Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
The 3.3.3 and 4.0.5 version were installed under =>
source /usr/gromacs/4.0.5/
source /usr/gromacs/3.3.3/*

I've no idea what these scripts are, but the correct procedure is to follow the advice about GMXRC here:

Now you should be able to source the corresponding file and get everything correctly adjusted for a particular GROMACS version in shell that sourced the file.

Alternatively, you could use configure --program-suffix=_xxx and have both available in the same shell, potentially.

*The 4.0.5 version is currently the default one.*
I want to compare the computation results from 4.0.5 version and 3.3.3

So, I write the
*source /usr/gromacs/3.3.3/*
into both my .cshrc file and .pbs file.

After this command for 3.3.3 version
grompp_mpi -np 16 -v -f minim.mdp -c 6LYZ.gro -p -o

I obtained the errors shown on the screen.
Program grompp_mpi, VERSION 4.0.5
Source code file: statutil.c, line: 727

Invalid command line argument:

Clearly the first grompp_mpi in your path is still the 4.0.5 version. If your merely appends the 3.3.3 path then your strategy won't work. IIRC, using GMXRC will take care of this issue.

Also note that there's no need to compile MPI versions of the tools - configure once with MPI and use "make mdrun && make install-mdrun", and once without MPI and "make && make install". In some circumstances, this approach can be essential.

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