Dear Li Yang,
I forward your email to the GMX mailing list, which may be better for
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Li Yang wrote:
> Dear Ran Friedman
> I'm sorry to disturb you, my name is Li Yang, I'm a chinese student.
> I've read some paper about the calculation of QH entropy: 
>   (a)Jurgen Schlitter_ChemPhysLett1993_215_617, 
>   (b)Ioan Andricioaei_JChemPhys2001_115_6289(quasiharmonic approximation). 
> There is still something confuse me.
> (1) Why the number of the eigenvalues is 3n-6 (the last 6 values are close to 
> zero) but not 3n ?  I practice some small examples by gromacs. (256 argon 
> atoms in a box of 2.3nm^3, you can find this example in paper(b)). For 
> g_covar, when -nofit, the number of eigenvalues is 3n; when -fit the number 
> is 3n-6. It seems there are some freedoms constrainted in the "fit" process. 
> The paper' conclusion is based on a assumption that hw<<kT, say, the high 
> frequencies vibrate (both rotation and translations, right?) can be omitted 
> for the entropy calculations, as it were, the contributions of them is too 
> small to be omitted. Are the freedoms mentioned above represent the freedoms 
> of rotations and translations of the molecules. I don't know. Maybe the 
> answer is in those papers, but I cannot catch it.
> While how to use the "nofit" result and "fit" result? The eigenv.agr in the 
> attachment includes "fit" and "nofit" results for the example: 256 argon 
> atoms in a box of 2.3nm^3. Why there is a big difference between them?
> (2) I "split" some time-segment to obtain the entropies in each stage to get 
> the convergence variation of the entropy. But I doubt the feasibility of this 
> method. If wrong, how to do?
> eg, time points: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  and time stage:0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 0-4, 0-5, 
> right?
> why not 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5.
> In the maillist of gmx, the latter is not wrong because of undersampling, I 
> don't know this meaning. Could you please offer me some suggestions or refs?
> (3) In entropy calculations, a system need to run a long time for entropy 
> convergence, the time seems to be longer than the one which needed for energy 
> convergence. While, for equilibrium thermodynamics simulations, how to 
> justify whether or not the system has achieving a equilibrium stage, based on 
> energy convergence or entropy confvergence?
> (4) For the example mentioned in the paper Ioan 
> Andricioaei_JChemPhys2001_115_6289. I use your perl script for entropy 
> calculation. But I don't reproduce the result. The needed time of entropy 
> convergence is longer than the time mentioned in the paper, and so larger of 
> my entropy. 
> I don't know why, perphas the simulation conditions is not right. My 
> simulation files are included in the attachment. Could you give some 
> suggestions? 
> BTW, in line 77 of your script: $w=$ev*$u*10**(-18), Does "10^-18" mean nm^-2?
> I apologize in advance if I disturb you.
> Thank you very much. Waiting for you reply.
> Best
> Li Yang 
>         Li Yang
>           2008-09-17

Ran Friedman
Postdoctoral Fellow
Computational Structural Biology Group (A. Caflisch)
Department of Biochemistry
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel. +41-44-6355593
Skype: ran.friedman

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