On Sat, 31 Aug 2019 at 22:59, Herb Burnswell <herbert.burnsw...@gmail.com>

> Thank you for the reply.
> I started a rebalance with force on serverA as suggested.  Now I see
> 'activity' on that node:
> # gluster vol rebalance tank status
>                                     Node Rebalanced-files          size
>     scanned      failures       skipped               status  run time in
> h:m:s
>                                ---------      -----------   -----------
> -----------   -----------   -----------         ------------
> --------------
>                                localhost             6143         6.1GB
>        9542             0             0          in progress        0:4:5
>                                serverB                  0        0Bytes
>           7             0             0          in progress        0:4:5
> volume rebalance: tank: success
> But I am not seeing any activity on serverB.  Is this expected?  Does the
> rebalance need to run on each node even though it says both nodes are 'in
> progress'?
It looks like this is a replicate volume. If that is the case then yes, you
are running an old version of Gluster for which this was the default


> HB
> On Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 4:18 AM Strahil <hunter86...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> The rebalance status show 0 Bytes.
>> Maybe you should try with the 'gluster volume rebalance <VOLNAME> start
>> force' ?
>> Best Regards,
>> Strahil Nikolov
>> Source:
>> https://docs.gluster.org/en/latest/Administrator%20Guide/Managing%20Volumes/#rebalancing-volumes
>> On Aug 30, 2019 20:04, Herb Burnswell <herbert.burnsw...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> All,
>> RHEL 7.5
>> Gluster 3.8.15
>> 2 Nodes: serverA & serverB
>> I am not deeply knowledgeable about Gluster and it's administration but
>> we have a 2 node cluster that's been running for about a year and a half.
>> All has worked fine to date.  Our main volume has consisted of two 60TB
>> bricks on each of the cluster nodes.  As we reached capacity on the volume
>> we needed to expand.  So, we've added four new 60TB bricks to each of the
>> cluster nodes.  The bricks are now seen, and the total size of the volume
>> is as expected:
>> # gluster vol status tank
>> Status of volume: tank
>> Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online
>>  Pid
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Brick serverA:/gluster_bricks/data1       49162     0          Y
>> 20318
>> Brick serverB:/gluster_bricks/data1       49166     0          Y
>> 3432
>> Brick serverA:/gluster_bricks/data2       49163     0          Y
>> 20323
>> Brick serverB:/gluster_bricks/data2       49167     0          Y
>> 3435
>> Brick serverA:/gluster_bricks/data3       49164     0          Y
>> 4625
>> Brick serverA:/gluster_bricks/data4       49165     0          Y
>> 4644
>> Brick serverA:/gluster_bricks/data5       49166     0          Y
>> 5088
>> Brick serverA:/gluster_bricks/data6       49167     0          Y
>> 5128
>> Brick serverB:/gluster_bricks/data3       49168     0          Y
>> 22314
>> Brick serverB:/gluster_bricks/data4       49169     0          Y
>> 22345
>> Brick serverB:/gluster_bricks/data5       49170     0          Y
>> 22889
>> Brick serverB:/gluster_bricks/data6       49171     0          Y
>> 22932
>> Self-heal Daemon on localhost             N/A       N/A        Y
>> 22981
>> Self-heal Daemon on serverA.example.com   N/A       N/A        Y
>> 6202
>> After adding the bricks we ran a rebalance from serverA as:
>> # gluster volume rebalance tank start
>> The rebalance completed:
>> # gluster volume rebalance tank status
>>                                     Node Rebalanced-files          size
>>     scanned      failures       skipped               status  run time in
>> h:m:s
>>                                ---------      -----------   -----------
>> -----------   -----------   -----------         ------------
>> --------------
>>                                localhost                0        0Bytes
>>           0             0             0            completed        3:7:10
>>                              serverA.example.com        0        0Bytes
>>             0             0             0            completed        0:0:0
>> volume rebalance: tank: success
>> However, when I run a df, the two original bricks still show all of the
>> consumed space (this is the same on both nodes):
>> # df -hP
>> Filesystem                               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-root                     5.0G  625M  4.4G  13% /
>> devtmpfs                                  32G     0   32G   0% /dev
>> tmpfs                                     32G     0   32G   0% /dev/shm
>> tmpfs                                     32G   67M   32G   1% /run
>> tmpfs                                     32G     0   32G   0%
>> /sys/fs/cgroup
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-usr                       20G  3.6G   17G  18% /usr
>> /dev/md126                              1014M  228M  787M  23% /boot
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-home                     5.0G   37M  5.0G   1% /home
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-opt                      5.0G   37M  5.0G   1% /opt
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-tmp                      5.0G   33M  5.0G   1% /tmp
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-var                       20G  2.6G   18G  13% /var
>> /dev/mapper/gluster_vg-gluster_lv1_data   60T   59T  1.1T  99%
>> /gluster_bricks/data1
>> /dev/mapper/gluster_vg-gluster_lv2_data   60T   58T  1.3T  98%
>> /gluster_bricks/data2
>> /dev/mapper/gluster_vg-gluster_lv3_data   60T  451M   60T   1%
>> /gluster_bricks/data3
>> /dev/mapper/gluster_vg-gluster_lv4_data   60T  451M   60T   1%
>> /gluster_bricks/data4
>> /dev/mapper/gluster_vg-gluster_lv5_data   60T  451M   60T   1%
>> /gluster_bricks/data5
>> /dev/mapper/gluster_vg-gluster_lv6_data   60T  451M   60T   1%
>> /gluster_bricks/data6
>> localhost:/tank                          355T  116T  239T  33% /mnt/tank
>> We were thinking that the used space would be distributed across the now
>> 6 bricks after rebalance.  Is that not what a rebalance does?  Is this
>> expected behavior?
>> Can anyone provide some guidance as to what the behavior here and if
>> there is anything that we need to do at this point?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> HB
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