Nimesh Jain wrote:
Well, no. I got a 20GB log file when nstlog was 1000. When I changed it to 10000, the log file was about 1 MB after a few minutes of simulation which means that it will be in GBs in a few days.

Then look at what it's writing. Is it giving the output you expect? Are all replicas written to the same log file? I haven't used REMD since Gromacs 3.x, when replicas were written to separate logs, I don't know if it's changed. I'd be far more concerned with outputting full precision coordinates and velocities every 10 ps - that will likely occupy huge amounts of disk space.

And as an aside, when you directly say a certain .mdp file produces a 20 GB log file, the users of this list will expect that to be accurate. If you're not telling the whole truth, then it makes it hard to diagnose any issues and discourages people from helping you. Accurate reporting makes for faster resolution.


On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Gaurav Goel < <>> wrote:

    You've set the frequency of writing to log file as
    'nstlog                   = 100000'.
    Given that 'nsteps                   = 100000000', you're writing to
    the log file only 1000 times. Do you get a 20GB md.log file with
    these settings?


    On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Nimesh Jain
    <>> wrote:


        I am having some problem in my simulations related to log files.
        The file sizes are enormous, its like after 3 days of simulation
        I had a 20 GB md.log file. One of my grompps looks like this:
        [tau_t is very low because I am using bd and it doesn't work
        otherwise]. [I am doing a replica exchange with 10,000 as
        exchange frequency]

        include                  =
        define                   =
        integrator               = bd
        tinit                    = 0
        dt                       = 0.001
        nsteps                   = 100000000 ;100000
        simulation_part          = 1
        init_step                = 0
        comm-mode                = Angular
        nstcomm                  = 1
        comm-grps                =

        emtol                    = 0.01
        emstep                   = 1.5

        nstxout                  = 10000
        nstvout                  = 10000
        nstfout                  = 10000

        nstlog                   = 100000
        nstenergy                = 1000

        nstxtcout                = 1000
        xtc-precision            = 1000

        xtc-grps                 =
        energygrps               =

        ns_type                  = grid
        pbc                      = xyz
        periodic_molecules       = no

        rlist                    = 8.95

        coulombtype              = user
        rcoulomb-switch          = 0
        rcoulomb                 = 8.95

        epsilon-r                = 1

        vdw-type                 = user  ;cutoff
        rvdw-switch              = 0
        rvdw                     = 8.95
        DispCorr                 = No
        table-extension          = 1
        ; Seperate tables between energy group pairs
        energygrps               = A T G C P260 SA SB

        energygrp_table          = A A  A T  A G  A C  A P260  A SA  A
        SB  T T  T G  T C  T P260  T S
A T SB G G G C G P260 G SA G SB C C C P260 C SA C SB P260 P260 P260 SA P260 SB
        SA SA  SA SB  SB SB

        ; Spacing for the PME/PPPM FFT grid
        fourierspacing           = 0.10

        Tcoupl                   = Nose-Hoover
        tc-grps                  = System
        tau_t                    = 0.0001
        ref_t                    = 260.00

        Pcoupl                   = No

        andersen_seed            = 815131

        gen_vel                  = yes
        gen_temp                 = 260.0000
        gen_seed                 = 1993

        ; Pairs of energy groups for which all non-bonded interactions
        are excluded
        energygrp_excl           =

        Please let me know if anyone knows whats the problem.


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Nimesh Jain
Graduate Student
Biomedical Engineering
Northwestern University


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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