Yes, I compared the client count like this:

gluster volume status <vol> clients |grep -B1 connected

I ran the find command on each client before and after shutting down the 
problematic daemon to determine any file count differences:

find /mount/point |wc -l

After my last post I discovered that one of the clients had somehow been 
blocked by iptables from connecting to one of the bricks. So for an extended 
period any file creation from that one client was perpetuating an imbalance 
between bricks, causing different files to be visible for different clients. 
What baffles me is that gluster wouldn't automatically fix an imbalance between 
replicas like that.

On Fri, Nov 20, 2020, at 1:24 AM, Benedikt Kaleß wrote:
> Dear James,

> we have exactly the same problems.

> Could you describe what you did to discover which of your bricks had the 
> worst file count discrepancy and how you find out that all clients matched 
> after shutting down this daemon?


> Best regards

> Benedikt

> Am 02.11.20 um 17:30 schrieb James H:
>> I found a solution after making a discovery. I logged into the brick with 
>> the worst file count discrepancy - odroid4 - and killed the gluster daemon 
>> there. All file counts across all clients then matched. So I started the 
>> daemon and ran this command to try to fix it up:


>> gluster volume replace-brick gvol0 odroid4:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0 
>> odroid4:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0_2 commit force


>> ...and that fixed it. It's disconcerting that it's possible for Gluster to 
>> merrily hum along without any problems showing up in the various status 
>> summaries yet show vastly different directory listings to different clients. 
>> Is this a known problem or shall I open a bug report? Are there any 
>> particular error logs I should monitor to be alerted to this bad state?

>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 8:39 PM James H <> wrote:
>>> Hi folks, I'm struggling to find a solution to missing files on FUSE 
>>> mounts. Which files are missing is different on different clients. I can 
>>> stat or ls the missing files directly when called by filename but listing 
>>> directories won't show them.
>>> So far I've:
>>>  * verified heal info shows no files in need of healing and no split brain 
>>> condition
>>>  * verified the same number of clients are connected to each brick 
>>>  * verified the file counts on the bricks match
>>>  * upgraded Gluster server and clients from 3.x to 6.x and 7.x
>>>  * run a stat on all files
>>>  * run a heal full
>>>  * rebooted / remounted FUSE clients
>>> File count from running a 'find' command on FUSE mounts on the bricks 
>>> themselves. These counts should all be the same:
>>> *38823 *fuse-odroid1-share2 
>>> *38823 *fuse-odroid2-share2
>>> *60962 *fuse-odroid3-share2
>>> *7202 *fuse-odroid4-share2
>>> ...and a FUSE mount on a seperate server:
>>> *38823 *fuse-phn2dsm-share2  
>>> File count from running a 'find' command on brick directories themselves::  
>>> *43382 *brick-odroid1-share2
>>> *43382 *brick-odroid2-share2
>>> *43382 *brick-arbiter-odroid3-share2
>>> *23075 *brick-odroid3-share2
>>> *23075 *brick-odroid4-share2
>>> *23075 *brick-arbiter-odroid2-share2
>>> Here's some info about the setup:
>>> *# gluster --version | head -1; cat /etc/lsb-release; uname -r*
>>> glusterfs 7.8
>>> DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu
>>> DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS"
>>> 4.14.157-171
>>> *# gluster volume info*
>>> Volume Name: gvol0
>>> Type: Distributed-Replicate
>>> Volume ID: 57e3a085-5fb7-417d-a71a-fed5cd0ae2d9
>>> Status: Started
>>> Snapshot Count: 0
>>> Number of Bricks: 2 x (2 + 1) = 6
>>> Transport-type: tcp
>>> Bricks:
>>> Brick1: odroid1:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0
>>> Brick2: odroid2:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0
>>> Brick3: odroid3:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0-arbiter2 (arbiter)
>>> Brick4: odroid3:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0_2
>>> Brick5: odroid4:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0
>>> Brick6: odroid2:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0-arbiter2 (arbiter)
>>> Options Reconfigured:
>>> cluster.self-heal-daemon: enable
>>> performance.readdir-ahead: yes
>>> performance.cache-invalidation: on
>>> performance.stat-prefetch: on
>>> performance.quick-read: on
>>> cluster.shd-max-threads: 4
>>> performance.parallel-readdir: on
>>> cluster.server-quorum-type: server
>>> server.event-threads: 4
>>> client.event-threads: 4
>>> 600
>>> on
>>> network.inode-lru-limit: 200000
>>> 600
>>> performance.cache-samba-metadata: on
>>> features.cache-invalidation-timeout: 600
>>> features.cache-invalidation: on
>>> storage.fips-mode-rchecksum: on
>>> performance.client-io-threads: off
>>> nfs.disable: on
>>> transport.address-family: inet
>>> features.bitrot: on
>>> features.scrub: Active
>>> features.scrub-throttle: lazy
>>> features.scrub-freq: daily
>>> cluster.min-free-disk: 10%
>>> *# gluster volume status gvol0 detail*
>>> Status of volume: gvol0
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Brick                : Brick odroid1:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0
>>> TCP Port             : 49152
>>> RDMA Port            : 0
>>> Online               : Y
>>> Pid                  : 702
>>> File System          : xfs
>>> Device               : /dev/sda
>>> Mount Options        : 
>>> rw,noatime,nouuid,attr2,inode64,sunit=256,swidth=2560,noquota
>>> Inode Size           : 512
>>> Disk Space Free      : 983.4GB
>>> Total Disk Space     : 5.5TB
>>> Inode Count          : 586052224
>>> Free Inodes          : 585835873
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Brick                : Brick odroid2:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0
>>> TCP Port             : 49152
>>> RDMA Port            : 0
>>> Online               : Y
>>> Pid                  : 30206
>>> File System          : xfs
>>> Device               : /dev/sda
>>> Mount Options        : 
>>> rw,noatime,nouuid,attr2,inode64,sunit=256,swidth=2560,noquota
>>> Inode Size           : 512
>>> Disk Space Free      : 983.3GB
>>> Total Disk Space     : 5.5TB
>>> Inode Count          : 586052224
>>> Free Inodes          : 585711242
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Brick                : Brick odroid3:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0-arbiter2
>>> TCP Port             : 49152
>>> RDMA Port            : 0
>>> Online               : Y
>>> Pid                  : 32449
>>> File System          : xfs
>>> Device               : /dev/sda
>>> Mount Options        : 
>>> rw,noatime,nouuid,attr2,inode64,sunit=256,swidth=2560,noquota
>>> Inode Size           : 512
>>> Disk Space Free      : 1.4TB
>>> Total Disk Space     : 2.7TB
>>> Inode Count          : 293026624
>>> Free Inodes          : 292378835
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Brick                : Brick odroid3:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0_2
>>> TCP Port             : 49153
>>> RDMA Port            : 0
>>> Online               : Y
>>> Pid                  : 32474
>>> File System          : xfs
>>> Device               : /dev/sda
>>> Mount Options        : 
>>> rw,noatime,nouuid,attr2,inode64,sunit=256,swidth=2560,noquota
>>> Inode Size           : 512
>>> Disk Space Free      : 1.4TB
>>> Total Disk Space     : 2.7TB
>>> Inode Count          : 293026624
>>> Free Inodes          : 292378835
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Brick                : Brick odroid4:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0
>>> TCP Port             : 49152
>>> RDMA Port            : 0
>>> Online               : Y
>>> Pid                  : 23138
>>> File System          : xfs
>>> Device               : /dev/sda
>>> Mount Options        : 
>>> rw,noatime,nouuid,attr2,inode64,sunit=256,swidth=2560,noquota
>>> Inode Size           : 512
>>> Disk Space Free      : 1.4TB
>>> Total Disk Space     : 2.7TB
>>> Inode Count          : 293026624
>>> Free Inodes          : 292891910
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Brick                : Brick odroid2:/srv/gfs-brick/gvol0-arbiter2
>>> TCP Port             : 49153
>>> RDMA Port            : 0
>>> Online               : Y
>>> Pid                  : 30231
>>> File System          : xfs
>>> Device               : /dev/sda
>>> Mount Options        : 
>>> rw,noatime,nouuid,attr2,inode64,sunit=256,swidth=2560,noquota
>>> Inode Size           : 512
>>> Disk Space Free      : 983.3GB
>>> Total Disk Space     : 5.5TB
>>> Inode Count          : 586052224
>>> Free Inodes          : 585711242
>> ________

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> -- 
Entschieden für Frieden|Committed to Peace

Benedikt Kaleß
Leiter Team IT|Head team IT

Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e.V.|Forum Civil Peace Service
Am Kölner Brett 8 | 50825 Köln | Germany  

Tel 0221 91273233 | Fax 0221 91273299 | 
> <> 

Vorstand nach § 26 BGB, einzelvertretungsberechtigt|Executive Board:
Oliver Knabe (Vorsitz|Chair), Sonja Wiekenberg-Mlalandle, Alexander Mauz  
VR 17651 Amtsgericht Köln

Spenden|Donations: IBAN DE37 3702 0500 0008 2401 01 BIC BFSWDE33XXX

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