Hi -

I run into the issue that the following commands:

Cylinder(1) = {-1, -0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 4, 2*Pi};
Cylinder(2) = {-1.1, -0, 0, 2.2, 0, 0, 0.5, 2*Pi};
BooleanDifference{Volume{1}; Delete; }{Volume{2};Delete;}
Physical Surface(1000) = {4};

followed by 3D meshing and write to a .msh file, do not result in a mesh file 
that contain the 3D results. The message console indicates that 204 nodes and 
1029 are generated, they are nicely shown in the GUI, yet the saved output file 
has only 17 nodes and 26 triangular elements. This result is the same for 
different .msh file output formats, so that does not appear to be the issue. 
However, when I leave out the "Physical Surface(1000) = {4};”, the mesh file 
does contain the complete results. 

Info    : Gmsh version   : 4.0.1
Info    : Build OS       : MacOSX
Info    : Build options  : 64Bit Ann Bamg Bfgs Blas(Custom) Blossom Cgns 
DIntegration Dlopen Fltk Gmm Hxt Jpeg(Fltk) Kbipack Lapack(Custom) MathEx Med 
Mesh Metis Mmg3d Mpeg NativeFileChooser Netgen ONELAB ONELABMetamodel 
OpenCASCADE OpenGL OptHom PETSc Parser Plugins Png(Fltk) Post SLEPc Solver 
TetGen/BR Voro++ Zlib
Info    : Build date     : 20180907
Info    : Build host     : gmsh.info
Info    : Packager       : geuzaine
Info    : Executable     : /Applications/Gmsh.app/Contents/MacOS/gmsh
Info    : Launch date    : Mon Sep 24 09:35:54 2018
Info    : Command line   : /Applications/Gmsh.app/Contents/MacOS/gmsh

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