Have you looked in the ffnabonded.itp and ffnanonbonded.itp? To me it looks like all of the atom types/bonds/angles are there.

I have just made a very quick rtp entry from the stream file (see attached) and it seems to work fine (but please do check it). Note the very large charge groups, so you should use the -nochargegrp option of pdb2gmx.



David Parcej wrote:
Hi all,
Has anybody managed to use ATP with the charmm27 ff in gromacs 4.5? The forcefield files are missing atom and bond types and angle information. This is available for charmm, but I have only found it in "stream" file and have no idea how to convert it. It should be possible (for someone smarter than me).

Dr Thomas Piggot
University of Southampton, UK.
[ bondedtypes ] 
; Col 1: Type of bond 
; Col 2: Type of angles 
; Col 3: Type of proper dihedrals 
; Col 4: Type of improper dihedrals 
; Col 5: Generate all dihedrals if 1, only heavy atoms of 0. 
; Col 6: Number of excluded neighbors for nonbonded interactions 
; Col 7: Generate 1,4 interactions between pairs of hydrogens if 1 
; Col 8: Remove propers over the same bond as an improper if it is 1 
; bonds  angles  dihedrals  impropers all_dihedrals nrexcl HH14 RemoveDih 
     1       5          9        2        1           3      1     0 

; from toppar_all27_na_nad_ppi.str. Thomas Piggot 17/9/10
C4'  CN7     0.16       0
H4'  HN7     0.09       0
O4'  ON6B   -0.50       0
C1'  CN7B    0.16       0
H1'  HN7     0.09       0
C5   CN5     0.28       1
N7   NN4    -0.71       1
C8   CN4     0.34       1
H8   HN3     0.12       1
N9   NN2    -0.05       1
N1   NN3A   -0.74       2
C2   CN4     0.50       2
H2   HN3     0.13       2
N3   NN3A   -0.75       2
C4   CN5     0.43       2
C6   CN2     0.46       2
N6   NN1    -0.77       3
H61  HN1     0.38       3
H62  HN1     0.38       3
C2'  CN7B    0.14       4
H2'' HN7     0.09       4
O2'  ON5    -0.66       4
H2'  HN5     0.43       4
C3'  CN7     0.14       5
H3'  HN7     0.09       5
O3'  ON5    -0.66       5
H3T  HN5     0.43       5
C5'  CN8B   -0.08       6
H5'  HN8     0.09       6
H5'' HN8     0.09       6
O5'  ON2    -0.62       6
PA   P       1.50       6
O1A  ON3    -0.82       6
O2A  ON3    -0.82       6
O3A  ON2    -0.74       6
PB   P2      1.50       6
O1B  ON3    -0.82       6
O2B  ON3    -0.82       6
O3B  ON2    -0.86       6
PG   P2      1.10       6
O1G  ON3    -0.90       6
O2G  ON3    -0.90       6
O3G  ON3    -0.90       6
O5'  C5' 
O5'  PA  
PA   O1A 
PA   O2A 
PA   O3A 
O3A  PB  
PB   O1B 
PB   O2B 
PB   O3B 
O3B  PG  
PG   O1G 
PG   O2G 
PG   O3G 
C5'  C4' 
C4'  O4' 
C4'  C3' 
O4'  C1' 
C1'  N9  
C1'  C2' 
N9   C4  
N9   C8  
C4   N3  
C2   N1  
C6   N6  
N6   H61 
N6   H62 
C6   C5  
C5   N7  
C2'  C3' 
C2'  O2' 
O2'  H2' 
C3'  O3' 
O3'  H3T 
C1'  H1' 
C2'  H2''
C3'  H3' 
C4'  H4' 
C5'  H5' 
C5'  H5''
C8   H8  
C2   H2  
N1   C6  
N3   C2  
C4   C5  
N7   C8  
N6   C6   H61  H62
C6   N1   C5   N6
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