Well, there is a common misconception with parallel computing. Usually, you will have an optimun number of processors that guarantees the best performance. More or less than that number will result in a decreased performance and longer computation times. The optimum number of processors will depend on the particular problem and the hardware/software configuration of your cluster, but for instance, in my case for docking experiments I've found that 4 cpu's is Ok. If I try to use more than 4 cpus the performance is worst. The same is for less than 4 cpu's. You have to find your optimum making some tests with your settings. To do that you can start your simulation and interrupt after a while to have some data logged in the log file. Then, from the information in that log file you can estimate the time that the whole task will take and compare using more or less number of processors until you find your optimum value.

I hope it helps.



Message: 1
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 12:42:37 +0200
From: "Qiao Baofu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [gmx-users] Question about parallazing Gromacs
To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi all,

I have a question about parallazing gromacs: I run the same system on a
cluster of my institute and my local computer,
    Cluster:* *dual processor boards AMD Opteron 270 (Dual-Core), 2.0 GHz
    Local computer: AMD X86-64 Cpu, double precision

1. The cluster (nodes=3:ppn=4) runs  87950 MD steps  for one hour
2. The cluster (nodes=5:ppn=4) runs  42749 MD  steps  for one hour
3. The cluster (nodes=11:ppn=4) runs  5962 MD  steps  for one hour
3. My local computer runs  179090 MD steps  For 1hour 51 mintues.

It is verry strange that the more cpus I use, the slowest the gromacs

Who knows what's wrong with my job?   And for paralleled gromacs, how many
cpus is prefered?

The grompp command is: grompp -np 12 -o md3.mdp -c md3in.gro -p MCl.top -o

The following is one of the the job scripts on the cluster:

# MD NTP(Berendsen&Berendsen, T=425&P=1bar),200ps tau_p=4
#PBS -N "md3"
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00,nodes=3:ppn=4
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -o md3.out
#PBS -e md3.err
cd /work/fias/qiao/time_checking/nodes3/
/usr/local/Cluster-Apps/lam/gcc/64/7.1.1/bin/lamboot $PBS_NODEFILE
/usr/local/Cluster-Apps/lam/gcc/64/7.1.1/bin/mpirun -np 12 mdrun -v -s
md3.tpr -x md3 -e md3 -c md3 -g md3
exit 0

Sincerely yours,
Baofu Qiao, PhD
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
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