Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in three groups
> Tcoupl              =  berendsen
> tau_t = 0.1 0.1 0.1 tc-grps = protein sol NA+
> ref_t               =  300      300     300
> Never couple solvent and ions separately. Surely grompp warned you that you
> should be using "Protein Non-Protein"? See here:
> http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Terminology/Thermostats
Hi Justin, thanks for the suggestion. Actually, it's an error I've always
been doing and I'm glad I've solved it.
However, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with the problem, because I just
tried to run the MD again (after modifying the md.mdp as you told me) and
the fatal error is still there.
I've noticed the the T-coupling mistake is also in pr.mdp. Do you think that
correcting it and re-running the PR simulation would fix the "water molecule
can not be settled" problem?
Anyway here is the pr.mdp (as it was before):

title               =  hsacyx
warnings            =  10
cpp                 =  /lib/cpp
define              =  -DPOSRES
constraints         =  all-bonds
integrator          =  md
dt                  =  0.002    ; ps !
nsteps              =  100000    ; total 200.0 ps.
nstcomm             =  1
nstxout             =  250
nstvout             =  1000
nstfout             =  0
nstlog              =  10
nstenergy           =  10
nstlist             =  10
ns_type             =  grid
rlist               =  0.9
coulombtype        =  PME
rcoulomb            =  0.9
rvdw                =  0.9
fourierspacing        =  0.12
fourier_nx        =  0
fourier_ny        =  0
fourier_nz        =  0
pme_order        =  6
ewald_rtol        =  1e-5
optimize_fft        =  yes
; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in four  groups
Tcoupl              =  berendsen
tau_t               =  0.1     0.1    0.1
tc-grps            =  Protein     SOL    NA+
ref_t               =  300     300    300
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl              =  berendsen
pcoupltype          =  isotropic
tau_p               =  0.5
compressibility     =  4.5e-5
ref_p               =  1.0
; Generate velocites is on at 300 K.
gen_vel             =  yes
gen_temp            =  300.0
gen_seed            =  173529

Thank you

Simone Cirri
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