Hi all.

I'm writing this beucase I'm having terrible problems in trying to deal with
gromacs trajectory files with my own programs, originally written on

The codes themselves are enoughly big to make it out of question to try to
"translate" them. What leads to some sort of mixed language compilation.

My first guess was to try to use the guidelines from
http://xray.bmc.uu.se/~spoel/md/online/xtc.html, but it absolutelly didn't
worked. Could not find a compatible library. Tried to recompile gromacs in
order to do so, but instead of a libsdrf.a library file, it created just
common .lo and .o object files.

Looked inside concoord program, as there are some mentions in the list to
look at the code. Was a really good aprentize, could understand better the
logics involved when dealing with .xtc files, BUT I could not use the
library files that came with that. Somehow, it wasn't recognized as a valid

My last try up to now was to try to link my test-read-program with the
libxdrf object file. It yelded the following error:

CruNumMac src/own/B/9/xtc 238% ifort libxdrf.lo xtciof.f90 test_xtc.f90
IPO: WARNING: no IR in object file libxdrf.lo; was the source file compiled
with -ipo?
IPO Error: unresolved : xdrfint_
        Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifortZNvZHh.o
IPO Error: unresolved : xdrfclose_
        Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifortZNvZHh.o
IPO Error: unresolved : xdrfopen_
        Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifortZNvZHh.o
IPO Error: unresolved : xdrffloat_
        Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifortZNvZHh.o
IPO Error: unresolved : xdrf3dfcoord_
        Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifortZNvZHh.o
IPO: performing multi-file optimizations
IPO: generating object file /tmp/ipo_ifortZNvZHh.o
test_xtc.f90(17) : (col. 3) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
test_xtc.f90(25) : (col. 8) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
xtciof.f90(112) : (col. 3) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
libxdrf.lo: file not recognized: File format not recognized

If I try to link to the .o objetc:

CruNumMac src/own/B/9/xtc 240% ifort libxdrf.o xtciof.f90 test_xtc.f90
IPO: WARNING: no IR in object file libxdrf.o; was the source file compiled
with -ipo?
IPO Error: unresolved : xdrfint_
        Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o
IPO Error: unresolved : xdrfclose_
        Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o
IPO Error: unresolved : xdrfopen_
        Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o
IPO Error: unresolved : xdrffloat_
        Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o
IPO Error: unresolved : xdrf3dfcoord_
        Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o
IPO Error: unresolved : ffclose
        Referenced in libxdrf.o
IPO: performing multi-file optimizations
IPO: generating object file /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o
test_xtc.f90(17) : (col. 3) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
test_xtc.f90(25) : (col. 8) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
xtciof.f90(112) : (col. 3) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x1e1): In function `MAIN__':
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrfopen_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x4ea):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrfclose_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x517):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrfopen_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x92b): In function `xtciof_mp_xtcheader_':
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrfint_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x941):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrfint_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x95e):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrfint_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x97b):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrffloat_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xb8e): In function `xtciof_mp_xtcio_':
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrffloat_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xbde):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrffloat_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xc2e):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrffloat_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xc7e):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrffloat_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xcce):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: more undefined
references to `xdrffloat_' follow
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xe6b): In function `xtciof_mp_xtcio_':
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrf3dfcoord_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xfc6): In function `xtciof_mp_xtcopen_':
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrfopen_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x1292):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrfclose_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x12b3):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrfopen_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x134e): In function `xtciof_mp_xtccoord_':
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrffloat_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x139f):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrffloat_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x13f0):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrffloat_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x1441):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrffloat_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x1492):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
reference to `xdrffloat_'
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x14e3):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: more undefined
references to `xdrffloat_' follow
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x162d): In function `xtciof_mp_xtccoord_':
/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrf3dfcoord_'
libxdrf.o(.text+0x3d86): In function `xdrclose':
libxdrf.c: undefined reference to `ffclose'
libxdrf.o(.text+0x3da8):libxdrf.c: undefined reference to `ffclose'

I'm really not getting what can be the source of error. I placed the two
test wources from above trials below, in case it can be of any help. But I
really not getting what am I doing wrong, and also could not find any other
clue in gromacs mail lists, neither google.

Sorry it this is a much simpler question than it seems to me, but I'm really
astonished not finding the source of error neither a workaround or an
altertive way which I could follow and reach some results.

Thanks a lot in advance,

Sincerally yours,



program test_xtc
use xtciof
implicit none
! Declaracao de Variaveis:
   integer :: xd, natoms, step, ret
   integer :: nat, maxat
!  real*4  :: time, box(9), x(*), prec
   real    :: time, box(9), prec
   real, dimension(:), allocatable :: x
   character*1 :: stat
   character(len=1) :: file_name

   maxat = 10000
   stat = 'a'
   file_name = 'teste.xtc'
   x(:) = 0.

! Aqui comeca o programa de teste:

   call xtcopen(xd, file_name, stat, maxat, nat)

   write(6,*) 'xtc file openned'

   call readxtc(xd, natoms, step, time, box, x, prec, ret)

   write(6,*) 'xtc file readed'

   call writextc(xd, natoms, step, time, box, x, prec, ret)

   write(6,*) 'xtc file written'


end program test_xtc

module xtciof


subroutine xtccheck(ret,ivar)
implicit none
!     Passed variables
   integer, intent(in) :: ret, ivar

   if ( ret .eq. 0 ) then
      if (ivar == 1) write(6,*) '> XTC-Error reading/writing natoms'
      if (ivar == 2) write(6,*) '> XTC-Error reading/writing step'
      if (ivar == 3) write(6,*) '> XTC-Error reading/writing time'
      if (ivar == 4) write(6,*) '> XTC-Error reading/writing box'
      if (ivar == 5) write(6,*) '> XTC-Error reading/writing x'
!      stop
end subroutine xtccheck

subroutine xtcheader(xd,magic,natoms,step,time,ret)
implicit none
!     Passed variables
   integer :: xd, natoms, step, ret, magic
!  real*4  :: time
   real    :: time

   call xdrfint(xd, magic, ret)
   if (ret == 0) return

   call xdrfint(xd, natoms, ret)
   call xtccheck(ret, 1)

   call xdrfint(xd, step, ret)
   call xtccheck(ret, 2)

   call xdrffloat(xd, time, ret)
   call xtccheck(ret, 3)

end subroutine xtcheader

subroutine xtccoord(xd,natoms,box,x,prec,ret)
implicit none
!     Passed variables
   integer :: xd, natoms, ret
!  real*4  :: box(9), x(*), prec
   real    :: box(9), x(*), prec
!     local
   integer :: i

   do i=1, 9
      call xdrffloat(xd, box(i), ret)
      call xtccheck(ret, 4)
   enddo !i

   call xdrf3dfcoord(xd, x, natoms, prec, ret)
   call xtccheck(ret, 5)

end subroutine xtccoord

subroutine xtcio(xd, natoms, step, time, box, x, prec, mode, ret)
implicit none
!     Passed variables
   integer :: xd, natoms, step, mode, ret
!  real*4  :: box(9)
!  real*4  :: box(9)
!  real*4  :: x(*)
   real    :: time, prec
   real    :: x(*)
   real    :: box(9)
!     local variables
   integer :: xtcmagic
   integer :: magic


   if (mode .eq. 0) magic = xtcmagic

   call xtcheader(xd, magic, natoms, step, time, ret)

   if (ret == 0) return

   if (mode == 1) then
      if (magic == xtcmagic) write(6,*) '> Fatal error, magic number read as
',magic, ' should be ',xtcmagic
   endif !(mode == 1)

   call xtccoord(xd, natoms, box, x, prec, ret)

end subroutine xtcio

subroutine readxtc(xd, natoms, step, time, box, x, prec, ret)
implicit none

   integer :: xd, natoms, step, ret
   integer :: nat
!  real*4  :: time, box(9), x(*), prec
   real    :: time, box(9), prec
   real, dimension(:), allocatable :: x

   allocate (x(natoms))
   x(:) = 0.

   call xtcio(xd,natoms,step,time,box,x,prec,1,ret)

end subroutine readxtc

subroutine writextc(xd, natoms, step, time, box, x, prec, ret)
implicit none

   integer :: xd, natoms, step, ret
   real    :: time, box(9), x(*), prec

   call xtcio(xd, natoms, step, time, box, x, prec, 0, ret)

end subroutine writextc

subroutine xtcopen (xd, file_name, stat, maxat, nat)
implicit none

   integer :: xd, ret, nat, maxat, magic, step
!  real*4 :: time
   real :: time
   character*1 :: stat
   character*(*) :: file_name
   integer, parameter :: xtcmagic = 1995

   call xdrfopen(xd, file_name, stat, ret)
   if (ret == 0) write(6,*) '> Fatal error, could not open ',file_name(1:20)

   call xtcheader(xd, magic, nat, step, time, ret)

   if (magic /= xtcmagic) then
      write(6,*) '> Fatal error, magic number read as ',magic,' should be

   if (nat < 0) then
      write(6,*) '> Fatal error, negative number of atoms'

   if (nat > maxat) then
      write(6,*) '> Fatal error, number of atoms (',nat,') ','larger than
allowed (',maxat,')'

   call xdrfclose(xd, ret)

   call xdrfopen(xd, file_name, stat, ret)

end subroutine xtcopen

!end contains

end module xtciof
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