> On 31 Mar 2020, at 11:59, paul francedixhuit <paul1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> One would say this is not the "normal" use of the Gmsh API, but for my 
> developments under Python, I'm always coding under Spyder IDE (and I would 
> like to continue if possible).
> I've been noticing that when Gmsh GUI needs to be opened (t8.py case for 
> example), then it becomes not possible to close it and it's necessary to 
> close Spyder as well (of course it works fine in commande line).
> Can we imagine something like gmsh.close()?
> In addition as I've ever said in a previous post, Gmsh API can be used:
>       • either by defining the PYTHONPATH as described in the doc (I've 
> defined it in the .bashrc file)
>       • either by explicitly implementing it at the beginning of the Python 
> file (see sys.path.append)
> Find some screenshots in attachment

When you call gmsh.fltk.run(), FLTK basically runs a while(1) loop waiting for 
graphical interface events. To break the loop simply close the Gmsh window.

You can also run the event loop yourself in Python: don't call gmsh.fltk.run(), 
but gmsh.fltk.wait() each time to want to wait for an event. See 
demos/curstom_gui.py for a complete example.


> Stay at home
> Paul
> <screenshot2.png><screenshot1.png><screenshot3.png>_______________________________________________
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Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 

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