vinothkumar mohanakrishnan wrote:
Hi Justin

Thank you very much for your comments. I actually found that after posting the question. sorry I have a new question i did NPT equilibration of DCE molecules and the average pressure turns out to be 3.4726 (bar) where as i want the pressure it to be 1 bar. what further i need to do?.below is what i got from the g_energy command.

Do more equilibration. Clearly your system is not equilibrated if it has not reached the desired equilibrium conditions.


Energy Average RMSD Fluct. Drift Tot-Drift
Pressure (bar) 3.47263 767.297 765.878 0.8078 161.561

 below is my mdp file any help is highly appreciated

title        = DCE NVT equilibration
cpp        = usr/bin/cpp
integrator = md nsteps = 200000 dt = 0.001 nstxout = 1000 nstvout = 1000 nstenergy = 1000 nstlog = 1000 constraint_algorithm = shake constraints = none unconstrained_start = yes shake_tol = 0.0001
morse            = no
ns_type = grid nstlist = 5 rlist = 1.0 coulombtype = PME rcoulomb = 1.0 vdwtype = Cut-off rvdw = 1.0 pme_order = 4 fourierspacing = 0.16 pbc = xyz tcoupl = V-rescale tc-grps = system tau_t = 0.1 ref_t = 300 pcoupl = Parrinello-Rahman pcoupltype = semiisotropic tau_p = 2.0 2.0 ref_p = 1.0 1.0 compressibility = 0.0 4.5e-5 DispCorr = Enerpres gen_vel = yes gen_temp = 300 gen_seed = 173529


On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Justin A. Lemkul < <>> wrote:

    vinothkumar mohanakrishnan wrote:

        Hi Dallas / all

        I looked up at the pressure coupling section and i found how to
        keep the box size same for two axis and change only one axis (i
        used semiisotropic pressure coupling type) but when i did that
        the average pressure i get after the run is negative where as i
        want it be close to 1 bar?. i dont know what might have gone wrong.

Energy Average RMSD Fluct. Drift Tot-Drift
        Pressure (bar)             -661.673    675.593    674.292
         -0.725677   -145.136

        similary when i give g_energy -f npt.edr -o density.xvg the
        density option is not there to select it interactively. hence i
        am not able to plot the density graph.why?

    All of the above suggests you've gotten your files confused and
    you're analyzing an .edr file from an NVT run, not NPT.  If indeed
    you did NPT, the density term would appear below, along with
    "Volume."  The only time when these terms are not written is if the
    volume of the unit cell is static (i.e., NVT).

        1  Bond             2  Angle            3  Ryckaert-Bell.   4
         LJ-14        5  Coulomb-14       6  LJ-(SR)          7
         Disper.-corr.    8  Coulomb-(SR) 9  Coul.-recip.    10
         Potential       11  Kinetic-En.     12  Total-Energy 13
         Conserved-En.   14  Temperature     15  Pressure-(bar)  16
         Vir-XX       17  Vir-XY          18  Vir-XZ          19  Vir-YX
20 Vir-YY 21 Vir-YZ 22 Vir-ZX 23 Vir-ZY 24 Vir-ZZ 25 Pres-XX-(bar) 26
         Pres-XY-(bar)   27  Pres-XZ-(bar)   28  Pres-YX-(bar)
        29  Pres-YY-(bar)   30  Pres-YZ-(bar)   31  Pres-ZX-(bar)   32
        33  Pres-ZZ-(bar)   34  #Surf*SurfTen   35  Mu-X            36
         Mu-Y         37  Mu-Z            38  T-System        39

         and i have given my mdp file below. any help is highly appreciated.

        title        = DCE NPT equilibration
        integrator    = md       nsteps        = 200000
dt = 0.001 nstxout = 1000 nstvout = 1000 nstenergy = 1000 nstlog = 1000 constraint_algorithm = lincs constraints = all-bonds lincs_iter = 1 lincs_order = 4 ns_type =
        grid   nstlist        = 5  rlist        = 1.0      rcoulomb    =
        1.0  rvdw        = 1.0   coulombtype    = PME  pme_order    = 4
             fourierspacing    = 0.16   tcoupl        = V-rescale
         tc-grps        = system  tau_t        = 0.1    ref_t        =
        300        pcoupl        = Parrinello-Rahman pcoupltype    =
        semiisotropic  tau_p        = 2.0 2.0    ref_p        = 1.0 1.0
              compressibility = 0.0 4.5e-5

    For what its worth, if this is your initial equilibration, using
    Parrinello-Rahman coupling may not be your best choice.  If your
    system is far from equilibrated, the P-R method (in my experience)
    can allow for wide oscillations, and ultimately system instability.
     Nothing wrong with Berendsen for your initial equilibration.

    But again, if pressure coupling was actually used, you'd have Volume
    and Density terms in the .edr file, along with a more sensible value
    of pressure.


pbc = xyz DispCorr = EnerPres gen_vel = no Regards

        On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 5:33 AM, Dallas Warren
        < <>
        <>>> wrote:

            >I performed md simulation of 108 dichloroethane molecules in
           isothermal-isobaric ensemble with the box size

            >3.002*2.17*2.17. after the simulation my box size has changed
           considerably from the initial size to 2.87882 2.08095

            >2.08095.why this happens?

Density was obviously too lower under the conditions of the
           simulation.  Look at the change of pressure, volume and
        density for
           the box during that simulation.

>my second question is can i have a control over the box
           changes during md (i.e when the box dimensions

            >changes during md i want to change it only on one axis(say x
           axis) and want to keep the length of the other two axis (say

            >y and z) same as that of my initial box size? any help is

Look at the pressure coupling settings, look at anisotropic

Catch ya,

           Dr. Dallas Warren

           Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Action

           Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University
           381 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3010
        < <>>

           +61 3 9903 9304
           When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to
           resemble a nail.

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-- ========================================

    Justin A. Lemkul
    Ph.D. Candidate
    ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
    MILES-IGERT Trainee
    Department of Biochemistry
    Virginia Tech
    Blacksburg, VA
    jalemkul[at] <> | (540) 231-9080

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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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