Please keep all Gromacs-related correspondence on the gmx-users list. I am not a private tutor. I am CC'ing the message to the list; please continue any future discussion there.

See comments below.

Miroslawa aleksandrowa wrote:
Dear Justin, My name is Miroslava Nedyalkova from Sofia University, Bulgaria.
I am usuing GROMACS since 6 months. I think that is really great program ,but
I have some problems :( I want to ask you for help, my problems are force
field. Till now I was make calculations with methane sphere with Na and Ca2+
ions with different concentrations of ions, I do this investigation with goal
to study overcharging procession on the methane sphere surface . But now the
problem :) I want to study process with overcharging with 3+ ions, like Fe.
To this moment with Na and Ca 2+ ions I used G4a13 ans SPC model for water.
My question is what do you thing for  using OPLS-AA for 3+ ions? How can I
convert the parameters of Na and Ca from the opls to the standard gromacs
force-field ? Please help me if you can :) Mira

Dealing with transition metals is a complicated question.  See here:

I have no idea whether or not suitable parameters exist within OPLS-AA for any of these 3+ species.

Also realize that the task of "converting parameters" for Na+ and Ca2+ is not one you should undertake. All Gromacs force fields, as far as I know, contain parameters for these two ions. Thus you should not try to port any parameters from one force field to another, for reasons explained on the Parameterization page linked above. Force fields should not be mixed or manipulated. Further (just FYI), there is no such thing as a "standard Gromacs force field." Please see the manual for the reasons why this statement is incorrect.

If you started your project with a Gromos96 force field, and are now realizing that OPLS-AA may be the better choice, you should start over, appreciating now that force field choice is something that should be researched in-depth before starting a project, not mid-stream.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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