I have just fixed the following make_edi.c errors, by 
changing the code to:
{ "-linfix", FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evLINFIX]},
{ "-linacc", FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evLINACC]},
{ "-radfix", FALSE, etREAL, {&evSelections[evRADFIX]},
And I succeeded to compile and install gromacs 3.3.1.
But I still can't run the mdrun program on the sgi irix machine.The mdrun doesn't work.
Please help! Thanks a lot.
cc-1028 cc: ERROR File = make_edi.c, Line = 579
  The _expression_ used must have a constant value.

      { evStepOptions[evLINFIX], FALSE, etSTR, {&evParams[evLINFIX]},

cc-1028 cc: ERROR File = make_edi.c, Line = 581
  The _expression_ used must have a constant value.

      { evStepOptions[evLINACC], FALSE, etSTR, {&evParams[evLINACC]},

cc-1028 cc: ERROR File = make_edi.c, Line = 583
  The _expression_ used must have a constant value.

      { evStepOptions[evRADFIX], FALSE, etREAL, {&radfix},

cc-1552 cc: WARNING File = make_edi.c, Line = 622
  The variable "bTop" is set but never used.

      bool bTop, bM, bFit1;

3 errors detected in the compilation of "make_edi.c".
*** Error code 2 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)

I really appreciate your help.

Kind Regards

Akshay Patny

Graduate Research Assistant
Faser Hall 417, Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Mississippi
University, MS 38677
E-mail: akshay17 at olemiss.edu
Tel: 662-915-1286 (office); Web: www.olemiss.edu 

|-----Original Message-----
|From: David van der Spoel [mailto:spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se]
|Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:22 AM
|To: akshay17 at olemiss.edu; Discussion list for GROMACS users
|Subject: Re: [gmx-users] GROMACS 3.3.1 installation on SGI (Irix): 2
|Akshay Patny wrote:
|> Hi
|> Hi ALl
|> I read through some of the e-mails of B. Nataraj and Erik Lindahl for
|> similar problem on compiling of GROMACS 3.3.1 on SGI IRIX.
|> As my error also pointed to a problem in "gmx_fft_fftw3.c", I replaced
|> 'void' with 'char' in the line 150 of the file, as suggested.
|> I got the errors exactly the same as B. Nataraj got after doing this
|> modification, which is listed at
|> http://www.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-users/2006-April/020969.html
|> The same error is given below. I could not understand how to fix this
|> and run GROMACS successfully.
|> Dr. Erik Lindahl wrote that: "As far as I can see that file is perfectly
|> valid ANSI C - there is no executable statement in the declaration
|> However, I still do not know how to fix this?
|there is a double semicolon on one of the lines before it. please remove
|it and retry.
|> Please help.
|> Regards
|> Akshay
|> Error is given below:
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1031
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     static real core_frac=0.5 ;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1032
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     t_pargs pa[] = {
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1073
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     FILE       *log;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1074
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     int        natoms,nlist,naa,idum,nbin;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1075
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     t_atoms    atoms;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1076
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     rvec       *x;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1077
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     matrix     box;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1078
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     char       title[256],grpname[256];
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1079
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     t_dlist    *dlist;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1080
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     char       **aa;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1081
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     bool       bChi,bCorr,bSSHisto;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1082
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     bool       bDo_rt, bDo_oh, bDo_ot, bDo_jc ;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1083
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     real       dt=0, traj_t_ns;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1085
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     atom_id    isize,*index;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1086
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     int        ndih,nactdih,nf;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1087
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     real       **dih,*trans_frac,*aver_angle,*time;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1088
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     int        i,j,**chi_lookup,*xity;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1090
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     t_filenm  fnm[] = {
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1106
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     int     npargs;
|>     ^
|> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = gmx_chi.c, Line = 1107
|>   A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
|>     t_pargs *ppa;
|>     ^
|> 20 errors detected in the compilation of "gmx_chi.c".
|> *** Error code 1 (bu21)
|> *** Error code 1 (bu21)
|> *** Error code 1
|> ______
|> Akshay Patny
|> Graduate Research Assistant
|> Faser Hall 417, Department of Medicinal Chemistry
|> Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
|> University of Mississippi
|> University, MS 38677
|> E-mail: akshay17 at olemiss.edu
|> Tel: 662-915-1286 (office); Web: www.olemiss.edu
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|> gmx-users mailing list    gmx-users at gromacs.org
|> http://www.gromacs.org/mailman/listinfo/gmx-users
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|> www interface or send it to gmx-users-request at gromacs.org.
|> Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php
|David van der Spoel, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biophysics group,
|Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University.
|Husargatan 3, Box 596,  	75124 Uppsala, Sweden
|phone:	46 18 471 4205		fax: 46 18 511 755
|spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se	spoel at gromacs.org   http://folding.bmc.uu.se



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