Dear Christophe, Dear GMSH users,

I need to create a script, or commandline option to read a step file, and scale 
the complete model with the purpose of converting the model from mm to m.

I tried to do transform all the geometrical entities with dilate command, save 
it to a .geo file but run into error message, such as:
Error   : Unknown GEO point with tag 5
Error   : Unknown GEO point with tag 3 ...

practically all points. I attach the step file, the written out incomplete geo 
file (I used duplicate option), and the errors generated.

I can mesh the step file and generate an STL grid perfectly well.

Many thanks for reading!

Best regards,


Attachment: SourceDisk.step
Description: Binary data

Version       : 4.5.6
License       : GNU General Public License
Build OS      : Linux64
Build date    : 20200330
Build host    :
Build options : 64Bit ALGLIB Ann Bamg Blas[custom] Blossom Cgns DIntegration 
Dlopen DomHex Fltk Gmm Hxt Hxt3D Jpeg[fltk] Kbipack Lapack[custom] 
LinuxJoystick MathEx Med Mesh Metis Mmg3d Mpeg Netgen ONELAB ONELABMetamodel 
OpenCASCADE OpenCASCADE-CAF OpenGL OptHom Parser Plugins Png[fltk] Post QuadTri 
Solver TetGen/BR Voro++ Zlib
FLTK version  : 1.4.0
OCC version   : 7.3.1
MED version   : 4.0.0
Packaged by   : geuzaine
Web site      :
Issue tracker :
Info    : Running '/personnel/reseng_tu/alsalihi/gmsh-4.5.6-Linux64/bin/gmsh 
SourceDisk.step' [Gmsh 4.5.6, 1 node, max. 1 thread]
Info    : Started on Sat May 23 09:07:35 2020
Info    : Reading 'SourceDisk.step'...
Info    :  - Label 'Shapes/Part1' (2D)
Info    : Done reading 'SourceDisk.step'
Info    : Reading 'SourceDisk.geo'...
Info    : Reading 'SourceDisk.step'...
Info    :  - Label 'Shapes/Part1' (2D)
Info    : Done reading 'SourceDisk.step'
Error   : Unknown GEO point with tag 5
Error   : Unknown GEO point with tag 3
Error   : Unknown GEO point with tag 7
Error   : Unknown GEO point with tag 1
Error   : Unknown GEO point with tag 4
Error   : Unknown GEO point with tag 6
Error   : Unknown GEO point with tag 2
Error   : Unknown GEO point with tag 8
Error   : Unknown GEO curve with tag 5
Error   : Unknown GEO curve with tag 9
Error   : Unknown GEO curve with tag 8
Error   : Unknown GEO curve with tag 2
Error   : Unknown GEO curve with tag 3
Error   : Unknown GEO curve with tag 7
Error   : Unknown GEO curve with tag 6
Error   : Unknown GEO curve with tag 4
Error   : Unknown GEO curve with tag 1
Error   : Unknown GEO curve with tag 10
Error   : Unknown GEO curve with tag 11
Error   : Unknown GEO curve with tag 12
Error   : 'SourceDisk.geo', line 3 : Could not apply operation on shapes
Info    : Done reading 'SourceDisk.geo'
Info    : Writing 

Attachment: SourceDisk.geo
Description: application/vnd.dynageo

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