Hi Justin,

I tried to run full MD after energy minimization in both vacuo and water... went good but I got this ERROR once I try to run full MD.

Can you please help.....

Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.014761, max 0.067846 (between atoms 416 and 417)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
starting mdrun 'VioLanthrone in water'
50000 steps,    100.0 ps.

Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 336.210453, max 3218.528809 (between atoms 415 and 416)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
     70     71   41.8    0.1530   0.2361      0.1530
     69     70  121.0    0.1531   1.9697      0.1530
     67     68  156.3    0.1624   8.0600      0.1530
     66     67   64.6    0.1621  29.2909      0.1530
     65     66  108.7    0.1578  35.0944      0.1530
     64     65   72.8    0.1591  33.9603      0.1530
     63     64  127.8    0.1603   5.8064      0.1530
     61     62  131.8    0.1531   0.3537      0.1530
     60     61   57.1    0.1530   0.1243      0.1530
    286    285   38.1    0.1368   0.1513      0.1360
    284    285   93.8    0.1385   0.3739      0.1360
    283    284   91.3    0.1443   1.0202      0.1390
    282    283   78.9    0.1452   7.6810      0.1390
    281    282   80.3    0.1448   9.0651      0.1390
    279    281   80.6    0.1446   3.3017      0.1390
    279    280  139.2    0.1440   0.7653      0.1390
    278    279   74.6    0.1430  11.7061      0.1390
    278    277   88.7    0.1423   9.9988      0.1390
    276    277   48.8    0.1410   1.5366      0.1390
    275    276   90.1    0.1396   4.7914      0.1390
    274    275   87.3    0.1405  18.6892      0.1390
    273    278   86.5    0.1423   6.0358      0.1390
    273    274   89.5    0.1413  19.8101      0.1390
    271    273   74.4    0.1422   6.3080      0.1390
    271    272   93.5    0.1258   8.1775      0.1230
    270    281   68.1    0.1445   2.5745      0.1390
    270    271   93.4    0.1431   8.6284      0.1390
    270    269   71.4    0.1414   1.5530      0.1390
    268    269   80.6    0.1406   6.4334      0.1390
    267    282   67.5    0.1443  25.7157      0.1390
    267    268   68.7    0.1427  28.0430      0.1390
    266    267   86.1    0.1436  72.5722      0.1390
    266    265   84.8    0.1422 222.9021      0.1390
    264    265   90.4    0.1408 390.2640      0.1390
    263    264   86.2    0.1415 393.1811      0.1390
    261    263   96.6    0.1433  30.2353      0.1390
    261    262   56.1    0.1257  22.0580      0.1230
    260    261   60.5    0.1428  22.8828      0.1390
    260    259   88.4    0.1411   1.0891      0.1390
    257    258  114.8    0.1394   0.3860      0.1390
    256    257  132.5    0.1399   0.2469      0.1390
    255    260   78.1    0.1426   1.3243      0.1390
    255    256   45.5    0.1414   0.7532      0.1390
    253    263   65.5    0.1447  32.5754      0.1390
    252    266   80.3    0.1448  71.8742      0.1390
    252    253   64.6    0.1449  14.7647      0.1390
    251    252   76.8    0.1449  18.2314      0.1390
    254    250   65.1    0.1428   1.7857      0.1390
    249    251   75.9    0.1440   2.1153      0.1390
    249    250   53.4    0.1426   0.1141      0.1390
    249    248   32.3    0.1388   0.1975      0.1360
    438    437   37.1    0.1366   0.1946      0.1360
    436    437  127.5    0.1377   2.6510      0.1360
    434    435   66.8    0.1428   4.2026      0.1390
    433    434  163.9    0.1415   2.0503      0.1390
    436    432  123.3    0.1406   2.7198      0.1390
    420    421  128.4    0.1398   2.1740      0.1390
    419    434   48.9    0.1421   1.2412      0.1390
    418    419  163.9    0.1432  18.4852      0.1390
    418    417   52.7    0.1431  31.4670      0.1390
    416    417  147.5    0.1484 136.8367      0.1390
    415    416   58.2    0.1449 447.5145      0.1390
    413    415  152.0    0.1475 331.5535      0.1390
    413    414   56.7    0.1261 283.8908      0.1230
    412    413   62.3    0.1446 272.3644      0.1390
    412    411  168.8    0.1449  54.1788      0.1390
    409    410  137.2    0.1402   4.5705      0.1390
    408    409   65.3    0.1430   1.8876      0.1390
    407    412  119.8    0.1459  25.1600      0.1390
    407    408   85.4    0.1446  14.0232      0.1390
    406    407   56.4    0.1469  17.4775      0.1390
    405    415   63.3    0.1460 430.7261      0.1390
    405    406   92.7    0.1471  85.9366      0.1390
    404    418   61.0    0.1462  49.7659      0.1390
    404    405  157.2    0.1470 116.1591      0.1390
    403    435  139.3    0.1448  26.6457      0.1390
    406    402  121.8    0.1454   5.0911      0.1390
    401    403   98.2    0.1445  23.9140      0.1390
    401    402   64.2    0.1449   0.5887      0.1390
    401    400  117.1    0.1385   0.6435      0.1360
    398    400  129.7    0.1371   0.6799      0.1360
    398    399   32.1    0.1233   0.1598      0.1230
step 0Segmentation fault


Quoting "Justin A. Lemkul" <jalem...@vt.edu>:

Warren Gallin wrote:

I am trying to work my way through learning to use GROMACS 4.0.5 for doing MD simulations of short peptides in solution.

My problem is that several peptides, most strikingly a Serine 10-mer, are exploding during the production run.

I construct the serine polymer in extended form using TINKER, with neither end capped, then use pdb2gmx, editconv, genbox and genion to set the forcefield to OPLSAA/L, place it in a box of tip3p water, neutralized in a .096 M NaCl solution.

I am trying to track down why this is occurring, and the first thing that seems suspicious is that the initial energy minimization run reaches convergence with a rather large force remaining on one of the atoms - the final statement from the EM run is:

Steepest Descents converged to machine precision in 6793 steps,
but did not reach the requested Fmax < 10.
Potential Energy  = -4.9731194e+05
Maximum force     =  7.1219537e+02 on atom 111
Norm of force     =  6.5289087e+00

So I am thinking that with a large initial force on the polymer the system might be unrecoverably unstable and this is propagating through the subsequent steps of relaxing the water and the actual MD run to pop up as an explosion.

If I look at the run log for the MD run, everything seems stable until the last step, at which point the temperature shoots up and the serine polymer explodes. Here are the last four steps from the run log:

          Step           Time         Lambda
        208200      416.40002        0.00000

  Energies (kJ/mol)
          Bond          Angle    Proper Dih. Ryckaert-Bell.          LJ-14
   9.75158e+03    1.25586e+02    7.62176e+00   -6.45482e+01    1.16773e+02
    Coulomb-14        LJ (SR)   Coulomb (SR)   Coul. recip.      Potential
   1.80001e+03    6.08872e+04   -4.19574e+05   -4.65971e+04   -3.93547e+05
   Kinetic En.   Total Energy  Conserved En.    Temperature Pressure (bar)
   7.77043e+04   -3.15843e+05    1.01418e+06    3.17587e+02   -2.87690e+02

          Step           Time         Lambda
        208300      416.60002        0.00000

  Energies (kJ/mol)
          Bond          Angle    Proper Dih. Ryckaert-Bell.          LJ-14
   1.04345e+04    1.96147e+02    1.55806e+01   -3.31126e+01    1.24787e+02
    Coulomb-14        LJ (SR)   Coulomb (SR)   Coul. recip.      Potential
   1.80413e+03    6.08422e+04   -4.19233e+05   -4.66893e+04   -3.92538e+05
   Kinetic En.   Total Energy  Conserved En.    Temperature Pressure (bar)
   7.77229e+04   -3.14815e+05    1.02114e+06    3.17663e+02   -2.94492e+02

          Step           Time         Lambda
        208400      416.80002        0.00000

  Energies (kJ/mol)
          Bond          Angle    Proper Dih. Ryckaert-Bell.          LJ-14
   7.10106e+03    2.06975e+02    1.21357e+01   -2.52705e+01    1.16229e+02
    Coulomb-14        LJ (SR)   Coulomb (SR)   Coul. recip.      Potential
   1.85247e+03    6.04882e+04   -4.18865e+05   -4.67103e+04   -3.95824e+05
   Kinetic En.   Total Energy  Conserved En.    Temperature Pressure (bar)
   7.58806e+04   -3.19943e+05    1.02333e+06    3.10133e+02   -2.90942e+02

          Step           Time         Lambda
        208500      417.00002        0.00000

  Energies (kJ/mol)
          Bond          Angle    Proper Dih. Ryckaert-Bell.          LJ-14
   2.30968e+04    4.27637e+02    1.17359e+01   -5.59373e+01    1.39477e+02
    Coulomb-14        LJ (SR)   Coulomb (SR)   Coul. recip.      Potential
   1.80067e+03    6.20751e+04   -4.20609e+05   -4.67193e+04   -3.79833e+05
   Kinetic En.   Total Energy  Conserved En.    Temperature Pressure (bar)
   1.03323e+05   -2.76511e+05    1.07569e+06    4.22292e+02    2.94766e+02

  So my questions are:

   1) Am I missing some obvious step in setting up a stable simulation?

You'll have to describe your equilibration protocol in detail, including your .mdp file, because energy minimization alone is not enough.

2) Is it true that the high internal force present at the end of the initial energy minimization could be the root of the problem?

Possibly. However, I routinely minimize my protein structures to Fmax < 1000 (usually they reach about 700-900 Fmax), and I've not had a problem.

3) If so, is there an obvious method for relaxing the system into a more stable state prior to the main MD run?

See my response to #1. Thorough equilibration is required, but we don't know all what you've done.


Warren Gallin
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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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