Berk Hess wrote:

Looking at your 64 core results, it seems that your PP:PME load ratio is about 1:1.
In most cases 3:1 is much better performance wise.
grompp probably also printed a note about this and also how to fix it.

From the .mdp file I posted before, grompp gave the following:

Calculating fourier grid dimensions for X Y Z
Using a fourier grid of 56x60x50, spacing 0.238 0.230 0.240
Estimate for the relative computational load of the PME mesh part: 0.34

Should it have advised me about anything else? It seems that the PME load is reasonable, given what I understand about the matter. I suppose that does indicate to the PP/PME ratio I should be using.

I have also described this shortly in the parallelization section of the pdf manual.

You should probably increase your cut-offs and pme grid spacing by the same factor
(something around 1.2).

Which cut-offs, rlist/rcoulomb? I thought these were force field-dependent. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Hopefully mdrun should choose the proper number of pme nodes for you
when you do not use -npme.

I have never gotten mdrun to cooperate without specifically defining -npme; maybe it's just me or something that I'm doing. For example, output from two runs I tried (using 64 cores):

1. With fourierspacing = 0.12 (only difference from the posted .mdp file)

Program mdrun_4.0_rc2_mpi, VERSION 4.0_rc2
Source code file: domdec_setup.c, line: 132

Fatal error:
Could not find an appropriate number of separate PME nodes. i.e. >= 0.563840*#nodes (34) and <= #nodes/2 (32) and reasonable performance wise (grid_x=112, grid_y=117). Use the -npme option of mdrun or change the number of processors or the PME grid dimensions, see the manual for details.

2. With fourierspacing = 0.24 (the posted .mdp file)

Program mdrun_4.0_rc2_mpi, VERSION 4.0_rc2
Source code file: domdec_setup.c, line: 132

Fatal error:
Could not find an appropriate number of separate PME nodes. i.e. >= 0.397050*#nodes (24) and <= #nodes/2 (32) and reasonable performance wise (grid_x=56, grid_y=60). Use the -npme option of mdrun or change the number of processors or the PME grid dimensions, see the manual for details.




 > Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 17:18:24 -0400
 > To:
 > Subject: [gmx-users] Improving scaling - Gromacs 4.0 RC2
 > Hi,
> I've been playing around with the latest release candidate of version 4.0, and I > was hoping someone out there more knowledgeable than me might tell me how to > improve a bit on the performance I'm seeing. To clarify, the performance I'm > seeing is a ton faster than 3.3.x, but I still seem to be getting bogged down > with the PME/PP balance. I'm using mostly the default options with the new mdrun:
 > mdrun_mpi -s test.tpr -np 64 -npme 32
> The system contains about 150,000 atoms - a membrane protein surrounded by > several hundred lipids and solvent (water). The protein parameters are GROMOS, > lipids are Berger, and water is SPC. My .mdp file (adapted from a generic 3.3.x > file that I always used to use for such simulations) is attached at the end of > this mail. It seems that my system runs fastest on 64 CPU's. Almost all tests > with 128 or 256 seem to run slower. The nodes are dual-core 2.3 GHz Xserve G5,
 > connected by Infiniband.
 > Here's a summary of some of the tests I've run:
 > -np -npme -ddorder ns/day % performance loss from imbalance
 > 64 16 interleave 5.760 19.6
 > 64 32 interleave 9.600 40.9
 > 64 32 pp_pme 5.252 3.9
 > 64 32 cartesian 5.383 4.7
 > All other mdrun command line options are defaults.
> I get ~10.3 ns/day with -np 256 -npme 64, but since -np 64 -npme 32 seems to > give almost that same performance there seems to be no compelling reason to tie
 > up that many nodes.
> Any hints on how to speed things up any more? Is it possible? Not that I'm > complaining...the same system under GMX 3.3.3 gives just under 1 ns/day :) I'm > really curious about the 40.9% performance loss I'm seeing with -np 64 -npme 32,
 > even though it gives the best overall performance in terms of ns/day.
 > Thanks in advance for your attention, and any comments.
 > -Justin
 > =======test.mdp=========
 > title = NPT simulation for a membrane protein
 > ; Run parameters
 > integrator = md
 > dt = 0.002
 > nsteps = 10000 ; 20 ps
 > nstcomm = 1
 > ; Output parameters
 > nstxout = 500
 > nstvout = 500
 > nstfout = 500
 > nstlog = 500
 > nstenergy = 500
 > ; Bond parameters
 > constraint_algorithm = lincs
 > constraints = all-bonds
 > continuation = no ; starting up
 > ; Twin-range cutoff scheme, parameters for Gromos96
 > nstlist = 5
 > ns_type = grid
 > rlist = 0.8
 > rcoulomb = 0.8
 > rvdw = 1.4
 > ; PME electrostatics parameters
 > coulombtype = PME
 > fourierspacing = 0.24
 > pme_order = 4
 > ewald_rtol = 1e-5
 > optimize_fft = yes
 > ; V-rescale temperature coupling is on in three groups
 > Tcoupl = V-rescale
 > tc_grps = Protein POPC SOL_NA+_CL-
 > tau_t = 0.1 0.1 0.1
 > ref_t = 310 310 310
 > ; Pressure coupling is on
 > Pcoupl = Berendsen
 > pcoupltype = semiisotropic
 > tau_p = 2.0
 > compressibility = 4.5e-5 4.5e-5
 > ref_p = 1.0 1.0
 > ; Generate velocities is on
 > gen_vel = yes
 > gen_temp = 310
 > gen_seed = 173529
 > ; Periodic boundary conditions are on in all directions
 > pbc = xyz
 > ; Long-range dispersion correction
 > DispCorr = EnerPres
 > ========end test.mdp==========
 > --
 > ========================================
 > Justin A. Lemkul
 > Graduate Research Assistant
 > Department of Biochemistry
 > Virginia Tech
 > Blacksburg, VA
 > jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
 > ========================================
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Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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