Marc Baaden wrote:
Hi Robert,

thanks for the hint.
Just to make sure I get this right. So I'd use tpbconv with the subselection
I'm interested in to make a new tpr file, and I also probably trjcat the
trajectory that I want to analyze to write out the trajectory of the
subselection. Then I do an mdrun -rerun with this tpr and xtc file and
should be able to use g_energy to extract bond, angle and dihedral terms
for my subselection.

Someone correct me if this is not the way to proceed. Thanks,

I'm sure mdrun will require a .tpr that has the same number of atoms as the trajectory you are analyzing. The way to get a subset of the bonded interactions is to only define in the .top file that set in which you are interested. You don't mess with the atom definitions however. For speed, turn off evaluation of all the non-bonded interactions somehow.

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