No, cut() will only work on OpenCASCADE geometrical entities (CAD entities), 
not STL meshes.


> On 22 Apr 2019, at 18:10, Valentin Boltach <> wrote:
> Good day to all.
> There was a problem: I want to prepare a model for further analysis, in 
> particular, cut the cylinder from stl model (as a part of Constructive Solid 
> Geometry).
> Judging by the existing examples, the order is as follows:
> gmsh.initialize()
> model = gmsh.model
> factory = model.occ
> model.add("boolean")
> R = 1.4
> Rs = R * .7
> factory.addCylinder(-2 * R, 0, 0, 4 * R, 0, 0, Rs, 2)
> # how should it works?
> # factory.cut([(3, 1)], [(3, 2)], 3) 
> factory.synchronize()
> model.mesh.generate(3)
> In GUI this action did not work. Is it even possible with this tool?
> As I see here ( it works but 
> in another order. Example from this link doesn't work for me.
> I'm using gmsh 4.3.0
> Thanks, 
> Valiantsin Boltach
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Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

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