> On 10 Mar 2020, at 19:52, Andress <randalandress1...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hello Christophe,
> <<
> The default surface representation mode is a cross of dashed lines.
> With OpenCASCADE you can have other representations: cf. 
> Tools->Options->Geometry->Aspect->Surface display.
> To save your preferred options: File->Save options as default.
> Christophe
> Thank you for taking the time to help. Just what I was missing.
> I am very new to gmsh, and I have a few questions about the learning aids 
> that are available:
> 1. Where is the user interface defined besides the reference manual 3.4 & 3.5 
> (for example all the windows/tabs accessible from 
> Tools->Options->Geometry->...)

There's no formal description: I would encourage you to simply use it and look 
around to discover the various possibilities.

> 2  The video tutorials at http://gmsh.info/screencasts will be very helpful 
> in learning the UI - it was in attempting to repeat the first one that I got 
> stumped when my results differed from that of the video.  Are there other 
> screencast tutorials besides the ones collected at 
> http://gmsh.info/screencasts ?


> 3. Are the demos at http://gitlab.onelab.info/gmsh/gmsh/tree/master/demos any 
> help in learning the UI?   Do the demos proceed step-by-step or do they 
> simply execute at once the construction commands that they contain?

The repository contains many examples; some were written using the GUI (when 
you create stuff with the GUI, a .geo file is automatically constructed). But 
for most complex cases you'll want to learn how to either use the built-in 
scripting language (.geo files), or the Gmsh API - e.g. in Python or Julia.

> 4. Finally, Are there other forums where I may interact with experienced gmsh 
> users besides this list?

Most of the technical discussions about features and issues are now happening 
in the gitlab (https://gitlab.onelab.info/gmsh/gmsh/issues). At some point I 
think this could actually replace the mailing list.


> Kind regards,
> Randal 

Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 

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