Dear Jagannath:

There is, as far as I know, no way to fix this. Here's what you should do.

1. Let the space between your timesteps be X ps.
2. Use trjconv -pbc cluster -dump X -o out.gro
2b. if that doesn't work, try trjconv -pbc cluster -dump (X*2) -o out.gro
2c. if that doesn't work, try trjconv -pbc cluster -dump (X*3) -o out.gro
(Note use real numbers for args to -dump).

Once you have a frame that works, you can run part 2 and 3 of that wiki page by making a tpr based on the gro that worked -- and I think that you'll need to run your trjconv -pbc mol starting from the frame where clustering worked (e.g. -b X). Note that this second requirement means that you may need to reverse the frames from your .xtc file so that you can run in reverse time from a complete micelle through to disassembly with -pbc nojump -- a for loop around trjconv will work but inefficiently, you might be able to use -demux smartly here (I'm not sure).

But then since you have 2 micelles you will need a starting box in which they are both whole.... getting trickier. You should be aware that the trjconv -pbc cluster is not the only way to do part 1 from that wiki page. You could use trjconv -trans X Y Z and then make a new .tpr and then run trjconv -pbc nojump and it would work if only you knew which X Y Z to use (although trial and error may help you here eventually).

Sorry this is confusing, but this is a difficult thing to do and you should expect to struggle with it for some time, so another questino to ask yourself is "do I really need to do this?" If its just for making a movie then you can use pbctools in vmd for that.


-- original message --

Hi, I had a system of surfectants which are started with an initial configuration where all of them are well dispersed. Visual study of trajectory shows they start aggregating and finally form two discrete micelles. To quantify this micelle clusterization, I tried to use the suggestions present in the gromacs documentations: i.e use trjconv -pbc cluster to obtain a single frame that has all of the lipids in the unit cell. This must be the first frame of your trajectory. A similar frame from some previous timepoint will not work.use grompp to make a new tpr file based on the frame that was output from the step above.use trjconv -pbc nojump to produce the desired trajectory using the newly produced tpr file.trjconv -f a.xtc -o a_cluster.gro -e 0.001 -pbc clustergrompp -f a.mdp -c a_cluster.gro -o a_cluster.tprtrjconv -f a.xtc -o a_cluster.xtc -s a_cluster.tpr -pbc nojump But, The first step i.e. trjconv -pbc cluster does not work. Looks like it is going through an infinite loop and is not stopping for convergence.
I am using gromacs 4.0.7
Any help will be appreciated.

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