​Hi Roy​

On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 6:13 AM, Roy McCoy <roymccoy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not sure how complex my problem is, but I'll try to keep the
> description brief and hopefully there will be a relatively simple solution.
> I wanted to receive mail sent to a Gmail address other than my own for
> which I have the password and for which I am now primarily responsible. I
> tried to activate forwarding in Gmail with my address as the recipient,
> sent several messages to check if it was working, but it wasn't. So, acting
> on the advice I read somewhere that I needed to adjust the settings of my
> email program, I created an account via Mail and System Preferences on my
> Mac to receive messages from the desired second account.

For the forwarding, did you click the verification link that would have
been sent to you? Did you ​follow the steps as described in the help

> Although I believe I had specified in Gmail that I wanted only new
> messages and that the forwarded messages shouldn't be deleted in Gmail, I
> received all 10,000 messages that had ever been sent to the other address,
> and they *were* deleted in Gmail. This was horrifying, since though I
> could send the messages back to Gmail, many of them had been arranged in
> Gmail mailboxes and I wouldn't be able to restore these. This wasn't
> necessarily so bad, however, since I wasn't going to go through the approx.
> 8,000 messages that had been archived, and I could rearrange the others as
> I wished. It would be hard to do and would take a lot of time, but I could
> do it.

​This doesn't make sense as you say you configured the 2nd account to use
IMAP. ​The messages would not be deleted unless you explicitly did so. I
will briefly cover the difference between POP and IMAP at the end of this

I wanted to turn off receiving messages from the second address and tried
> to do this by turning off the forwarding in Gmail, but turning it off
> didn't work any better than turning it on and I was still getting the
> second address's messages. This wasn't bothering me too much as yet, but
> then recently I noticed that some of my messages were going out with the
> second address as the From address, which I did not want. I wanted every
> message to come from my own address, whichever message I might be replying
> to and whichever mailbox was selected in Mail (this latter generally
> determining the From address, I read somewhere). I didn't and don't want to
> have to rely on a manual method to set the From address, as it's clunky to
> do this, I wouldn't think to do it every time and wouldn't want to have to
> even if I could remember to.

​This setting is specific to Apple Mail. As far as I remember it will reply
using the same email that was addressed in the To: of the message one is
replying​. AFAIK there is no setting to turn this off. Just change the 2nd
account's email address to be yours.

One way to get all of the outgoing messages to have my own From address, I
> thought, would be to delete the second account on my Mac. When I started to
> do this, however, I got an alert saying that if I did this, all of the
> second address's messages would be deleted in Mail, and I most definitely
> did not and do not want this. I thought of moving all of the obviously
> second-address messages (those in Mailboxes > Trash > [second address] and
> Mailboxes > Archive > [second address], for example – and maybe it's only
> those) to my own separate mailboxes in Mail, but I'm not sure moving a
> second-address message to a Mail mailbox in that way is sufficient to
> dissociate it from the second-address account.

​Indeed. If you delete an IMAP account, the messages associated with it
will also be gone. You need to move them to a local mail folder (like the
one for your POP account).​

Can anyone advise me on how to stop receving messages from the second
> address and delete its account from my Mac, without losing messages from it
> on my Mac? I should likely say that the account of my address is POP
> (Incoming Mail Server: pop.gmail.com), while that of the second address
> is IMAP (Incoming Mail Server: imap.gmail.com). I'm afraid I don't
> understand the difference, so this doesn't mean much to me. It might
> imaginably however be something that someone might need to know to figure
> out this problem and how to solve it.

​This difference between the two is for your own research
<http://lmgtfy.com/?q=What+is+the+difference+between+POP+and+IMAP>. In
short, POP retrieves messages from a server and ​when done retrieving,
issues a delete command. With IMAP, the mail client synchronises itself
with the server. Perform an action on a message in any connected client
e.g. mark as read, delete or move and that action is synced with the server.

​My question to you is, why not just use Gmail as it is intended i.e. via a
browser? You would have saved yourself a lot of bother.


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