+ gluster-users

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sachidananda URS <s...@redhat.com>
Date: Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 7:52 PM
Subject: gluster-ansible: Upstream release and current status
To: Gluster Devel <gluster-de...@gluster.org>


There is has been some activity in gluster-ansible project.

This week we built upstream packages[1] for:
* gluster-ansible-features
* gluster-ansible-infra
* gluster-ansible


- gluster-ansible-infra documentation was grossly out-of-date
   * We did a overhaul of the documentation and fixed obvious bugs
   * Removed examples/ and added playbooks/ directory with upto date
working playbooks

- Thanks to Sheersha and Nigel, we added our initial tests
- Reworked our end-to-end hyperconverged installation examples and cleanup
- Fixed a very nasty bug where mkfs was skipped when only thick volumes
were created.
- More improvements in hyperconverged deployments, fixed a bunch of bugs.

Call for help:
gluster-ansible is far from feature complete but it is in usable state for
deploying GlusterFS clusters.

* Patches and documentation are always welcome.
* Request to use gluster-ansible for deployments and report bugs,
  feature requests, patches ...


[1] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/sac/gluster-ansible/builds/
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