> On 30 Mar 2020, at 16:51, paul francedixhuit <paul1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> I'm currently having a look to the new 4.1 gmsh format.
> Compared to the previous 2.2 legacy one:
>       • I guess $Nodes and $Elements for example use now blocs (or it has 
> been splitted in blocs) in order to take advantages of parallelization, 
> hasn't it?

It allows that, yes. It also allows for much more efficient reading 
from/writing to disk.

But more fundamentally, the new format reflects the underlying Gmsh data model 
(http://gmsh.info/doc/texinfo/gmsh.html#Gmsh-API), and it contains all the 
information needed by Gmsh to save/reload a model without information loss.

>       • $Entities and $PhysicalNames are used to define specific groups of 
> elements to apply on specific features (typically sub-parts)

Entities contain the underlying (topological) boundary representation of the 
Gmsh model. Physical groups are just groups of entities. They are defined even 
without a mesh. Mesh nodes/elements are stored in the model entities.

Note that the only two fields that are necessary in a simple MSH file are 
$Nodes and $Elements. All the rest is useful for Gmsh - but can be omitted by 
other codes if they don't need the additional topological model information.

> Nonetheless concerning $NodeData (and $ElementNodeData), I've not tested it 
> so far but I feel the structure remains identical to the 2.2 one: am I right? 
> if so I can imagine improvements will be provided in a next future, won't be?

Yes indeed. See the end of the 
http://gmsh.info/doc/texinfo/gmsh.html#MSH-file-format section.

> The next steps will be to use it through the Python API 😊

The Python tutorial is now on par with the GEO and C++ ones: 

New extended ("x") tutorials will be added in the near future to help new users 
with features that are only available through the API (and not in GEO files).

Don't hesitate to contribute your feedback on 
https://gitlab.onelab.info/gmsh/gmsh/-/issues/795 : we will use it to track 
suggestions or corrections.



> Bye
> Paul
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Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 

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