; DPPC itp file
; Use ffG43A1-S3 parameter files
; KW-type potential (gd_kw20) is used for the dihedrals -CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-
;         of the hydrocarbon chains.
;   gd_kw5 for -OA-C(carbonyl)-CH2-CH2- in Sn2 and Sn2 chains
;   gd_kw7 for  -C(carbonyl)-CH2-CH2-CH2-
; Partial charges on the head group atoms were derived from HF/6-31G*
; calculation
; For use with PME method only
[ moleculetype ]
; Name            nrexcl
POPC                3

[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge       mass  typeB
chargeB      massB
     1   CH3*       1   POPC     C1      1        0.4     15.035
     2   CH3*       1   POPC     C2      2        0.4     15.035
     3   CH3*       1   POPC     C3      3        0.4     15.035
     4    NL      1   POPC     N4        4     -0.5    14.0067
     5   CH2*      1   POPC     C5       5       0.3     14.027
     6   CH2*      1   POPC     C6       6       0.4     14.027
     7    OA      1   POPC    OS7      7       -0.8    15.9994
     8     P      1   POPC     P8      8        1.7    30.9738
     9    OM*     1   POPC    OM9      9       -0.8    15.9994
    10    OM*     1   POPC   OM10      10      -0.8    15.9994
    11    OA       1   POPC   OS11     11       -0.7    15.9994
    12    CH2*     1   POPC    C12     12        0.4     14.027
    13   CH1*      1   POPC    C13     13       0.3     13.019
    14    OA      1   POPC   OS14      14      -0.7    15.9994
    15    CO*      1   POPC    C15     15        0.7     12.011
    16     O*     1   POPC    O16      16      -0.7    15.9994
    17   CH2*      1   POPC    C17     17          0     14.027
    18   CH2*      1   POPC    C18     17         0     14.027
    19   CH2*      1   POPC    C19     17         0     14.027
    20   CH2*      1   POPC    C20     18         0     14.027
    21   CH2*      1   POPC    C21     18         0     14.027
    22   CH2*      1   POPC    C22     18         0     14.027
    23   CH2*      1   POPC    C23     19         0     14.027
    24   C*H1      1   POPC    C24     19         0     13.019
    25   C*H1      1   POPC    C25     19         0     13.019
    26   CH2*      1   POPC    C26     20         0     14.027
    27   CH2*      1   POPC    C27     20         0     14.027
    28   CH2*      1   POPC    C28     20         0     14.027
    29   CH2*      1   POPC    C29     21         0     14.027
    30   CH2*      1   POPC    C30     21         0     14.027
    31   CH2*      1   POPC    C31     21         0     15.035
    32   CH2*      1   POPC    C32     22          0     14.027
    33   CH3*      1   POPC    C33     22        0.0     15.035
    34   CH2*      1   POPC    C34     23        0.5     14.027
    35    OA       1   POPC   OS35     24       -0.7    15.9994
    36    CO*      1   POPC    C36     25        0.8     12.011
    37     O*     1   POPC    O37      26      -0.6    15.9994
    38   CH2*      1   POPC    C38     27          0     14.027
    39   CH2*      1   POPC    C39     27          0     14.027
    40   CH2*      1   POPC    C40     27          0     14.027
    41   CH2*      1   POPC    C41     28          0     14.027
    42   CH2*      1   POPC    C42     28          0     14.027
    43   CH2*      1   POPC    C43     28          0     14.027
    44   CH2*      1   POPC    C44     29          0     14.027
    45   CH2*      1   POPC    C45     29          0     13.019
    46   CH2*      1   POPC    C46     29          0     13.019
    47   CH2*      1   POPC    C47     30          0     14.027
    48   CH2*      1   POPC    C48     30          0     14.027
    49   CH2*      1   POPC    C49     30          0     14.027
    50   CH2*      1   POPC    C50     31          0     14.027
    51   CH2*      1   POPC    C51     31          0     14.027
    52   CH3*      1   POPC    C52     31          0     15.035

[ bonds ]
;  ai    aj funct            c0            c1            c2            c3
    1     4     2    gb_20
    2     4     2    gb_20
    3     4     2    gb_20
    4     5     2    gb_20
    5     6     2    gb_26
    6     7     2    gb_17
    7     8     2    gb_27
    8     9     2    gb_23
    8    10     2    gb_23
    8    11     2    gb_27
   11    12     2    gb_17
   12    13     2    gb_26
   13    14     2    gb_17
   13    34     2    gb_26
   14    15     2    gb_12
   15    16     2    gb_4
   15    17     2    gb_58b  ; gb_24
   17    18     2    gb_26
   18    19     2    gb_26
   19    20     2    gb_26
   20    21     2    gb_26
   21    22     2    gb_26
   22    23     2    gb_26
   23    24     2    gb_58
   24    25     2    gb_57
   25    26     2    gb_58
   26    27     2    gb_26
   27    28     2    gb_26
   28    29     2    gb_26
   29    30     2    gb_26
   30    31     2    gb_26
   31    32     2    gb_26
   32    33     2    gb_26
   34    35     2    gb_17
   35    36     2    gb_12
   36    37     2    gb_4
   36    38     2    gb_58b   ; gb_24
   38    39     2    gb_26
   39    40     2    gb_26
   40    41     2    gb_26
   41    42     2    gb_26
   42    43     2    gb_26
   43    44     2    gb_26
   44    45     2    gb_26
   45    46     2    gb_26
   46    47     2    gb_26
   47    48     2    gb_26
   48    49     2    gb_26
   49    50     2    gb_26
   50    51     2    gb_26
   51    52     2    gb_26

[ pairs ]
;  ai    aj funct            c0            c1            c2            c3
   1     6     1
   2     6     1
   3     6     1
   4     7     1
   5     8     1
   6     9     1
   6    10     1
   6    11     1
   7    12     1
   8    13     1
   9    12     1
  10    12     1
  11    14     1
  11    34     1
  12    15     1
  12    35     1
; 13    16     1   ; gd_kw32
; 13    17     1   ; gd_kw32
  13    36     1
; 14    18     1  ; gd_kw5
  14    35     1
; 15    19     1  ; gd_kw7
  15    34     1
; 16    18     1  ; gd_kw5
; 21    24     1    ; gd_kw4a1
; 22    25     1    ;gd_kw34a1
  23    26     1
; 24    27     1    ; gd_kw34a1
; 25    28     1    ;gd_kw4a1
; 34    37     1  ; gd_kw32
; 34    38     1  ; gd_kw32
; 35    39     1  ; gd_kw5
; 36    40     1  ; gd_kw7
; 37    39     1  ; gd_kw5

[ angles ]
;  ai    aj    ak funct            c0            c1            c2
    1     4     2     2    ga_12
    1     4     3     2    ga_12
    1     4     5     2    ga_12
    2     4     3     2    ga_12
    2     4     5     2    ga_12
    3     4     5     2    ga_12
    4     5     6     2    ga_14
    5     6     7     2    ga_14
    6     7     8     2    ga_25
    7     8     9     2    ga_13
    7     8    10     2    ga_13
    7     8    11     2    ga_4
    9     8    10     2    ga_28
    9     8    11     2    ga_13
   10     8    11     2    ga_13
    8    11    12     2    ga_25
   11    12    13     2    ga_14
   12    13    14     2    ga_12
   12    13    34     2    ga_12
   14    13    34     2    ga_12
   13    14    15     2    ga_18
   14    15    16     2    ga_32
   14    15    17     2    ga_14
   16    15    17     2    ga_34
   15    17    18     2    ga_14
   17    18    19     2    ga_14
   18    19    20     2    ga_14
   19    20    21     2    ga_14
   20    21    22     2    ga_14
   21    22    23     2    ga_14
   22    23    24     2    ga_49
   23    24    25     2    ga_47
   24    25    26     2    ga_47
   25    26    27     2    ga_49
   26    27    28     2    ga_14
   27    28    29     2    ga_14
   28    29    30     2    ga_14
   29    30    31     2    ga_14
   30    31    32     2    ga_14
   31    32    33     2    ga_14
   13    34    35     2    ga_14
   34    35    36     2    ga_18
   35    36    37     2    ga_32
   35    36    38     2    ga_14
   36    38    39     2    ga_14
   37    36    38     2    ga_34
   38    39    40     2    ga_14
   39    40    41     2    ga_14
   40    41    42     2    ga_14
   41    42    43     2    ga_14
   42    43    44     2    ga_14
   43    44    45     2    ga_14
   44    45    46     2    ga_14
   45    46    47     2    ga_14
   46    47    48     2    ga_14
   47    48    49     2    ga_14
   48    49    50     2    ga_14
   49    50    51     2    ga_14
   50    51    52     2    ga_14

[ dihedrals ]
;  ai    aj    ak    al funct            c0            c1
c2            c3            c4            c5
    3     4     5     6     1    gd_17d   ;gd_kw36
    4     5     6     7     3    gd_swc6n
    5     6     7     8     1    gd_14
    6     7     8    11     3    gd_s0911
    7     8    11    12     3    gd_s0911
    8    11    12    13     1    gd_14
   11    12    13    34     1    gd_17
   12    13    14    15     3    gd_swc1   ; sn2 chain
   12    13    34    35     1    gd_17
   13    14    15    17     3    gd_kw32
   14    15    17    18     3    gd_kw5
   15    17    18    19     3    gd_kw7
   17    18    19    20     3    gd_kw20
   18    19    20    21     3    gd_kw20
   19    20    21    22     3    gd_kw20
   20    21    22    23     3    gd_kw20
   21    22    23    24     3    gd_kw4a1
   22    23    24    25     3    gd_kw34a1
   23    24    25    26     1    gd_5b
   24    25    26    27     3    gd_kw34a1
   25    26    27    28     3    gd_kw4a1
   26    27    28    29     3    gd_kw20
   27    28    29    30     3    gd_kw20
   28    29    30    31     3    gd_kw20
   29    30    31    32     3    gd_kw20
   30    31    32    33     3    gd_kw20
   13    34    35    36     3    gd_swc1a
   34    35    36    38     3    gd_kw32
   35    36    38    39     3    gd_kw5
   36    38    39    40     3    gd_kw7
   38    39    40    41     3    gd_kw20
   39    40    41    42     3    gd_kw20
   40    41    42    43     3    gd_kw20
   41    42    43    44     3    gd_kw20
   42    43    44    45     3    gd_kw20
   43    44    45    46     3    gd_kw20
   44    45    46    47     3    gd_kw20
   45    46    47    48     3    gd_kw20
   46    47    48    49     3    gd_kw20
   47    48    49    50     3    gd_kw20
   48    49    50    51     3    gd_kw20
   49    50    51    52     3    gd_kw20

[ dihedrals ]
;  ai    aj    ak    al funct            c0            c1
c2            c3
   13    14    34    12     2    gi_2
   15    14    17    16     2    gi_1
   36    35    38    37     2    gi_1

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Justin A. Lemkul <jalem...@vt.edu> wrote:

> sahajmo...@gmail.com wrote:
>> So wat shud I do now I send u the attach files
> Copy and paste the problematic section from your topology into an email so
> we can all see it.
> -Justin
>> Regards,
>> Mohit Kumar
>> On 10-Aug-2009, at 12:05 PM, "Justin A. Lemkul" <jalem...@vt.edu> wrote:
>>> mohit kumar wrote:
>>>> im using dell core 2 duo with linux mint
>>> OK, so what about showing us the topology?  That's probably a lot more
>>> relevant, anyway.
>>> -Justin
>>> --
>>> ========================================
>>> Justin A. Lemkul
>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>>> Department of Biochemistry
>>> Virginia Tech
>>> Blacksburg, VA
>>> jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
>>> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
>>> ========================================
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> --
> ========================================
> Justin A. Lemkul
> Ph.D. Candidate
> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
> Department of Biochemistry
> Virginia Tech
> Blacksburg, VA
> jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
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Molecular Biochemistry & Biophysics
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