Dear users,

I have a problem on running MD of 146 LC molecules system. I do not do the energy minimisation. I use NVT ensemble to equilibrate my system. My topology was created using PRODRG beta server. After the creation of my systems box (on top of each other)


1. editconf -f lc -bt d -box 1.3 0.02 0.02 -princ -c -d 0.5 -rvdw 0.12 -o lcc

2. genconf -f lcc -nbox 8 8 8 -dist 0 0 0 -nmolat 27 -o lc512


I put inside another (a little bigger) molecule


3. editconf -f sl -bt c -box 6 -princ -c -d 2.5 -rvdw 0.12 -o sll

4. genbox -cp sll -cs lc512 -o slw -p sl


then create tpr


5. grompp -v -np 32 -shuffle -sort -f eq.mdp -c slw -p sl -o topol.tpr

and submit the job


I always get my system exploding


Initializing LINear Constraint Solver

number of constraints is 122

average number of constraints coupled to one constraint is 3.0

Rel. Constraint Deviation: Max between atoms RMS

Before LINCS 0.086035 40 39 0.026421

After LINCS 0.000704 103 104 0.000292

Energies (kJ/mol)

G96Angle Proper Dih. Improper Dih. LJ-14 Coulomb-14

2.76783e+03 8.11377e+01 8.21662e+01 3.98602e+04 5.57164e+03

LJ (SR) LJ (LR) Coulomb (SR) Coul. recip. Potential

2.71048e+03 -1.88575e+02 -3.38992e+03 -3.62073e+04 1.12877e+04

Kinetic En. Total Energy Temperature Pressure (bar)

6.65517e+04 7.78394e+04 2.06669e+03 1.75872e+05


Step 86, time 0.172 (ps) LINCS WARNING

relative constraint deviation after LINCS:

max 96.909290 (between atoms 85 and 86) rms 10.933811

bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:

atom 1 atom 2 angle previous, current, constraint length

77 78 113.7 0.1390 0.5917 0.1390

77 87 116.3 0.1390 0.5570 0.1390

78 79 109.8 0.1090 0.5917 0.1090

78 80 104.4 0.1390 1.2899 0.1390

80 81 93.6 0.1090 5.0458 0.1090

82 80 99.8 0.1390 3.9224 0.1390

82 83 100.5 0.1430 3.8921 0.1430

82 85 99.9 0.1390 3.9638 0.1390

83 84 103.4 0.1140 3.1119 0.1140

85 86 91.7 0.1090 10.6721 0.1090

85 87 100.2 0.1390 1.7797 0.1390

87 88 110.3 0.1090 0.5717 0.1090

Constraint error in algorithm Lincs at step 86

Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates

Large VCM(group rest): -949890684120872786061526585043023133196136319944012857455888493019588547485855908650717825011817737590092000256377384500897124503083675335640562545921274578670325230339034153228858928503740516247758241500986457604229169152.00000, -7700177673405372508341068198495354437944151718908865834595177256517607987036524874348348597888871194101005699859793685064099787214560958505758284878533509661264882479706501126070295847653568962516830194295490734095350104064.00000, -17482030675841594076114066100363479435124387445824631353703195421406478322250794440904806833364056039859394683424411714469447896344546474426178109668279235955517800609185251692588873229116161214420413237478774727134943379456.00000, ekin-cm: inf


MDP file


title = molecular dynamics

cpp = /usr/bin/cpp

include = -I../top


integrator = md

dt = 0.002 ;ps

nsteps = 5000000 ;10 ns

;comm_mode = Angular ;remove center of mass translation and rotation around the center of mass

nstcomm = 1 ;number of steps for center of mass motion removal


nstxout = 100 ;every 0.2 ps

nstvout = 100

nstfout = 0

nstlog = 100 ;Output frequency to write energies to log file

nstenergy = 100 ;Output frequency to write energies to energy file

energygrps = MMM DRG ;Selection of energy groups


nstlist = 1 ;update frequency

ns_type = grid ;algorithm (simple or grid)

pbc = xyz

rlist = 1.2 ;cut-off distance nm


coulombtype = PME ;Method for doing electrostatics

rcoulomb = 1.2 ;Coulomb cut-off distance nm

epsilon-r = 1.0 ;relative dielectric constant


vdw-type = Cut-off ;Method for doing VDW

rvdw = 1.5 ;cut-off lengths nm

;DispCorr = EnerPres ;Apply long range dispersion corrections for Energy and Pressure

fourierspacing = 0.1 ;Spacing for the PME/PPPM FFT grid

; EWALD/PME/PPPM parameters

pme_order = 4 ;cubic interpolation

ewald_rtol = 1e-05 ;relative Evald-shifted potential at cut-off

optimize_fft = yes ;calculate at startup


Tcoupl = Berendsen ;Temperature coupling

Tc-grps = System ;Groups to couple separately

tau_T = 5.0 ;Time constant (ps)

ref_T = 299 ;reference temperature (K)

Pcoupl = no ;Pressure coupling

Pcoupltype = Isotropic

tau_P = 5.0 ;Time constant (ps)

compressibility = 4.5e-5 ;compressibility (1/bar)

ref_P = 1.0 ;reference P (bar)


constraints = all-bonds

constraint-algorithm = lincs

;shake_tol = 0.0001

unconstrained-start = yes ;don't constrain the start configuration

lincs-order = 4 ;Highest order in the expansion of the constraint coupling matrix

lincs-warnangle = 30

lincs-iter = 2

morse = no ;Convert harmonic bonds to morse potentials


gen_vel = no ;generates velocities

gen_temp = 299

gen_seed = 173529


Could anyone help me?




Egidijus Kuprusevicius

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