On 2010-07-01 11.19, Rolf Erwin Isele-Holder wrote:

I used the GROMOS FF but changed the parameters (sigma, epsilon, charges, 1-4 
interaction, combination rule for LJ, bond length strength, dihedrals, angles) 
so that they are equal to the parameters used by the other authors with their 
AMBER FF. The equations uses to calculate the energy are the same, that is why 
I expected to get the same results. ...so I guess this assumption is not true. 
Why is it not possible to use these parameters?

Is there a way to get a topology of glycerol working with gromacs instead of 
writing it oneself? I've already tried the Prodrg Server but I didn't get 
proper results with this topology, either.

in order to debug these things you need to compare energies at step zero, preferably for one molecule first. IIRC amber does not use the factor 1/2 in harmonic potentials, so you would have to multiply the force constant by two.



On 07/01/10, Alan<alanwil...@gmail.com>  wrote:

Hold on, you said *amber*, nevertheless you top has definitions for GROMOS**. 
Either you are mixing force fields here (which *bad*) or worse, your not using 
Amber FF, which is *really bad*.

I would be helpful if you give the commands you're using for pdb2gmx and 
grompp. Besides, are you aware of ffamber and acpype? Since you said you have 
the parameters for glycerol you may not need to build the topology anew, but I 
do recommend looking at acpype.googlecode.com(http://acpype.googlecode.com) to 
know more about simulations involving amber ff and gromacs, besides links to 
important resources like ffamber.



On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 
09:13,<gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org<gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org>>  wrote:

Dear gromacs-users,

I've been simulating a box of liquid glycerol. The parameter's I have used were 
taken from an article, whose authors achieved good agreement between their 
simulation and experiments. These authors used an amber force field and the 
software ORAC.

I used exactly the same parameters as them for my topology and very similar 
settings in my mdp file. However I did not get the same results as them. Do you 
know why I get these different results? I am in doubt weather the top of my 
topology is correct, so I pasted it here:

      #define _FF_GROMOS96

      #define _FF_GROMOS53A6

      [ defaults ]

      ; nbfunc   comb-rule       gen-pairs       fudgeLJ fudgeQQ

        1                2               yes             0.5     0.8333

      [ atomtypes ]

      ;name  at.num   mass      charge  ptype   sigma  epsilon

         OA     8     0.000      0.000   A      0.3442    0.879228

         C      6     0.000      0.000   A      0.3816    0.45803592

         H      1     0.000      0.000   A      0         0

         HC     1     0.000      0.000   A      0.2774    0.06573276

      [ moleculetype ]

      Glycerol      3

      [ atoms ]

      ;   nr      type  resnr resid  atom  cgnr   charge

          1         OA     1   GLCR   OAA    1      -0.585    15.9994

          2         H      1   GLCR   HAA    1       0.396    1.008

          3         C      1   GLCR   CAD    1       0.182    12.011


I think, that by specifying comb-rule = 2 giving sigma and epsilon is correct 
instead of c6 and c12. The 0.5 for fudgeLJ and the 0.8333 for fudgeQQ are 
supposed to lower the 1-4 interaction.



Alan Wilter S. da Silva, D.Sc. - CCPN Research Associate
Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.
80 Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1GA, UK.


David van der Spoel, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
Dept. of Cell & Molec. Biol., Uppsala University.
Box 596, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden. Phone:  +46184714205.
sp...@xray.bmc.uu.se    http://folding.bmc.uu.se
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