Trang wrote:
Dear gmx-users,
I do a minimization run with this mdp:
constraints         =  none
;define              =  -DFLEX_SPC
integrator          = cg
;nstcgsteep         = 300
emtol               =  100.0
emstep              =  0.005
dt                  =  0.001    ; ps !
nsteps              =  200000  ; total 200 ps.
nstcomm             =  100
nstxout             =  10000
nstvout             =  0
nstfout             =  0
nstlog              =  10000
nstenergy           =  1000
nstlist             =  10
ns_type             =  grid
rlist               =  1.0
rcoulomb            =  1.0
rvdw                =  1.0
coulombtype         =  PME ; Reaction-Field
fourierspacing      =  0.12
pme_order           =  4
optimize_fft        =  yes
;epsilon_r           =  1.0
; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in two groups
Tcoupl              =  berendsen
tc-grps             =  Protein  SOL
tau_t               =  0.01    0.01
ref_t               =  310     310
; Energy monitoring
energygrps          =  Protein SOL
; Isotropic pressure coupling is now on
Pcoupl              = berendsen
Pcoupltype          = isotropic
tau_p               =  0.25
compressibility     =  5.4e-5
ref_p               =  1.0
; Generate velocites is off at 300 K.
gen_vel             =  no
;gen_temp            =  300.0
;gen_seed            =  749261

and get the error, output like this:

Polak-Ribiere Conjugate Gradients:
   Tolerance (Fmax)   =  1.00000e+02
   Number of steps    =       200000
   F-max             =  4.69437e+04 on atom 2513
   F-Norm            =  1.05294e+03

step -1: Water molecule starting at atom 43372 can not be settled.
Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep if appropriate.


Fatal error:
1 particles communicated to PME node 4 are more than 2/3 times the cut-off out of the domain decomposition cell of their charge group in dimension y.
This usually means that your system is not well equilibrated.

I did a successful run with another equivalent system (same protein sequence, same number of atoms), even with a LARGER TIMESTEP, 0.002 ps I found a lot of people encounter the same error, but in production run step. And in those cases, they're advised to minimize/equilibrate the system more thoroughly. What can I do to resolve this problem in MINIMIZATION step?

You likely have some unresolvable atomic clash(es) in your system that can't be energy-minimized. Check your structure around the location of the problematic water molecule to see if anything is overlapping.


Many thanks


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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