Berk Hess wrote:

Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 20:52:31 +1000
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] About exclusion of non-bonded interaction for pairs    
of energy groups

Lee Soin wrote:
Sorry to bother you again, but I have another question. I have written a
topology file of two water molecules to test the pair interaction. Here is
part of my topology file:

[ moleculetype ]
SOL  2
[ atoms ]
  1  opls_116  1  SOL  OW  1  -0.82
  2  opls_117  1  SOL  HW1  1  0.41
  3  opls_117  1  SOL  HW2  1  0.41
  4  opls_116  2  SOL  OW  2  -0.82
  5  opls_117  2  SOL  HW1  2  0.41
  6  opls_117  2  SOL  HW2  2  0.41
[ settles ]
  1  1  0.1  0.16330
  4  1  0.1  0.16330
[ exclusions ]
  1  2  3
  2  1  3
  3  1  2
  4  5  6
  5  4  6
  6  4  5
[ exclusions ]
1 4
[ pairs ]
  1  4  1

I have also changed the fudgeLJ and fudgeQQ to 1.0.
Originally, there is no pair interaction in this system. First I did a
simulation when the last 4 lines were removed, that is, I treated all the
interactions as non-bonded interactions.
Since there is no bonded interaction between 1 and 4, your second [ exclusions ] directive will not have any effect. Read section 5.4. Exclusions are cancellations only of interactions between bonded atoms.

That is incorrect.
The exclusion line makes Gromacs excluded non-bonded interactions
between atoms 1 and 4. The [ exclusions ] section, although itself
"bonded" in some ways, has no relation at all with any other bonded

True, 5.4 does point out that there are (in a sense) two kinds of exclusions, viz "The exclusions for bonded particles are generated by grompp for neighboring atoms up to a certain number of bonds away, as defined in the [ moleculetype ] section in the topology file (see 5.7.1).". Then the second paragraph goes on to point out the purpose of [ exclusions ]: "Extra exclusions within a molecule can be added manually in a [ exclusions ] section."

Perhaps the wording of this description could be improved, since the sense of "[ exclusions ]" is actually "[ extra_exclusions ]"? A sentence clarifying this before the full explanation would make things clearer:


Additional pairs of particles from which non-bonded interactions are to be excluded may be indicated under this directive. Some exclusions for bonded particles may be generated by grompp for neighbouring atoms...

Such extra exclusions within a molecule can be added manually in the [ exclusions ] list. Each line..."


Then I added the last 4 lines
to specify the normal non-bonded interaction between atom 1 and 4 as pair
interaction in order to see whether that will affect the result. It turns
out that the results for the two cases are different. So did I miss
something, or are pair interactions and non-bonded interactions treated
differently by GROMACS?
mdrun is only reproducible if you tell it that you want it to be with "mdrun -reprod". So it is possible that your observation of different results is not (yet) meaningful.

However, I believe you've merely added a second identical non-bonded interaction between 1 and 4, so you will get different results regardless.

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