Hi all,

I have a .top file of a membrane protein (from an earlier project).

I also managed to generate a .gro file of a simple "membrane" consisting
of Argon atoms, of a certain volume.

How can I insert the protein into this membrane? I guess it somehow
involves how to combine the protein .top file and the membrane .gro file I
already have.

(I have tried generating a .top file from the membrane .gro file
(pdb2gmx), doesn't work. It deletes "duplicate atoms".

Can someone give me step-by-step instructions to this problem.

Greatly appreciate your help!


Magnus Andersson

Chalmers University of Technology
Dept of Chemistry and Biological Engineering
Homepage:  http://www.csb.gu.se/neutze/
Phone: +46 (0)31-786 3917
Fax: +46 (0)31-786 3910
Lundberg Laboratory
Medicinaregatan 9e
SE-413 90 Göteborg

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