vivek sharma wrote:
HI Carsten,
Thanks again for reply. and my apologies for putting question out of discussion. actually I tried same command with -np 24 and -np 64, and for both cases i got different trajectory (while analyzing them using ngmx).
If you look at a plot of your data, e.g. energies, they should slowly
diverge with time (start by looking at the first few hundred time steps).
This  behaviour I would expect to be ok. Long-term averages should not be
affected, while the variables at a certain point in time will be
completely uncorrelated after a while.

Also Can you suggest me some tutorial or reference to get details of scalability limitation of gromacs(on parellal enviournment).

There is a paper about gromacs scalability on Ethernet from which you
can draw some conclustions about the 3.3.x version. For higher processor
counts (np > 32) check out the new gromacs 4.0 paper.

- Speeding up parallel GROMACS on high-latency networks, 2007, JCC, Vol 28, 12
- GROMACS 4: Algorithms for Highly Efficient, Load-Balanced, and Scalable 
  Simulation, 2008, JCTC 4 (3)

Hope that helps,

With Thanks,

2008/9/12 Carsten Kutzner <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>

    Hi Vivek,

    I think I'm a bit lost now. We were originally talking about differences
    in trajectories but from the mail you just sent I can see that you have
    a segmentation fault, which is another problem.

    I can only suggest that if you want to make use of 128 processors you
    should download the CVS version of gromacs or wait until the 4.0
    is out. Since in gromacs 3.3.x the protein has to reside as a whole
    on one of the processors, this very likely limits your scaling.

    Also, on 128 processors you will get a PME grid of 128x128xSomething
    (since nx and ny have to be divisible by the number of CPUs) which is
    probably way bigger than it needs to be (how big is it for a single
    CPU?). Together with a PME order of 6 this leads to a large overlap
    in the charge grid, which has to be communicated among the processors.
    PME order 4 will be better suited for such a high parallelization, but
    in general for Gromacs 3.x you should have at least a few thousand atoms
    per  processor, less than 1000 won't give you decent scaling at all.


    vivek sharma wrote:

        Hi Carsten,
        Thanks for your reply. Actually I am running MD simulation on a
        protein molecule with 270 residues(2687 atoms), after adding
        water it is having 45599 atoms, and using the recent version of
        gromacs test available from <>
        <> (gmxtest-3.3.3.tgz)

        Following are the entries from the .mdp file I am using.....

        title               = trp_drg MD
        cpp                 = /lib/cpp ; location of cpp on SGI
        constraints         = all-bonds
        integrator          = md
        dt                  = 0.002 ; ps !
        nsteps              = 25000 ; total 50 ps.
        nstcomm             = 1
        nstxout             = 2500 ; output coordinates every 5.0 ps
        nstvout             = 0
        nstfout             = 0
        nstlist             = 5
        ns_type             = grid
        rlist               = 0.9
        coulombtype         = PME
        rcoulomb            = 0.9
        rvdw                = 1.4
        fourierspacing      = 0.12
        fourier_nx        = 0
        fourier_ny        = 0
        fourier_nz        = 0
        pme_order         = 6
        ewald_rtol        = 1e-5
        optimize_fft      = yes
        ; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in four groups
        Tcoupl                = berendsen
        tau_t                 = 0.1         0.1   0.1
        tc-grps               = protein     NDP   sol
        ref_t                 = 300         300   300
        ; Pressure coupling is on
        Pcoupl              = berendsen
        pcoupltype          = isotropic
        tau_p               = 0.5
        compressibility     = 4.5e-5
        ref_p               = 1.0
        ; Generate velocites is on at 300 K.
        gen_vel             = yes
        gen_temp            = 300.0
        gen_seed            = 173529
        ****************and Following are the commands I am using
        grompp_d -np 128 -f md1.mdp -c 1XU9_A_b4em.gro -p -o

        /////arguement for mdrun_d
        -s 1XU9_A_md1_np128.tpr -o 1XU9_A_md1_np128.trr -c
        1XU9_A_pmd1_np128.gro -g md_np128.log -e md_np128.edr -np 128

        ***********Following is the error I am getting
        Reading file 1XU9_A_md1_np128.tpr, VERSION 3.3.3 (double precision)
        25000 steps,     50.0 ps.

        srun: error: n141: task1: Segmentation fault
        srun: Terminating job

        Is this information is helpfull in figuring out the problem.
        Please, advice

        With Thanks,

        2008/9/11 Carsten Kutzner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>

           vivek sharma wrote:

               Hi There,
               I am running gromacs parellal version on cluster, with
               -np options.


           which version of gromacs exactly are you using?

               On analyzing the 5 nsec trajectory using ngmx, I am finding
               difference in the trajectory of two similar runs (only thing
               varying in two runs in -np i.e 20 and 64 ), where mdp
        file and
               input files are same in two cases.
               I am wondering why I am getting this difference in two
               trajectories ?
               I am looking for the advice whether I did something wrong or
               what may be the probable reason for this difference.

           There are many reasons why a parallel run does not yield binary
           results to a run with another number of processors, even if you
           start from
           the same tpr file. If you use PME, then the FFTW could pick a
           different algorithm (it will select the fastest for that
        number of
           This feature you can turn off by passing
        --disable-fftw-measure to the
           gromacs configure script). But still you can get results that
        are not
           binary identical if you do FFTs on a varying number of CPUs.
        Also, for
           limited accuracy which is inherent to any computer, additions
        need not
           be associative, which can show up in parallel additions.

           Generally, if you run in double precision, these effects will
        be way
           but nevertheless you won't get binary identical results. This
           in all
           cases lead to trajectories which slowly diverge from each other.
           in the fist few hundred time steps, you should not see any
        difference in
           the first couple of decimals of the variables (positions,
           energies ...)

               Also, I am not able to run gromacs faster by increasing
        the -np

           Please provide the exact command line you used.

               Is there any max limit for scaling gromacs on parellal
        cluster ?

           Yes, depending on your MD system and on the cluster you use :)


               With Thanks,


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           --    Dr. Carsten Kutzner
           Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
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