Esteban Gabriel Vega Hissi wrote:

Regarding the charges you mention, what do you think about RESP charges for this kind of compounds (drugs) parameterization?

We have not found any single charge calculation method that correctly reproduces the charges on Gromos96 charge groups, so further iterative refinement and validation is a must. We recommend AM1-BCC for an initial charge calculation, as it actually produces charges that are consistently more comparable to those expected in the force field.

The groups in Gromos96 are very transferable across molecules, so piecing together a novel molecule from building blocks works quite well. It's only for those unknown groups that you'd have to derive new charges.

As soon as our paper is out, I will link it from the Parameterization and PRODRG pages on the wiki, since this is a very common question.


Best wishes


On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 11:12 PM, Justin A. Lemkul < <>> wrote:

    Just the $0.02 that I always seem to contribute in these types of
    discussions - the topology you have shown below contains some likely
    problems.  The charges (and massive charge group size) can lead to
    artifacts.  We've got a paper due out soon about the implications of
    incorrect charges, but I would advise you that this topology should
    *not* be used for production simulation.  You'd be better off
    spending the time to properly parameterize the molecule rather than
    run a bunch of simulations and get questionable (at best) or wrong
    (at worst) results.


    Olga Ivchenko wrote:

        Hey Vitaly,

        Thank you for your reply. Here is the files:

        ;      ;      ;       This file was generated by PRODRG version
        ;       PRODRG written/copyrighted by Daan van Aalten
        ;       and Alexander Schuettelkopf
        ;      ;       Questions/comments to

        ;      ;       When using this software in a publication, cite:
        ;       A. W. Schuettelkopf and D. M. F. van Aalten (2004).
        ;       PRODRG - a tool for high-throughput crystallography
        ;       of protein-ligand complexes.
        ;       Acta Crystallogr. D60, 1355--1363.
; ; [ moleculetype ]
         Name nrexcl
        DRG      3

        [ atoms ]
        ;   nr      type  resnr resid  atom  cgnr   charge     mass
1 OM 1 DRG OXT 1 -0.701 15.9994 2 C 1 DRG C 1 0.402 12.0110 3 OM 1 DRG O 1 -0.701 15.9994 4 CH2 1 DRG CA 2 0.185 14.0270 5 N 1 DRG N 2 0.468 14.0067 6 CH3 1 DRG CAG 2 0.201 15.0350 7 C 1
         DRG     CAH     2    0.377  12.0110       8        NZ     1
         DRG     NAE     2   -0.163  14.0067       9         H     1
         DRG     HA6     2    0.023   1.0080      10         H     1
         DRG     HAE     2    0.024   1.0080      11        NZ     1
         DRG     NAD     2   -0.163  14.0067      12         H     1
         DRG     HA5     2    0.024   1.0080      13         H     1
DRG HAD 2 0.024 1.0080 [ bonds ]
        ; ai  aj  fu    c0, c1, ...
          2   1   2    0.125  13400000.0    0.125  13400000.0 ;     C
OXT 2 3 2 0.125 13400000.0 0.125 13400000.0 ; C O 2 4 2 0.153 7150000.0 0.153 7150000.0 ; C CA 5 4 2 0.147 8710000.0 0.147 8710000.0 ; N CA 5 6 2 0.147 8710000.0 0.147 8710000.0 ; N CAG 5 7 2 0.134 10500000.0 0.134 10500000.0 ; N CAH 7 8 2 0.134 10500000.0 0.134 10500000.0 ; CAH NAE 7 11 2 0.134 10500000.0 0.134 10500000.0 ; CAH NAD 8 9 2 0.100 18700000.0 0.100 18700000.0 ; NAE HA6 8 10 2 0.100 18700000.0 0.100 18700000.0 ; NAE HAE
           11  12   2    0.100  18700000.0    0.100  18700000.0 ;   NAD
HA5 11 13 2 0.100 18700000.0 0.100 18700000.0 ; NAD HAD [ pairs ]
        ; ai  aj  fu    c0, c1, ...
1 5 1 ; OXT N 2 6 1 ; C CAG 2 7 1 ; C CAH 3 5 1 ; O N 4 8 1 ; CA NAE 4 11 1 ; CA NAD 5 9 1 ; N HA6 5 10 1 ; N HAE 5 12 1 ; N HA5 5 13 1 ; N HAD 6 8 1 ; CAG NAE 6 11 1 ; CAG NAD 8 12 1 ; NAE HA5 8 13 1
                                                  ;   NAE  HAD     9  11
          1                                           ;   HA6  NAD    10
11 1 ; HAE NAD [ angles ]
        ; ai  aj  ak  fu    c0, c1, ...
1 2 3 2 126.0 770.0 126.0 770.0 ; OXT C O 1 2 4 2 117.0 635.0 117.0 635.0 ; OXT C CA 3 2 4 2 117.0 635.0 117.0 635.0 ; O C CA 2 4 5 2 109.5 520.0 109.5 520.0 ; C CA N 4 5 6 2 121.0 685.0 121.0 685.0 ; CA N CAG 4 5 7 2 122.0 700.0 122.0 700.0 ; CA N CAH 6 5 7 2 117.0 635.0 117.0 635.0 ; CAG N CAH 5 7 8 2 120.0
              670.0    120.0       670.0 ;     N  CAH  NAE     5   7  11
          2    120.0       670.0    120.0       670.0 ;     N  CAH  NAD
8 7 11 2 120.0 670.0 120.0 670.0 ; NAE CAH NAD 7 8 9 2 120.0 390.0 120.0 390.0 ; CAH NAE HA6 7 8 10 2 120.0 390.0 120.0 390.0 ; CAH NAE HAE 9 8 10 2 120.0 445.0 120.0 445.0 ; HA6 NAE HAE 7
         11  12   2    120.0       390.0    120.0       390.0 ;   CAH
NAD HA5 7 11 13 2 120.0 390.0 120.0 390.0 ; CAH NAD HAD 12 11 13 2 120.0 445.0 120.0 445.0 ; HA5 NAD HAD [ dihedrals ]
        ; ai  aj  ak  al  fu    c0, c1, m, ...
2 1 3 4 2 0.0 167.4 0.0 167.4 ; imp C OXT O CA 5 4 6 7 2 0.0 167.4 0.0 167.4 ; imp N CA CAG CAH 7 5 8 11 2 0.0 167.4 0.0 167.4 ; imp CAH N NAE NAD 8 7 10 9 2 0.0 167.4 0.0 167.4 ; imp NAE CAH HAE HA6 11 7 13 12 2 0.0 167.4 0.0 167.4 ; imp NAD CAH HAD HA5 5 4 2 1 1 0.0 1.0 6 0.0 1.0 6 ; dih N CA C OXT 2 4 5 7 1 180.0 1.0 6 180.0 1.0 6 ; dih C CA N CAH 11 7 5 4 1 180.0 33.5 2 180.0 33.5 2 ; dih NAD CAH N CA 5 7 8 10 1 180.0 33.5 2 180.0 33.5 2 ; dih N CAH NAE HAE 5 7 11 13 1 180.0 33.5 2 180.0 33.5 2 ; dih N CAH NAD HAD

        *And top. I am prettu sure this file is wrong. And I do not know
        yet how to modify it correctly:


        ;    File '' was generated
        ;    By user: onbekend (0)
        ;    On host: onbekend
        ;    At date: Mon Nov 15 13:24:44 2010
        ;    This is your topology file
        ;    it was generated using program:
        ;    pdb2gmx - version 4.5-beta2
        ;    with command line:
        ;    pdb2gmx -f creatine_all_hyd_PRODRGBeta.pdb -o creatine.gro

        #include "creatine.itp"
        #include "gromos43a1.ff"

        ; Include forcefield parameters
        ;#include "gromos43a1.ff/forcefield.itp"


        ;[ system ]

        ;[ molecules ]
        ;DRG      3

        2010/11/15 Vitaly Chaban <
        <> <

           Hey, Olga -

            > Also please can you tell me where can I get "ffgmx.itp" file?

           /$gromacs_folder/share/gromacs/top/ffgmx.itp as well as all other
           standard topology files are there.

           By trying to run md I am getting an error: Fatal error:
            > moleculetype UNK is redefined

           Please post you top and itp files here. Looks like you have 2
           molecules in your topology right now.

           Good luck!


            > I still have troubles of starting running md for creatine. For
           which I
            > created topology using PRODRG programm.
            > The only difference between and creating.itp
        is that
            > top has additional lines:
            >  #include "ffgmx.itp"
            > #include "creatine.itp"
            > Also please can you tell me where can I get "ffgmx.itp" file?
            > By trying to run md I am getting an error: Fatal error:
            > moleculetype UNK is redefined

-- ========================================

    Justin A. Lemkul
    Ph.D. Candidate
    ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
    MILES-IGERT Trainee
    Department of Biochemistry
    Virginia Tech
    Blacksburg, VA
    jalemkul[at] <> | (540) 231-9080


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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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