There are options that can help a little bit with the ls/find.

Still, many devs will need to know your settings, so the volume's info is very 

Try the 'noatime,nodiratime' (if ZFS supports them).
Also, as this is a new cluster you can try to setup XFS and verify if the issue 
is the same.
RedHat provide an XFS options' calculator but it requires aby kind of 
subscription (even dev subscription is enough).

P.S.: As this is a new cluster, I would recommend you to switch to gluster v6.6 
as v7 is too new (for my taste).

If the issue on XFS cannot be reproduced - the issue is either in the ZFS or in 
the kernel tunables (sysctl).

I'm not sure what is the most suitable I/O scheduler for ZFS, so you should 
check that too.

Edit: What kind of workload do you expect (size and number files, read:write 
ratio, etc).

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
On Nov 8, 2019 10:32, Michael Rightmire <> wrote:
> Hi  Strahil, 
> Thanks for the reply. See below. 
> Also, as an aside, I tested by installing a single Cenots 7 machine with the 
> ZBOD, installed gluster and ZFSonLinux as recommended at..
> And created a gluster volume consisting of one brick made up of a local ZFS 
> raidz2, copied about 4 TB of data to it, and am having the same issue. 
> The biggest part of the issue is with things like "ls" and "find". IF I read 
> a single file, or write a single file it works great. But if I run rsync 
> (which does alot of listing, writing, renaming, etc) it is slow as garbage. 
> I.e. a find command that will finish in 30 seconds when run directly on the 
> underlying ZFS directory, takes about an hour. 
> Strahil wrote on 08-Nov-19 05:39:
> Hi Michael,
> What is your 'gluster volume info <VOL> ' showing.
> I've been playing with the install (since it's a fresh machine) so I can't 
> give you verbatim output. However, it was showing two bricks, one on each 
> server, started, and apparently healthy. 
>> How much is your zpool full ? Usually when it gets too full, the ZFS 
>> performance drops seriosly.
> The zpool is only at about 30% usage. It's a new server setup.
> We have about 10TB of data on a 30TB volume (made up of two 30TB ZFS raidz2 
> bricks, each residing on different servers, via a 10GB dedicated Ethernet 
> connection.) 
>> Try to rsync a file directly to one of the bricks, then to the other brick 
>> (don't forget to remove the files after that, as gluster will not know about 
>> them).
> If I rsync manually, or scp a file directly to the zpool bricks (outside of 
> gluster) I get 30-100MBytes/s (depending on what I'm copying.)
> If I rsync THROUGH gluster (via the glusterfs mounts) I get 1 - 5MB/s
>> What are your mounting options ? Usually 'noatime,nodiratime' are a good 
>> start.
> I'll try these. Currently using ...
> (mounting TO serverA) serverA:/homes /glusterfs/homes    glusterfs 
> defaults,_netdev 0 0
>> Are you using ZFS provideed by Ubuntu packagees or directly from ZOL project 
>> ?
> ZFS provided by Ubuntu 18 repo...
>   libzfs2linux/bionic-updates,now 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.6 amd64 
> [installed,automatic]
>   zfs-dkms/bionic-updates,bionic-updates,now 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.6 all [installed]
>   zfs-zed/bionic-updates,now 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.6 amd64 [installed,automatic]
>   zfsutils-linux/bionic-updates,now 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.6 amd64 [installed]
> Gluster provided by. "add-apt-repository ppa:gluster/glusterfs-5" ...
>   glusterfs 5.10
>   Repository revision: git://
>> Best Regards,
>> Strahil Nikolov
>> On Nov 6, 2019 12:50, Michael Rightmire <> wrote:
>>> Hello list!
>>> I'm new to Glusterfs in general. We have chosen to use it as our 
>>> distributed file system on a new set of HA file servers. 
>>> The setup is: 
>>> 2 SUPERMICRO SuperStorage Server 6049PE1CR36L with 24-4TB spinning disks 
>>> and NVMe for cache and slog.
>>> HBA not RAID card 
>>> Ubuntu 18.04 server (on both systems)
>>> ZFS filestorage
>>> Glusterfs 5.10
>>> Step one was to install Ubuntu, ZFS, and gluster. This all went without 
>>> issue. 
>>> We have 3 ZFS raidz2 identical on both servers
>>> We have three glusterfs mirrored volumes - 1 attached to each raidz <

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