
This problem is not very strange at all.
Different CPU's have different efficiencies for different types of code.
In this case the Opteron and new Xeon have measurably different
(although probably not more than 20%) relative performance
for particle-particle and PME interactions.

Also, your results tell you exactly what the problem is.
If without seperate PME nodes PME takes 44.1% of the time,
you will not get good load balancing by using 5 PP and 3 PME nodes
(which gives 37.5% PME processing power).

You can simply try different -npme, including 0, and see when
you get the best performance.

BTW, a cut-off of 1.0 nm with a fourierspacing of 0.16 gives
pretty bad accuracy, you should increase the cut-off or decrease the spacing.
A reasonable ratio off cut-off/fourier_spacing is 8.
Increasing the cut-off will reduce the relative PME load, which will
make load balancing easier and PME communication less costly.


> Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 21:52:47 -0500
> From: dadri...@gmail.com
> To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
> Subject: [gmx-users] Scaling problems in 8-cores nodes with GROMACS 4.0x
> Dear Gromacs users, (all related to GROMACS ver 4.0.x)
> I am facing a very strange problem on a recently acquired supermicro 8
> XEON-cores nodes (2.5GHz quad-core/node, 4G/RAM with the four memory
> channels activated, XEON E5420, 20Gbs Infiniband Infinihost III Lx
> DDR): I had been testing these nodes with one of our most familiar
> protein model (49887 atoms: 2873 for protein and the rest for water
> into a dodecahedron cell) which I known scales almost linearly until
> 32 cores in a quad-core/node Opteron 2.4 GHz cluster. Now, with our
> recently acquired nodes I have severe imbalance PME/PP ratios (from
> 20% and up). At the beginning I think that this problem was related to
> Infiniband latency problems, but recently I made a test that gave me a
> big surprise: since my model scales very well to 8 cores I spreaded it
> to 8 cores into four machines and the performance was the same than in
> a single node, which in turns suggests that the problem could be
> caused by a different reason that latency. After several tests I
> realized that the problem arises when the process is divided into PME
> and PP nodes, even into a single node!!!, it is to say:
> -if for a short job I do (it is exactly the same for a long run):
> srun -n8 /home/dsilva/PROGRAMAS/gromacs-4.0.5-mavapich2_gcc-1.2p1/bin/mdrun
> -v -dlb yes -deffnm FULL01/full01
>  Average load imbalance: 0.7 %
>  Part of the total run time spent waiting due to load imbalance: 0.2 %
>  Steps where the load balancing was limited by -rdd, -rcon and/or
> -dds: X 0 % Y 0 %
>      R E A L   C Y C L E   A N D   T I M E   A C C O U N T I N G
>  Computing:         Nodes     Number     G-Cycles    Seconds     %
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Domain decomp.         8        101       19.123        7.6     2.5
>  Vsite constr.          8       1001        2.189        0.9     0.3
>  Comm. coord.           8       1001        5.810        2.3     0.8
>  Neighbor search        8        101       51.432       20.4     6.7
>  Force                  8       1001      250.938       99.5    32.7
>  Wait + Comm. F         8       1001       15.064        6.0     2.0
>  PME mesh               8       1001      337.946      133.9    44.1
>  Vsite spread           8       2002        2.991        1.2     0.4
>  Write traj.            8          2        0.604        0.2     0.1
>  Update                 8       1001       17.854        7.1     2.3
>  Constraints            8       1001       35.782       14.2     4.7
>  Comm. energies         8       1001        1.407        0.6     0.2
>  Rest                   8                  25.889       10.3     3.4
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Total                  8                 767.030      304.0   100.0
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>       Parallel run - timing based on wallclock.
>                NODE (s)   Real (s)      (%)
>        Time:     38.000     38.000    100.0
>                (Mnbf/s)   (GFlops)   (ns/day)  (hour/ns)
> Performance:    254.161     14.534     11.380      2.109
> which in turns reflects that there are not separation between PME and
> PP and scaling is almost lineal compared with 1 processor.  But if I
> force PME, and use exactly the same number of processors :
> srun -n8 --cpu_bind=rank
> /home/dsilva/PROGRAMAS/gromacs-4.0.5-mavapich2_gcc-1.2p1/bin/mdrun -v
> -dlb yes -npme 3 -deffnm FULL01/full01
>  Average load imbalance: 0.5 %
>  Part of the total run time spent waiting due to load imbalance: 0.2 %
>  Steps where the load balancing was limited by -rdd, -rcon and/or -dds: X 0 %
>  Average PME mesh/force load: 1.901
>  Part of the total run time spent waiting due to PP/PME imbalance: 23.9 %
> NOTE: 23.9 % performance was lost because the PME nodes
>       had more work to do than the PP nodes.
>       You might want to increase the number of PME nodes
>       or increase the cut-off and the grid spacing.
>      R E A L   C Y C L E   A N D   T I M E   A C C O U N T I N G
>  Computing:         Nodes     Number     G-Cycles    Seconds     %
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Domain decomp.         5        101       14.660        5.9     1.4
>  Vsite constr.          5       1001        1.440        0.6     0.1
>  Send X to PME          5       1001        4.601        1.9     0.5
>  Comm. coord.           5       1001        3.229        1.3     0.3
>  Neighbor search        5        101       48.143       19.4     4.8
>  Force                  5       1001      252.340      101.8    25.0
>  Wait + Comm. F         5       1001        8.845        3.6     0.9
>  PME mesh               3       1001      304.447      122.9    30.1
>  Wait + Comm. X/F       3       1001       73.389       29.6     7.3
>  Wait + Recv. PME F     5       1001      219.552       88.6    21.7
>  Vsite spread           5       2002        3.828        1.5     0.4
>  Write traj.            5          2        0.555        0.2     0.1
>  Update                 5       1001       17.765        7.2     1.8
>  Constraints            5       1001       31.203       12.6     3.1
>  Comm. energies         5       1001        1.977        0.8     0.2
>  Rest                   5                  25.105       10.1     2.5
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Total                  8                1011.079      408.0   100.0
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>       Parallel run - timing based on wallclock.
>                NODE (s)   Real (s)      (%)
>        Time:     51.000     51.000    100.0
>                (Mnbf/s)   (GFlops)   (ns/day)  (hour/ns)
> Performance:    189.377     10.354      8.479      2.831
> As you can see I got a very bad performance, and this is also true if
> I do not specify the number of PME nodes and spread the job into 11
> processors (and goes worst with more processors), which gives me:
> srun -n11 --cpu_bind=rank
> /home/dsilva/PROGRAMAS/gromacs-4.0.5-mavapich2_gcc-1.2p1/bin/mdrun -v
> -dlb yes -deffnm FULL01/full01
> NOTE: 11.9 % performance was lost because the PME nodes
>       had more work to do than the PP nodes.
>       You might want to increase the number of PME nodes
>       or increase the cut-off and the grid spacing.
>      R E A L   C Y C L E   A N D   T I M E   A C C O U N T I N G
>  Computing:         Nodes     Number     G-Cycles    Seconds     %
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Domain decomp.         6        101       15.450        6.2     1.6
>  Vsite constr.          6       1001        1.486        0.6     0.2
>  Send X to PME          6       1001        1.154        0.5     0.1
>  Comm. coord.           6       1001        3.832        1.5     0.4
>  Neighbor search        6        101       47.950       19.1     5.1
>  Force                  6       1001      250.202       99.7    26.7
>  Wait + Comm. F         6       1001       10.022        4.0     1.1
>  PME mesh               5       1001      314.841      125.5    33.6
>  Wait + Comm. X/F       5       1001      111.565       44.5    11.9
>  Wait + Recv. PME F     6       1001      102.240       40.8    10.9
>  Vsite spread           6       2002        2.317        0.9     0.2
>  Write traj.            6          2        0.567        0.2     0.1
>  Update                 6       1001       17.849        7.1     1.9
>  Constraints            6       1001       31.215       12.4     3.3
>  Comm. energies         6       1001        2.274        0.9     0.2
>  Rest                   6                  25.283       10.1     2.7
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Total                 11                 938.249      374.0   100.0
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>       Parallel run - timing based on wallclock.
>                NODE (s)   Real (s)      (%)
>        Time:     34.000     34.000    100.0
>                (Mnbf/s)   (GFlops)   (ns/day)  (hour/ns)
> Performance:    284.388     15.963     12.719      1.887
> I had tried everything that came in my mind, from modify npme to
> cpu_affinity and mdp cut-offs and fourierspacing, also recompiling
> things and tried different versions of fftw. Please advice me with any
> ideas, trps to test or any tips. My mdp options for this runs were:
> integrator      = md                  
> dt              = 0.005                       
> nsteps          = 1000                
> pbc             = xyz         
> nstlist         = 10                  
> rlist           = 1.0                 
> ns_type         = grid                
> coulombtype     = pme                 
> rcoulomb        = 1.0 
> vdwtype         = cut-off             
> rvdw            = 1.0 
> tcoupl          = Berendsen           
> tc-grps         = protein non-protein 
> tau-t           = 0.1 0.1     
> ref-t           = 318 318     
> Pcoupl          = Berendsen   
> pcoupltype      = isotropic
> tau-p           = 1.0                 
> ref-p           = 1.0                 
> compressibility = 4.5e-5
> fourierspacing       =  0.16
> pme_order            =  4
> optimize_fft         =  yes           
> ewald_rtol           =  1e-5  
> gen_vel              =  yes   
> gen_temp             =  318   
> gen_seed             =  173529        
> constraints          =  all-bonds
> constraint_algorithm =  lincs 
> lincs_order          =  4     
> nstxout             =  5000   
> nstvout             =  5000   
> nstfout             =  0      
> nstlog              =  5000
> nstenergy           =  5000
> energygrps          =  Protein non-protein
> Thanks.
> Daniel Silva
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