Arik Cohen wrote:
Which two proteins ? I have at least in beginning only one protein which some how is divided into two along the calculation.
Any way I'll try both increasing the cell and fix it with trjconv.

Quoting your original message:

"While running a simple MD simulation with both a small protein such as BPTI and a larger one such as tmRBP_Unliganded_2FN9.pdb..."

I assumed that what I was seeing in the images was a set of two proteins. My concern was that you defined a box relative to the larger protein, then inserted the smaller one (BPTI?), leaving insufficient space in the box to satisfy the minimum image convention. If that's not what we're looking at, then that'd be useful to know :)

If you have a single protein, "divided into two" then the problem is almost certainly a simple periodicity artifact. Bonds do not break in a normal MD calculation (in fact they can't using the standard MM approximations).


Thanks a lot


Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

Arik Cohen wrote:
I'm using dodecahedron -d 0.7

Was that distance specified with respect to both of the protein molecules in the unit cell? You can check for spurious PBC interactions with g_mindist -pi. Anyway, I'd be curious to see how you do with trjconv.


Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

Arik Cohen wrote:

I have not tried yet to fix it with trjconv which I will . Attached is a picture with 4 snapshots taken from the simulation. The C-alphas in question are emphasized with red color.

Is your unit cell sufficiently large? It looks like the C-alphas indicated are simply crossing the periodic boundary on the "left" of the frame and interacting with the protein molecule in the "right" of the frame, which would indicate to me that the unit cell is too small and you're seeing spurious PBC interactions (i.e., violation of the minimum image convention).




Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

Arik Cohen wrote:

Sorry to bother you again ,but its not only a periodic effect since only *some of the atoms* in the "Detached" group are vanishing from this group and reappearing in the main protein group. The rest of the atoms are either always in the detached or the main group. In addition, the "detached" group includes three segments of the protein(8 residues(126-131), 8 residues(157-164) and 4 residues186-189).

From your description, this sounds exactly like a periodicity problem - some of the atoms are crossing the periodic boundary and are appearing in strange locations. Have you even tried trjconv to fix it? That would be useful information, as I see that Mark long ago also suggested the same sort of fix.

It is hard for me to envision what you are seeing. It would be enormously helpful if you could post images (screenshots, etc) of the problematic structures to get a more expedient resolution.


Thanks a lot


Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

Arik Cohen wrote:

With regards to your question I do see some periodicity in which for a section of time in the trajectory some of the Calphas in the "detached group" are vanishing from it and reappear in the main protein.
In addition,
I would appreciate as before any suggestion you might have in the matter.

If this is just a periodicity artifact, fix it with trjconv.




Mark Abraham wrote:
Arik Cohen wrote:

Thanks for answering so quickly !. Apparently whole residues have detached from the protein.

So... like I asked last time, are you seeing a periodicity artefact? "Detached" covers a whole gamut of possibilities.

Another strange thing that happens in pyMol and VMD is that when I select an atom or a residue in the detached group the selection appears twice: one in the detached group and one in the main part.

If you've got atoms duplicated, then it sounds like something's going wrong with how they're interpreting the structure file, or how you're manipulating it afterwards. Either way, it's not a problem for the GROMACS mailing list unless you can demonstrate the atoms are duplicated in the structure file (which they aren't!).



Mark Abraham wrote:
Arik Cohen wrote:
Dear GROMACS users,

While running a simple MD simulation with both a small protein such as BPTI and a larger one such as tmRBP_Unliganded_2FN9.pdb, I'm encountering an odd situation in which one (in the case of BPTI) or several Calphas (in the later case) are "detaching them selfs" from the main group.

"main group" of what? Do the atoms bound to them move also? Are you seeing a periodicity artefact?


The problem appeared only after adding salt to the simulation(at least in the case of BPTI).
I would appreciate any suggestions and comments on the matter.



The run files are:

title = tmRBP_Unliganded_2FN9 Minimization integrator = steep ; (steep)using steepest descent
nsteps              =  50000
nstlist             =  1
rlist               =  1.0
coulombtype         =  PME
rcoulomb            =  1.0
vdw-type            =  cut-off
rvdw                =  1.0
nstenergy           =  10
emtol = 5.0 ; tolerance kJ/(Mol -1 nm-1) instead of 10.0

title               =  tmRBP_Unliganded_2FN9 PR
integrator          =  md
nsteps              =  50000
dt                  =  0.002 ;(in ps) doing a 100ps traj.
constraints         =  all-bonds
nstlist = 10 ; neighbour list updates every number of steps
rlist               =  1.0
coulombtype         =  PME
rcoulomb            =  1.0
vdw-type            =  cut-off
rvdw                =  1.0
tcoupl              =  Berendsen
tc-grps             =  Protein non-protein
tau-t               =  0.1 0.1
ref-t               =  298 298
Pcoupl              =  Berendsen
tau-p               =  1.0
compressibility     =  5e-5 5e-5 5e-5 0 0 0
ref-p               =  1.0
nstenergy           =  100
define = -DPOSRES ; include posre.itp(position restraint) file

*title               =  tmRBP_Unliganded_2FN9
integrator          =  md
nsteps              =  300000
dt                  =  0.001
constraints         =  all-bonds
nstlist             =  10
rlist               =  1.0
coulombtype         =  PME
rcoulomb            =  1.0
vdw-type            =  cut-off
rvdw                =  1.0
tcoupl              =  V-rescale  ;V-rescale
tc-grps             =  Protein non-protein
tau-t               =  0.8 0.8
ref-t               =  298 298
nstxout             =  1000
nstvout             =  1000
nstxtcout           =  1000
nstenergy           =  1000

The runs commands are(integrated inside a C++ code):

SysCommand1 = "echo 6 | pdb2gmx -f " + FileName + " -water tip3p";

system("editconf -f conf.gro -bt dodecahedron -d 0.7 -o box.gro");

system("genbox -cp box.gro -cs spc216.gro -p -o solvated.gro");

 if(Mode == "NoSalt")
system("grompp -f MDP/em.mdp -p -c solvated.gro -o em.tpr"); //system("mpirun -np 4 mdrun -v -deffnm em");
  if(Mode == "WithSalt")
system("grompp -f MDP/em.mdp -p -c solvated.gro -o em.tpr");
           system("mpirun -np 4 mdrun -v -deffnm em");

system("echo 12 | genion -s em.tpr -conc 0.1 -neutral -o solvated.gro"); pr:
system("grompp -f MDP/prmd.mdp -p -c em.gro -o pr.tpr");
  /* The actual run*/
system("mpirun -np 4 mdrun -v -deffnm pr");



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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