On Thu, 27 Jun 2019 22:57:40 +0200
richard lucassen <mailingli...@lucassen.org> wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Jun 2019 13:06:48 +0300
> Strahil <hunter86...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I forgot to ask what kind of storage do you have on your gluster
> > machines. Is it rotational SATA, SAS or NVMe ?
> I'm a bit busy now, I'll have a look at all your suggestions when I
> have some time. Hope I'll have some time during the weekend.
> BTW, it is all hardware raid1 with 3.4GB SSD's. The server is a
> beast, a Dell R630

I'll come back to the issue, I'm too busy at the moment.


richard lucassen
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