Gavin Melaugh wrote:
Hi Justin

Thanks for replying. I have checked the energy file and there are no 1,4
terms, which is what I expected. I should clarify that my parameters are
taken from the OPLS ua forcefield but I have relabelled them for my own
model, which is not a common molecule. Therefore all the info on the
molecule is in .top and obviously the .gro file. i.e. there are no
#include statements. Now I take it that the non-bonded LJ are taken from
the [atom types] directive? The question is then how and where do I
state the 1,4 terms. I always thought that when gen-pairs = yes, then
gromacs would generate a list of all the 1,4 interaction types?

You don't explicitly state 1-4 terms with OPLS-AA. While you don't need a [pairtypes] directive, you do need a [pairs] directive to dictate the 1-4 interactions. Setting "gen-pairs = yes" generates the parameters, such that a [pairtypes] directive is unnecessary.



Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

Gavin Melaugh wrote:
Hi all

Can someone please get back to me on this. I have generated my own
topology file from OPLS parameters by hand with the following format. I
am now concerned that I haven't been calculating 1,4 interactions, which
I thought were generated by setting gen-pairs = yes. I have read section
5 of the manual several times but am still unclear about this.

You can answer this question by analyzing your .edr file: are there
LJ-14 and/or Coul-14 terms?  If so, then you're calculating 1-4
interactions.  Seems to me that, for OPLS, your approach is fine.  It
wasn't clear from your earlier posts that you were using OPLS, hence
the inability to know if what you were doing was right or not. Different force fields have different underlying mechanics, so the use
of [nonbond_params] and/or [pairs]/[pairtypes] is somewhat dependent
upon your model.




parameter level
; nbfunc    comb-rule     gen-pairs        fudgeLJ     fudgeQQ
     1         3              yes            0.5         0.5

;type mass charge ptype sigma(nm) epsilon(kjmol-1)

;Molecular level
;       name         nrexcl
        tertpentane      3

; atomnr  type   resnr  residue   name    cgnr     charge     mass

;  ai    aj   func   b0(nm)       kb(kjmol-1 nm-2)

;  ai    aj    ak   func  theta(deg)    ktheta(kjmol-1 rad-2)


;System level

; moleculename     number


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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