      glusterdist    /data/gluster-dist/distvol
> root          gluster-poc-sj::glusterdist    gluster-poc-sj2    Active
> History Crawl      N/A
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]#
> On Gluster Client Node at master Site:
> yum install -y glusterfs-client
> mkdir /distvol
> mount -t glusterfs gluster-poc-noida:/glusterdist /distvol
> [root@noi-foreman02 ~]# df -hT /distvol
> Filesystem                     Type            Size  Used Avail Use%
> Mounted on
> gluster-poc-noida:/glusterdist fuse.glusterfs   20G  9.6G  9.1G  52%
> /distvol
> [root@noi-foreman02 ~]#
> On Gluster Client at Slave site:
> yum install -y glusterfs-client
> mkdir /distvol
> mount -t glusterfs gluster-poc-sj:/glusterdist /distvol
> Now To Test the Geo Replication Setup:
> I have copied below file from client at Master site:
> [root@noi-foreman02 distvol]# du -sh 17.10.v001.20171023-201021_
> 17020_GPLV3.tar.gz
> 5.8G    17.10.v001.20171023-201021_17020_GPLV3.tar.gz
> [root@noi-foreman02 distvol]#
> But from last three days it synced to the slave only 5.4GB
> [root@sj-kverma distvol]# du -sh 17.10.v001.20171023-201021_
> 17020_GPLV3.tar.gz
> 5.4G    17.10.v001.20171023-201021_17020_GPLV3.tar.gz
> [root@sj-kverma distvol]#
> I have also tested a another file of size 1 GB only copied from master
> client and that is still shows 0 size at slave client after 3 days.
> /Krishna
> *From:* Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <>
> *Sent:* Monday, September 3, 2018 3:17 PM
> *To:* Krishna Verma <>
> *Cc:* Sunny Kumar <>; Gluster Users <
> *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> work
> Hi krishna,
> I see no error in the shared logs. The only errro messages I see are
> during geo-rep stop. That is expected.
> Could you share the steps you used to created geo-rep setup?
> Thanks,
> Kotresh HR
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 1:02 PM, Krishna Verma <> wrote:
> Hi Kotesh,
> Below is the cat output of gsyncd.log file generating on my master server.
> And I am using 4.1.3 version only all my gluster nodes.
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]# gluster --version | grep glusterfs
> glusterfs 4.1.3
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]# cat /var/log/glusterfs/geo-
> replication/glusterdist_gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.log
> [2018-09-03 04:01:52.424609] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 04:01:52.526323] I [gsyncd(status):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file       path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-
> replication/glusterdist_gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 06:55:41.326411] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 06:55:49.676120] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 06:55:50.406042] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 06:56:52.847537] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 06:57:03.778448] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 06:57:25.86958] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file    path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 06:57:25.855273] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 06:58:09.294239] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 06:59:39.255487] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 06:59:39.355753] I [gsyncd(status):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file       path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-
> replication/glusterdist_gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:00:26.311767] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:03:29.205226] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:03:30.131258] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:10:34.679677] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:10:35.653928] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:26:24.438854] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:26:25.495117] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:26.159113] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:26.216475] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:26.932451] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:26.988286] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:26.992789] E [syncdutils(worker
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):305:log_raise_exception] <top>: connection to
> peer is broken
> [2018-09-03 07:27:26.994750] E [syncdutils(worker
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):801:errlog] Popen: command returned error
> cmd=ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i
> /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem -p 22 -oControlMaster=auto
> -S /tmp/gsyncd-aux-ssh-X8iHv1/86bcbaf188167a3859c3267081671312.sock
> gluster-poc-sj /nonexistent/gsyncd slave glusterdist
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterdist --master-node gluster-poc-noida
> --master-node-id 098c16c6-8dff-490a-a2e8-c8cb328fcbb3 --master-brick
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol --local-node gluster-poc-sj --local-node-id
> e54f2759-4c56-40dd-89e1-e10c3037d48b --slave-timeout 120
> --slave-log-level INFO --slave-gluster-log-level INFO
> --slave-gluster-command-dir /usr/local/sbin/       error=255
> [2018-09-03 07:27:26.994971] E [syncdutils(worker
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):805:logerr] Popen: ssh> Killed by signal 15.
> [2018-09-03 07:27:27.7174] I [repce(agent 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):80:service_loop]
> RepceServer: terminating on reaching EOF.
> [2018-09-03 07:27:27.15156] I [gsyncdstatus(monitor):244:set_worker_status]
> GeorepStatus: Worker Status Change  status=Faulty
> [2018-09-03 07:27:28.52725] I [gsyncd(monitor-status):297:main] <top>:
> Using session config file        path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-
> replication/glusterdist_gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:28.64521] I 
> [subcmds(monitor-status):19:subcmd_monitor_status]
> <top>: Monitor Status Change   status=Stopped
> [2018-09-03 07:27:35.345937] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:35.444247] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:36.181122] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:36.281459] I [gsyncd(monitor):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file      path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-
> replication/glusterdist_gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:39.782480] I [gsyncdstatus(monitor):244:set_worker_status]
> GeorepStatus: Worker Status Change status=Initializing...
> [2018-09-03 07:27:40.321157] I [monitor(monitor):158:monitor] Monitor:
> starting gsyncd worker   brick=/data/gluster-dist/distvol
> slave_node=gluster-poc-sj
> [2018-09-03 07:27:40.376172] I [gsyncd(agent 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):297:main]
> <top>: Using session config file     path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-
> replication/glusterdist_gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:40.377144] I [changelogagent(agent
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):72:__init__] ChangelogAgent: Agent
> listining...
> [2018-09-03 07:27:40.378150] I [gsyncd(worker 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):297:main]
> <top>: Using session config file    path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-
> replication/glusterdist_gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:40.391185] I [resource(worker
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1377:connect_remote] SSH: Initializing SSH
> connection between master and slave...
> [2018-09-03 07:27:43.752819] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:43.848619] I [gsyncd(status):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file       path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-
> replication/glusterdist_gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:45.365627] I [resource(worker
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1424:connect_remote] SSH: SSH connection
> between master and slave established.       duration=4.9743
> [2018-09-03 07:27:45.365866] I [resource(worker
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1096:connect] GLUSTER: Mounting gluster
> volume locally...
> [2018-09-03 07:27:46.388974] I [resource(worker
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1119:connect] GLUSTER: Mounted gluster
> volume       duration=1.0230
> [2018-09-03 07:27:46.389206] I [subcmds(worker 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):70:subcmd_worker]
> <top>: Worker spawn successful. Acknowledging back to monitor
> [2018-09-03 07:27:48.401196] I [master(worker 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1593:register]
> _GMaster: Working dir  path=/var/lib/misc/gluster/
> gsyncd/glusterdist_gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/data-gluster-dist-distvol
> [2018-09-03 07:27:48.401477] I [resource(worker
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1282:service_loop] GLUSTER: Register time
> time=1535959668
> [2018-09-03 07:27:49.176095] I [gsyncdstatus(worker
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):277:set_active] GeorepStatus: Worker Status
> Change      status=Active
> [2018-09-03 07:27:49.177079] I [gsyncdstatus(worker
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):249:set_worker_crawl_status] GeorepStatus:
> Crawl Status Change  status=History Crawl
> [2018-09-03 07:27:49.177339] I [master(worker 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1507:crawl]
> _GMaster: starting history crawl  turns=1 stime=(1535701378, 0)
> entry_stime=(1535701378, 0)     etime=1535959669
> [2018-09-03 07:27:50.179210] I [master(worker 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1536:crawl]
> _GMaster: slave's time    stime=(1535701378, 0)
> [2018-09-03 07:27:51.300096] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:51.399027] I [gsyncd(status):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file       path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-
> replication/glusterdist_gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:27:52.510271] I [master(worker 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1944:syncjob]
> Syncer: Sync Time Taken duration=1.6146 num_files=1     job=2
> return_code=0
> [2018-09-03 07:27:52.514487] I [master(worker 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1374:process]
> _GMaster: Entry Time Taken      MKD=0   MKN=0   LIN=0   SYM=0    REN=1
> RMD=0   CRE=0   duration=0.2745 UNL=0
> [2018-09-03 07:27:52.514615] I [master(worker 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1384:process]
> _GMaster: Data/Metadata Time Taken      SETA=1  SETX=0
> meta_duration=0.2691     data_duration=1.7883    DATA=1  XATT=0
> [2018-09-03 07:27:52.514844] I [master(worker 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1394:process]
> _GMaster: Batch Completed       
> changelog_end=1535701379entry_stime=(1535701378,
> 0)      changelog_start=1535701379      stime=(1535701378, 0)
> duration=2.3353 num_changelogs=1        mode=history_changelog
> [2018-09-03 07:27:52.515224] I [master(worker 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1552:crawl]
> _GMaster: finished history crawl  endtime=1535959662
> stime=(1535701378, 0)    entry_stime=(1535701378, 0)
> [2018-09-03 07:28:01.706876] I [gsyncd(config-get):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file   path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glusterdist_
> gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:28:01.803858] I [gsyncd(status):297:main] <top>: Using
> session config file       path=/var/lib/glusterd/geo-
> replication/glusterdist_gluster-poc-sj_glusterdist/gsyncd.conf
> [2018-09-03 07:28:03.521949] I [master(worker 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1507:crawl]
> _GMaster: starting history crawl  turns=2 stime=(1535701378, 0)
> entry_stime=(1535701378, 0)     etime=1535959683
> [2018-09-03 07:28:03.523086] I [master(worker 
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):1552:crawl]
> _GMaster: finished history crawl  endtime=1535959677
> stime=(1535701378, 0)    entry_stime=(1535701378, 0)
> [2018-09-03 07:28:04.62274] I [gsyncdstatus(worker
> /data/gluster-dist/distvol):249:set_worker_crawl_status] GeorepStatus:
> Crawl Status Change   status=Changelog Crawl
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]#
> *From:* Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <>
> *Sent:* Monday, September 3, 2018 12:44 PM
> *To:* Krishna Verma <>
> *Cc:* Sunny Kumar <>; Gluster Users <
> *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> work
> Hi Krishna,
> The log is not complete. If you are re-trying, could you please try it out
> on 4.1.3 and share the logs.
> Thanks,
> Kotresh HR
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 12:42 PM, Krishna Verma <> wrote:
> Hi Kotresh,
> Please find the log files attached.
> Request you to please have a look.
> /Krishna
> *From:* Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <>
> *Sent:* Monday, September 3, 2018 10:19 AM
> *To:* Krishna Verma <>
> *Cc:* Sunny Kumar <>; Gluster Users <
> *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> work
> Hi Krishna,
> Indexing is the feature used by Hybrid crawl which only makes crawl
> faster. It has nothing to do with missing data sync.
> Could you please share the complete log file of the session where the
> issue is encountered ?
> Thanks,
> Kotresh HR
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 9:33 AM, Krishna Verma <> wrote:
> Hi Kotresh/Support,
> Request your help to get it fix. My slave is not getting sync with master.
> When I restart the session after doing the indexing off then only it shows
> the file at slave but that is also blank with zero size.
> At master: file size is 5.8 GB.
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]# du -sh 17.10.v001.20171023-201021_
> 17020_GPLV3.tar.gz
> 5.8G    17.10.v001.20171023-201021_17020_GPLV3.tar.gz
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]#
> But at slave, after doing the “indexing off” and restart the session and
> then wait for 2 days. It shows only 4.9 GB copied.
> [root@gluster-poc-sj distvol]# du -sh 17.10.v001.20171023-201021_
> 17020_GPLV3.tar.gz
> 4.9G    17.10.v001.20171023-201021_17020_GPLV3.tar.gz
> [root@gluster-poc-sj distvol]#
> Similarly, I tested for small file of size 1.2 GB only that is still
> showing “0” size at slave  after days waiting time.
> At Master:
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]# du -sh rflowTestInt18.08-b001.t.Z
> 1.2G    rflowTestInt18.08-b001.t.Z
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]#
> At Slave:
> [root@gluster-poc-sj distvol]# du -sh rflowTestInt18.08-b001.t.Z
> 0       rflowTestInt18.08-b001.t.Z
> [root@gluster-poc-sj distvol]#
> Below is my distributed volume info :
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]# gluster volume info glusterdist
> Volume Name: glusterdist
> Type: Distribute
> Volume ID: af5b2915-7170-4b5e-aee8-7e68757b9bf1
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 2
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1: gluster-poc-noida:/data/gluster-dist/distvol
> Brick2: noi-poc-gluster:/data/gluster-dist/distvol
> Options Reconfigured:
> changelog.changelog: on
> geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
> geo-replication.indexing: on
> transport.address-family: inet
> nfs.disable: on
> [root@gluster-poc-noida distvol]#
> Please help to fix, I believe its not a normal behavior of gluster rsync.
> /Krishna
> *From:* Krishna Verma
> *Sent:* Friday, August 31, 2018 12:42 PM
> *To:* 'Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar' <>
> *Cc:* Sunny Kumar <>; Gluster Users <
> *Subject:* RE: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> work
> Hi Kotresh,
> I have tested the geo replication over distributed volumes with 2*2
> gluster setup.
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# gluster volume geo-replication glusterdist
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterdist status
> MASTER NODE          MASTER VOL     MASTER BRICK                  SLAVE
> USER    SLAVE                          SLAVE NODE         STATUS    CRAWL
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> gluster-poc-noida    glusterdist    /data/gluster-dist/distvol
> root          gluster-poc-sj::glusterdist    gluster-poc-sj     Active
> Changelog Crawl    2018-08-31 10:28:19
> noi-poc-gluster      glusterdist    /data/gluster-dist/distvol
> root          gluster-poc-sj::glusterdist    gluster-poc-sj2    Active
> History Crawl      N/A
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]#
> Not at client I copied a 848MB file from local disk to master mounted
> volume and it took only 1 minute and 15 seconds. Its great….
> But even after waited for 2 hrs I was unable to see that file at slave
> site. Then I again erased the indexing by doing “gluster volume set
> glusterdist  indexing off” and restart the session. Magically I received
> the file instantly at slave after doing this.
> Why I need to do “indexing off” every time to reflect data at slave site?
> Is there any fix/workaround of it?
> /Krishna
> *From:* Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <>
> *Sent:* Friday, August 31, 2018 10:10 AM
> *To:* Krishna Verma <>
> *Cc:* Sunny Kumar <>; Gluster Users <
> *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> work
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 3:51 PM, Krishna Verma <> wrote:
> Hi Kotresh,
> Yes, this include the time take  to write 1GB file to master. geo-rep was
> not stopped while the data was copying to master.
> This way, you can't really measure how much time geo-rep took.
> But now I am trouble, My putty session was timed out while copying data to
> master and geo replication was active. After I restart putty session My
> Master data is not syncing with slave. Its Last_synced time is  1hrs behind
> the current time.
> I restart the geo rep and also delete and again create the session but its
>  “LAST_SYNCED” time is same.
> Unless, geo-rep is Faulty, it would be processing/syncing. You should
> check logs for any errors.
> Please help in this.
> …. It's better if gluster volume has more distribute count like  3*3 or
> 4*3 :- Are you refereeing to create a distributed volume with 3 master
> node and 3 slave node?
> Yes,  that's correct. Please do the test with this. I recommend you to run
> the actual workload for which you are planning to use gluster instead of
> copying 1GB file and testing.
> /krishna
> *From:* Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 30, 2018 3:20 PM
> *To:* Krishna Verma <>
> *Cc:* Sunny Kumar <>; Gluster Users <
> *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> work
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 1:52 PM, Krishna Verma <> wrote:
> Hi Kotresh,
> After fix the library link on node "noi-poc-gluster ", the status of one
> mater node is “Active” and another is “Passive”. Can I setup both the
> master as “Active” ?
> Nope, since it's replica, it's redundant to sync same files from two
> nodes. Both replicas can't be Active.
> Also, when I copy a 1GB size of file from gluster client to master gluster
> volume which is replicated with the slave volume, it tooks 35 minutes and
> 49 seconds. Is there any way to reduce its time taken to rsync data.
> How did you measure this time? Does this include the time take for you to
> write 1GB file to master?
> There are two aspects to consider while measuring this.
> 1. Time to write 1GB to master
> 2. Time for geo-rep to transfer 1GB to slave.
> In your case, since the setup is 1*2 and only one geo-rep worker is
> Active, Step2 above equals to time for step1 + network transfer time.
> You can measure time in two scenarios
> 1. If geo-rep is started while the data is still being written to master.
> It's one way.
> 2. Or stop geo-rep until the 1GB file is written to master and then start
> geo-rep to get actual geo-rep time.
> To improve replicating speed,
> 1. You can play around with rsync options depending on the kind of I/O
>     and configure the same for geo-rep as it also uses rsync internally.
> 2. It's better if gluster volume has more distribute count like  3*3 or 4*3
>     It will help in two ways.
>        1. The files gets distributed on master to multiple bricks
>        2. So above will help geo-rep as files on multiple bricks are
> synced in parallel (multiple Actives)
> NOTE: Gluster master server and one client is in Noida, India Location.
>              Gluster Slave server and one client is in USA.
> Our approach is to transfer data from Noida gluster client will reach to
> the USA gluster client in a minimum time. Please suggest the best approach
> to achieve it.
> [root@noi-dcops ~]# date ; rsync -avh --progress /tmp/gentoo_root.img
> /glusterfs/ ; date
> Thu Aug 30 12:26:26 IST 2018
> sending incremental file list
> gentoo_root.img
>           1.07G 100%  490.70kB/s    0:35:36 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
> Is this I/O time to write to master volume?
> sent 1.07G bytes  received 35 bytes  499.65K bytes/sec
> total size is 1.07G  speedup is 1.00
> Thu Aug 30 13:02:15 IST 2018
> [root@noi-dcops ~]#
> [root@gluster-poc-noida gluster]#  gluster volume geo-replication status
> SLAVE                              SLAVE NODE        STATUS     CRAWL
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------
> gluster-poc-noida    glusterep     /data/gluster/gv0    root
> ssh://gluster-poc-sj::glusterep    gluster-poc-sj    Active     Changelog
> Crawl    2018-08-30 13:42:18
> noi-poc-gluster      glusterep     /data/gluster/gv0    root
> ssh://gluster-poc-sj::glusterep    gluster-poc-sj    Passive
> N/A                N/A
> [root@gluster-poc-noida gluster]#
> Thanks in advance for your all time support.
> /Krishna
> *From:* Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 30, 2018 10:51 AM
> *To:* Krishna Verma <>
> *Cc:* Sunny Kumar <>; Gluster Users <
> *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> work
> Did you fix the library link on node "noi-poc-gluster " as well?
> If not please fix it. Please share the geo-rep log this node if it's
> as different issue.
> -Kotresh HR
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 12:17 AM, Krishna Verma <>
> wrote:
> Hi Kotresh,
> Thank you so much for you input. Geo-replication is now showing “Active”
> atleast for 1 master node. But its still at faulty state for the 2nd
> master server.
> Below is the detail.
> [root@gluster-poc-noida glusterfs]# gluster volume geo-replication
> glusterep gluster-poc-sj::glusterep status
> SLAVE                        SLAVE NODE        STATUS    CRAWL STATUS
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------
> gluster-poc-noida    glusterep     /data/gluster/gv0    root
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep    gluster-poc-sj    Active    Changelog Crawl
> 2018-08-29 23:56:06
> noi-poc-gluster      glusterep     /data/gluster/gv0    root
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep    N/A               Faulty    N/A
> N/A
> [root@gluster-poc-noida glusterfs]# gluster volume status
> Status of volume: glusterep
> Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online
> Pid
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> Brick gluster-poc-noida:/data/gluster/gv0   49152     0          Y
> 22463
> Brick noi-poc-gluster:/data/gluster/gv0     49152     0          Y
> 19471
> Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        Y
> 32087
> Self-heal Daemon on noi-poc-gluster         N/A       N/A        Y
> 6272
> Task Status of Volume glusterep
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> There are no active volume tasks
> [root@gluster-poc-noida glusterfs]# gluster volume info
> Volume Name: glusterep
> Type: Replicate
> Volume ID: 4a71bc94-14ce-4b2c-abc4-e6a9a9765161
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1: gluster-poc-noida:/data/gluster/gv0
> Brick2: noi-poc-gluster:/data/gluster/gv0
> Options Reconfigured:
> transport.address-family: inet
> nfs.disable: on
> performance.client-io-threads: off
> geo-replication.indexing: on
> geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
> changelog.changelog: on
> [root@gluster-poc-noida glusterfs]#
> Could you please help me in that also please?
> It would be really a great help from your side.
> /Krishna
> *From:* Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 29, 2018 10:47 AM
> *To:* Krishna Verma <>
> *Cc:* Sunny Kumar <>; Gluster Users <
> *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> work
> Answer inline
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 4:28 PM, Krishna Verma <> wrote:
> Hi Kotresh,
> I created the links before. Below is the detail.
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# ls -l /usr/lib64 | grep libgfch
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root          30 Aug 28 14:59 ->
> /usr/lib64/
> The link created is pointing to wrong library. Please fix this
> #cd /usr/lib64
> #rm
> #ln -s ""
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root          23 Aug 23 23:35 ->
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root       63384 Jul 24 19:11
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# locate
> /usr/lib64/
> /usr/lib64/
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]#
> Is it looks good what we exactly need or di I need to create any more link
> or How to get “” file if missing.
> /Krishna
> *From:* Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 28, 2018 4:22 PM
> *To:* Krishna Verma <>
> *Cc:* Sunny Kumar <>; Gluster Users <
> *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> work
> Hi Krishna,
> As per the output shared, I don't see the file "" which
> is what is required.
> I only see "". Please confirm "" is
> present in "/usr/lib64/".
> If not create a symlink similar to ""
> It should be something like below.
> #ls -l /usr/lib64 | grep libgfch
> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root    1078 Aug 28 05:56
> <>
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root      23 Aug 28 05:56 ->
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root      23 Aug 28 05:56 ->
> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root  336888 Aug 28 05:56
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 4:04 PM, Krishna Verma <> wrote:
> Hi Kotresh,
> Thanks for the response, I did that also but nothing changed.
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# ldconfig /usr/lib64
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# ldconfig -p | grep libgfchangelog
> (libc6,x86-64) =>
> /usr/lib64/
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]#
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# gluster volume geo-replication glusterep
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep stop
> Stopping geo-replication session between glusterep &
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep has been successful
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# gluster volume geo-replication glusterep
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep start
> Starting geo-replication session between glusterep &
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep has been successful
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# gluster volume geo-replication glusterep
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep status
> SLAVE                        SLAVE NODE    STATUS    CRAWL STATUS
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------
> gluster-poc-noida    glusterep     /data/gluster/gv0    root
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep    N/A           Faulty    N/A             N/A
> noi-poc-gluster      glusterep     /data/gluster/gv0    root
>        gluster-poc-sj::glusterep    N/A           Faulty
> N/A             N/A
> [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]#
> /Krishna
> *From:* Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 28, 2018 4:00 PM
> *To:* Sunny Kumar <>
> *Cc:* Krishna Verma <>; Gluster Users <
> *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> work
> Hi Krishna,
> Since your libraries are in /usr/lib64, you should be doing
> #ldconfig /usr/lib64
> Confirm that below command lists the library
> #ldconfig -p | grep libgfchangelog
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 3:52 PM, Sunny Kumar <> wrote:
> can you do ldconfig /usr/local/lib and share the output of ldconfig -p
> /usr/local/lib | grep libgf
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 3:45 PM Krishna Verma <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Sunny,
> >
> > I did the mentioned changes given in patch and restart the session for
> geo-replication. But again same errors in the logs.
> >
> > I have attaching the config files and logs here.
> >
> >
> > [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# gluster volume geo-replication glusterep
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep stop
> > Stopping geo-replication session between glusterep &
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep has been successful
> > [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# gluster volume geo-replication glusterep
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep delete
> > Deleting geo-replication session between glusterep &
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep has been successful
> > [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# gluster volume geo-replication glusterep
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep create push-pem force
> > Creating geo-replication session between glusterep &
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep has been successful
> > [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# gluster volume geo-replication glusterep
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep start
> > geo-replication start failed for glusterep gluster-poc-sj::glusterep
> > geo-replication command failed
> > [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# gluster volume geo-replication glusterep
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep start
> > geo-replication start failed for glusterep gluster-poc-sj::glusterep
> > geo-replication command failed
> > [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# vim /usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/
> syncdaemon/
> > [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# systemctl restart glusterd
> > [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# gluster volume geo-replication glusterep
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep start
> > Starting geo-replication session between glusterep &
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep has been successful
> > [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]# gluster volume geo-replication glusterep
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep status
> >
> SLAVE                        SLAVE NODE    STATUS    CRAWL STATUS
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------
> > gluster-poc-noida    glusterep     /data/gluster/gv0    root
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep    N/A           Faulty    N/A             N/A
> > noi-poc-gluster      glusterep     /data/gluster/gv0    root
> gluster-poc-sj::glusterep    N/A           Faulty    N/A             N/A
> > [root@gluster-poc-noida ~]#
> >
> >
> > /Krishna.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Sunny Kumar <>
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 3:17 PM
> > To: Krishna Verma <>
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> work
> >
> >
> >
> > With same log message ?
> >
> > Can you please verify that
> >
> gluster.org_-23_c_glusterfs_-2B_20207_&d=DwIBaQ&c=
> aUq983L2pue2FqKFoP6PGHMJQyoJ7kl3s3GZ-_haXqY&r=0E5nRoxLsT2ZXgCpJM_
> 6ZItAWQ2jH8rVLG6tiXhoLFE&m=F0ExtFUfa_YCktOGvy82x3IAxvi2GrbPR72jZ8beuYk&s=
> fGtkmezHJj5YoLN3dUeVUCcYFnREHyOSk36mRjbTTEQ&e= patch is present if not
> can you please apply that.
> > and try with symlinking ln -s /usr/lib64/
> /usr/lib64/
> >
> > Please share the log also.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Sunny
> > On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 3:02 PM Krishna Verma <>
> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Sunny,
> > >
> > > Thanks for your response, I tried both, but still I am getting the
> same error.
> > >
> > >
> > > [root@noi-poc-gluster ~]# ldconfig /usr/lib [root@noi-poc-gluster ~]#
> > >
> > > [root@noi-poc-gluster ~]# ln -s /usr/lib64/
> > > /usr/lib64/ [root@noi-poc-gluster ~]# ls -l
> > > /usr/lib64/ lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 30 Aug 28 14:59
> > > /usr/lib64/ -> /usr/lib64/
> > >
> > > /Krishna
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Sunny Kumar <>
> > > Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 2:55 PM
> > > To: Krishna Verma <>
> > > Cc:
> > > Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Upgrade to 4.1.2 geo-replication does not
> > > work
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi Krish,
> > >
> > > You can run -
> > > #ldconfig /usr/lib
> > >
> > > If that still does not solves your problem you can do manual symlink
> > > like - ln -s /usr/lib64/
> > > /usr/lib64/
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Sunny Kumar
> > > On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 1:47 PM Krishna Verma <>
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I am getting below error in gsyncd.log
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such
> > > > file or directory
> > > >
> > > > [2018-08-28 07:19:41.446785] E [repce(worker
> /data/gluster/gv0):197:__call__] RepceClient: call failed
>  call=26469:139794524604224:1535440781.44        method=init
>  error=OSError
> > > >
> > > > [2018-08-28 07:19:41.447041] E [syncdutils(worker
> /data/gluster/gv0):330:log_raise_exception] <top>: FAIL:
> > > >
> > > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > > >
> > > >   File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/", line
> > > > 311, in main
> > > >
> > > >     func(args)
> > > >
> > > >   File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/", line
> > > > 72, in subcmd_worker
> > > >
> > > >     local.service_loop(remote)
> > > >
> > > >   File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/", line
> > > > 1236, in service_loop
> > > >
> > > >     changelog_agent.init()
> > > >
> > > >   File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/", line
> > > > 216, in __call__
> > > >
> > > >     return self.ins(self.meth, *a)
> > > >
> > > >   File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/", line
> > > > 198, in __call__
> > > >
> > > >     raise res
> > > >
> > > > OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such
> > > > file or directory
> > > >
> > > > [2018-08-28 07:19:41.457555] I [repce(agent
> /data/gluster/gv0):80:service_loop] RepceServer: terminating on reaching
> EOF.
> > > >
> > > > [2018-08-28 07:19:42.440184] I [monitor(monitor):272:monitor]
> Monitor:
> > > > worker died in startup phase  brick=/data/gluster/gv0
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Below is my file location:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > /usr/lib64/
> > > >
> > > > /usr/lib64/
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > What I can do to fix it ?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > /Krish
> > > >
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> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kotresh H R
> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kotresh H R
> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kotresh H R
> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kotresh H R
> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kotresh H R
> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kotresh H R
> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kotresh H R
> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kotresh H R
> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kotresh H R

Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Gluster-users mailing list

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