you can read files from underlying filesystem first (ext4,xfs...), for ex: /srv/glusterfs/wwww/brick.

as fall back you can check mounted glusterfs path, to heal missing local node entries. ex: /mnt/shared/www/...

you need only to write to mount.glusterfs mount point.

On 3/30/2023 11:26 AM, Hu Bert wrote:
- workload: the (un)famous "lots of small files" setting
- currently 70% of the of the volume is used: ~32TB
- file size: few KB up to 1MB
- so there are hundreds of millions of files (and millions of directories)
- each image has an ID
- under the base dir the IDs are split into 3 digits
- dir structure: /basedir/(000-999)/(000-999)/ID/[lotsoffileshere]
- example for ID 123456789: /basedir/123/456/123456789/default.jpg
- maybe this structure isn't good and e.g. this would be better:
/basedir/IDs/[here the files] - so millions of ID-dirs directly under
- frequent access to the files by webservers (nginx, tomcat): lookup
if file exists, read/write images etc.
- Strahil mentioned: "Keep in mind that negative searches (searches of
non-existing/deleted objects) has highest penalty." <--- that happens
very often...
- server load on high traffic days: > 100 (mostly iowait)
- bad are server reboots (read filesystem info etc.)
- really bad is a sw raid rebuild/resync

S pozdravom / Yours sincerely
Ing. Jan Hudoba


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