Shay Amram a écrit :

Dear GROMACS users,

I have been trying to expand a membrane by a non-integer multiplier (for example X1.5). This can be done using

*genbox -cs Membrane.gro -o Expanded_membrane.gro –box 1.5X 1.5Y Z***

This has worked very good with _homogenous_ membranes, and only very short equilibrium times were required to re-equilibrate the membrane (~10-20ns).

Now I am trying to deal the same way with _heterogeneous_ membrane (POPG/POPE mixture, Mikko Karttunen et. al).

When trying to invoke the above command to the POPG/POPE membrane I get a membrane with different compositions of lipids in the upper and lower leaflets.

This happens (so I suspect) because the arrangement of lipids in each leaflet is somewhat different so that the molecules that "get' to be multiplied do not conserve the

same ratio of different lipids as in the original structure (which has ratio of 1:3 POPG/POPE).

Is there a way to multiply the membrane by a _non-integer_ number AND somehow conserve the ratio of different lipid species too?

Or at the very least, to have both upper and lower leaflets identical after multiplication? (This, too, would help immensely).

This is quite a difficult task unfortunately. Personally, I create a membrane patch larger than the one I want (e.g. 2x 2y 1z), load the gro file into VMD, then cut a patch the size/composition I need. That means doing selections like:

   set sel [atomselect top "same resid as (x<... and x>... and y<...
   and y>...)"]

Checking the number of lipids in each layer:

   [atomselect top "resname DOPG and name P1 and z>... and (same resid
   as (x<... and x>... and y<... and y>...))"] num
   [atomselect top "resname DOPG and name P1 and z<... and (same resid
   as (x<... and x>... and y<... and y>...))"] num

Completing the selection by manually adding the residues I need:

   set sel [atomselect top "same resid as (x<... and x>... and y<...
   and y>...) or resid ..."]

Saving the coordinates:

   animate write pdb sel $sel

This is a tidy task and some equilibration is still required after that. Basic knowledge of TCL/VMD scripting languages may be required to facilitate/automate the work.





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