
As I found it difficult to manage solvation - the way I would like -
with a pore protein (a trimer) partly immersed into a bilayer, I
started with the protein alone in vacuum, in order to try to fix the
problems step-by-step. Unfortunately, I can't fix simple problems with

1) Generated mod21.itp from mod21.pdb

2) Generated mod21.cg.pdb with awk script)

3) editconf -f mod21.cg.pdb -o mod21.cg.gro

4) genbox -cp mod21.cg.gro -box 10 17 10 -o mod21.cg.box.gro

5) grompp -np 4 -f mod21.cg.box.mdp  -c mod21.cg.box.gro -p
mod21.cg.box.top -warnmax 10

   Error: no such moleculetype Protein.

.mdp is merely a renamed martini_v2.0.example.mdp, taking care that
"cpp  = /usr/bin/cpp".

.top was from editing martini_v2.0.example.top and reads (in between ===):
; mod21 | MARTINI 2.1

; Include force field parameters containing all particle definitions,
; the interaction matrix, plus the topology for water.

#include "martini_v2.1.itp"

; Then include the file(s) containing the topologies of other
; molecules present in your system.

; #include "martini_v2.0_lipids.itp"
; #include "martini_v2.0_salt.itp"

#include mod21.itp

; Define a name for your system

[ system ]

; Define the composition of your system
; The molecule names should correspond to those defined in the itp file(s).

[ molecules ]
Protein 1
; DPPC 128
; W 2000
; NA+ 20
; CL- 20

Correspondingly, mod21.cg.box.gro reads:
Great Red Oystrich Makes All Chemists Sane
    1LEU    BN0    1  15.604   6.397   9.477
    1LEU    SC1    2  15.848   6.475   9.463
    2SER    BN0    3  15.784   6.086   9.582
    2SER    SC1    4  15.874   6.060   9.703
1270TYR    BN0 2872  14.759   6.270  10.494
 1270TYR    SC1 2873  14.668   6.105  10.342
 1270TYR    SC2 2874  14.442   6.038  10.300
 1270TYR    SC3 2875  14.607   5.874  10.352
  10.00000  17.00000  10.00000

and mod21.itp file reads:
;;; MARTINI 2.1 coarse-grained topology
;;; Generated by seq2itp.pl version 1.1.2

;;; SEQ: LSLKRALWAL ................
;molname        exclusions
Protein 1

1       Qd      1       LEU     BCQd    1       1.000   ;       COI
2       AC1     1       LEU     SCAC1   2       0.000   ;       COI

[ bonds ]
;backbone-backbone bonds
1       3       1       0.350   400     ;       COI-COI
2871    2872    1       0.350   400     ;       HLX-COI
;backbone-sidechain bonds
1       2       1       0.330   7500    ;       LEU1
2872    2873    1       0.320   5000    ;       TYR1270
;sc1-sc2 bonds (ARG, LYS)
8       9       1       0.280   5000    ;       LYS4
2806    2807    1       0.280   5000    ;       LYS1236
;short elastic bonds
85      91      1       0.640   2500    ;       HIS35-THR37
2800    2805    1       0.640   2500    ;       GLN1234-LYS1236
;long elastic bonds
85      93      1       0.970   2500    ;       HIS35-LYS38
2798    2805    1       0.970   2500    ;       GLU1233-LYS1236

[ constraints ]
;sc-sc constraints (Ring Structures)
17      18      1       0.270   ;       TRP8
2874    2875    1       0.270   ;       TYR1270
;bc-sc constraints (ITV)
38      39      1       0.265   ;       VAL18
2853    2854    1       0.265   ;       VAL1262

;backbone-backbone-backbone angles
1       3       5       2       127.00  25      ;       COI-COI-BND
2867    2871    2872    2       96.00   700     ;       HLX-HLX-COI
;backbone-backbone-sidechain angles
3       1       2       2       100.00  25      ;       COI-LEU1
2871    2872    2873    2       100.00  25      ;       HLX-TYR1270
;backbone-sidechain-sidechain angles (ARG and RINGS)
7       8       9       2       180.00  25      ;       LYS4
2872    2873    2875    2       150.00  50      ;       TYR1270

;improper dihedral angles
16      18      19      17      2       0.00    50      ;       TRP8
2872    2874    2875    2873    2       0.00    50      ;       TYR1270
;proper dihedral angles
;helix backbone dihedrals
13      14      16      21      1       -120.00 400     1       ;       LEU7
2859    2861    2865    2867    1       -120.00 400     1       ;       PHE1266
2861    2865    2867    2871    1       -120.00 400     1       ;       ASP1267

I am aware that the structure file .gro should match the topology .top
file with respect to atom names, though I do not understand the error
message above.

Thanks for help

francesco pietra
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