Dear Fariba,

This is not supported : the boolean operations are only supported for 
OpenCASCADE (CAD) entities.


> On 5 Oct 2018, at 20:56, Mohammadi, Fariba <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to do Boolean subtraction on two surface meshes. My mesh files 
> are in .stl format. In Gmsh, I tried to define each mesh as volume using 
> Modules>Geometry>Elementary entities>Add>Volume. It created a .geo file 
> containing my .stl file name as a command and used that as the script file.
> Then I merged both files and tried to do the Boolean subtraction. It is 
> giving me the following error,
> Error: Unknown OpenCASCADE entity with dimension 3 with tag 1
> Error: '', line 3: Could not apply boolean operator
> My script looks like this,
> Merge "left_ivc_vein.stl";
> Surface Loop(1) = {1};
> //+
> Volume(1) = {1};
> //+
> Merge "left_ivc_filter.stl";
> Surface Loop(2) = {2};
> //+
> Volume(2) = {2};
> //+
> SetFactory("OpenCASCADE");
> BooleanDifference{ Volume{1}; }{ Volume{2}; Delete; }
> I am new to Gmsh and I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. Any help is 
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Fariba
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Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

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