OK that makes things clearer. As I mentioned I would check that it is not an issue with using CHARMM from 4.0.5 as if I remember correctly the CHARMM forcefield was not fully supported until version 4.5 (and I think was removed from the GROMACS 4.0.7 release so people didn't use it). As I also mentioned someone else will know much more about this than me, for example what changed between the 4.0.5 version of the forcefield implementation and the 4.5 implementation. It may have been very little, but I do not know. As for you seeing the same with different GROMACS versions then I think this does not matter as you are using the same 4.0.5 topology with the different versions and it could be this topology which is causing the issues.

The test to run to check if it is the charge groups which are causing this behavior is to run simulations (probably with repeats so you sure) using GROMACS 4.5.1 with and without the -nochargegrp option of pdb2gmx and everything else the same. As to why you are seeing this (if it is indeed something you can confirm) is another question and I am unsure, it seems fairly strange. Again I am sure someone else with more knowledge can comment on this.



On 26/11/10 08:35, sa wrote:
Hi Tom.


    You show differences when using GROMACS 4.5.3 for one simulation with
    the pdb2gmx option -nochargegrp and one without this option (is this
    correct, or did you manually edit the topology to have the old charge
    groups?). This pdb2gmx option should have no effect in 4.5.3 as
    all the
    entries in the CHARMM27 .rtp are in individual charge groups.

I will try to be more clear here:

First step: The two top files were generated with different rtp files. In the first case i used a rtp file where the charge groups for each AA were distributed as in the CHARMM27 ff distribution. The top file were generated the gromacs (4.0.5) and the following command

pdb2gmx_mpi -ignh -ff charmm27 -ter -f hMRP1_K-TM17_AcAm.pdb -o hMRP1_K-TM17.gro -p hMRP1_K-TM17.top -missing

For the second top i used gromacs 4.5 with the argument -nochargegrp (with one charge group assigned for atom) with the command

pdb2gmx_mpi -ignh -ff charmm27 -ter -f hMRP1_K-TM17_AcAm-H.pdb -o hMRP1_K-TM17.gro -p hMRP1_K-TM17.top -missing -nochargegrp

Second Step: i used the latest version of gromacs 4.5.3 to generate the different tpr files and performed the simulations with the two types of top files. In case of the MD with the others versions of gromacs, the step two was done with the cooresponding version of gromacs.

    If you didn't edit the 4.5.3 topology then either you are doing
    something else different between these simulations or what you
    think is
    a difference between simulations with and without this pdb2gmx
    option is
    just a coincidence and that your peptide is sometimes stable over this
    short 24 ns simulation and sometimes it unfolds, irrespective of the
    charge group option.

I have also performed a MD during 100 ns (with -chargegroup), and in this case the peptide remains stable along the simulation time. I don't understand why. Moreover i dont think it is a coincidence since i observe the same results whatever the gmx version and md parameters used

    If you did edit the topology then are you sure that it is correct? Did
    you use 4.5.3 to get the topology and edit it by hand or did you
    generate this 'charge group' topology by some other method, such as
    another version of GROMACS? If you used the topology from 4.0.x then
    maybe there are issues here as I know CHARMM27 was not fully supported
    until 4.5.

I didn't edit the top file manually, i used only the pdb2gmx tool. However by reading your message, i have take a look more deeper in te the top file and i have found differences in some directives (for example in the pair directive where there are more terms). =-O To be sure that this difference has no impact in the MD, i going to do other MD.

I will come back soon. Thanks you again




    On 25/11/10 22:42, sa wrote:
    > Dear All,
    > In a previous message
    > I described the results obtained with MD performed with the CHARMM27
    > ff and the chargegrp "yes" and "no" options of a peptide in TIP3P
    > water simulated gromacs. Since these results puzzled me a lot, i
    > like to share with you others results obtained from the gromacs
    > community advices to explain these results.
    > In few words, the context of these simulations. One of my
    labmate did,
    > 8 months ago (march/april), several simulations of a peptide (25 AA)
    > with the CHARMM27 ff (and CMAP). The peptide is a transmembrane
    > segment (TM) and belongs to a large membrane protein. This TM
    > has an initial helical conformation. The simulations were
    performed in
    > a cubic box filled with app. 14000 TIP3P water (Jorgensen's model)
    > with 2 Cl ions. To construct the topology file of the system,
    > -chargegrp "yes" with pdb2gmx and the MD were done with the gromacs
    > 4.0.5. For some reasons, he had to left the lab, and my boss
    asked me
    > to continue his work. When I checked their results, i was very
    > intrigued by these MD results because he found that the peptide keep
    > along all the simulation time (100 ns) its initial helical
    > conformation. This results are not in agreement with circular
    > dichroism experiments which are shown that the same peptide in water
    > has no helix segment and is completely unfold. I am aware that the
    > simulation time is short compared to experiment time scale, however
    > since i haven't seen any unfolding events in this simulation, so
    I was
    > not very confident about these results.
    > To explain this inconsistency, I have suspected that the error came
    > probably of the use of the default -chargegrp with CHARMM ff in
    > simulations since i have read several recent threads about the
    > groups problems in the CHARMM ff implementation in gromacs. To
    > this hypothesis I have done two simulations with last gromacs
    > (4.5.3) and two top files containing charge groups and no charge
    > groups for the peptide residus. I used  the *same* initial pdb file,
    > box size and simulations parameters. The two simulations were
    > out during 24 ns in the NPT ensemble with the md.mdp parameters
    > described below after energy minimisation, NVT and NPT equilibration
    > steps.
    > constraints     = all-bonds
    > integrator      = md
    > nsteps          = 12000000   ; 24000ps ou 24ns
    > dt              = 0.002
    > nstlist         = 10
    > nstcalcenergy   = 10
    > nstcomm         = 10
    > continuation    = no            ; Restarting after NPT
    > vdw-type        = cut-off
    > rvdw            = 1.0
    > rlist                   = 0.9
    > coulombtype              = PME
    > rcoulomb                 = 0.9
    > fourierspacing           = 0.12
    > fourier_nx               = 0
    > fourier_ny               = 0
    > fourier_nz               = 0
    > pme_order                = 4
    > ewald_rtol               = 1e-05
    > optimize_fft            = yes
    > nstvout         = 50000
    > nstxout         = 50000
    > nstenergy       = 20000
    > nstlog          = 5000          ; update log file every 10 ps
    > nstxtcout       = 1000         ; frequency to write coordinates
    to xtc
    > trajectory every 2 ps
    > Tcoupl          = nose-hoover
    > tc-grps         = Protein Non-Protein
    > tau-t           = 0.4 0.4
    > ref-t           = 298 298
    > ; Pressure coupling is on
    > Pcoupl          = Parrinello-Rahman
    > pcoupltype      = isotropic
    > tau_p           = 3.0
    > compressibility = 4.5e-5
    > ref_p           = 1.0135
    > gen_vel         = no
    > I found that with charge groups, the peptide remains in its initial
    > helical conformation, whereas with no charge group, the peptide
    > unfolds quickly and has a random coil conformation. I have shown
    > results to my boss but I was not able to explain why we observe
    > differences between the two simulations. Indeed since i use PME
    in the
    > MD, chargegroup should not affect the dynamic results (correct
    ?) . He
    > asked to do others simulations with different versions of gromacs to
    > see if is not a bug with charge group implementation in gromacs. For
    > testing i have done four others MD wit the *same* initial pdb file,
    > box size and simulations parameters and with previous GMX version
    > 4.5.0 and pre 4.5.2 and with the two types of top files.
    > In addition since i have done simulations with non optimal parameter
    > for the vdW et electrostatic, i have also tested the influence
    of the
    > vdW et electrostatic MD parameters on the MD by performing two
    > additional simulations with the parameters  used in the Bjelkmar
    et al
    > . paper (J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2010, 6, 459–466)  (labeled
    > CHARMM in the figures)
    > ; Run parameters
    > integrator      = md            ; leap-frog integrator
    > nsteps          = 12000000      ; 2 * 1000000 = 20000 ps
    > dt              = 0.002         ; 2 fs
    > nstcomm         = 10
    > nstcalcenergy   = 10
    > ; Output control
    > nstxtcout       = 1000         ; frequency to write coordinates
    to xtc
    > trajectory every 10 ps
    > nstxout         = 50000
    > nstvout         = 50000         ; save velocities every 0.2 ps
    > nstenergy       = 25000         ; save energies every 0.2 ps
    > nstlog          = 5000          ; update log file every 0.2 ps
    > energygrps      = protein Non-Protein
    > ; Bond parameters
    > continuation    = yes            ; continuation after NVT
    > constraint_algorithm = lincs    ; holonomic constraints
    > constraints     = all-bonds     ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H
    > constrained
    > lincs_iter      = 1             ; accuracy of LINCS
    > lincs_order     = 4             ; also related to accuracy
    > ; Neighborsearching
    > ns_type         = grid          ; search neighboring grid cels
    > nstlist         = 10            ; 20 fs
    > rlist           = 1.2
    > ;
    > coulombtype              = PME
    > rcoulomb-switch          = 0
    > rcoulomb                 = 1.2
    > vdw-type                 = Switch
    > ; cut-off lengths
    > rvdw-switch              = 1.0
    > rvdw                     = 1.2
    > DispCorr                 = EnerPres
    > table-extension          = 5
    > fourierspacing           = 0.14
    > fourier_nx               = 0
    > fourier_ny               = 0
    > fourier_nz               = 0
    > pme_order                = 4
    > ewald_rtol               = 1e-05
    > ewald_geometry           = 3d
    > epsilon_surface          = 0
    > optimize_fft             = no
    > ; Temperature coupling is on
    > tcoupl          = nose-hoover ;
    > tc-grps         = protein Non-Protein   ; one coupling groups - more
    > accurate
    > tau_t           = 0.4 0.4       ; time constant, in ps
    > ref_t           = 297 297       ; reference temperature, one for
    > group, in K
    > ; Pressure coupling is off
    > pcoupl          = Parrinello-Rahman             ; pressure
    coupling in NPT
    > pcoupltype      = isotropic
    > tau_p           = 3.0
    > compressibility = 4.5e-5
    > ref_p           = 1.0135
    > ; Periodic boundary conditions
    > pbc             = xyz               ; 3-D PBC
    > gen_vel         = no
    > The results are presented in the three figures accessibles with the
    > three links below
    > http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/586637ResultatsVSGMX1jpg.jpg   ->
    > Conformation
    > http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/392578ResultatsVSGMX2jpg.jpg   ->
    > RMSD vs. time
    > http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/271597ResultatsVSGMX3jpg.jpg   ->
    > Secondary structure vs. time
    > As you can see in all runs with no charge groups option, the peptide
    > quickly unfolds and have a random coil  conformation during the  end
    > of the simulation times, whereas with charge group option, the
    > remains in its initial (helix) conformation whatever the gromacs
    > version used.
    > To finish I saw that in all the simulation seems to be well
    > CHARGE GROUP 4.5.3 (along the 24 ns of the run)
    > Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
    > Potential                   -561452        5.6    774.891   -1.37923
    > (kJ/mol)
    > Total Energy                -455901        5.6    959.234   -1.42286
    > (kJ/mol)
    > NO_CHARGE GROUP 4.5.3 (along the 24 ns of the run)
    > Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
    > Potential                   -563934         18    774.632    -113.02
    > (kJ/mol)
    > Total Energy                -458347         18    960.371   -112.951
    > (kJ/mol)
    > CHARGE GROUP pre4.5.2 (along the 24 ns of the run)
    > Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
    > Potential                   -562415        5.1     777.12   -33.8615
    > (kJ/mol)
    > Total Energy                -456864        5.1    964.365   -33.7504
    > (kJ/mol)
    > Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
    > Potential                   -564899        4.6    778.002   -3.00182
    > (kJ/mol)
    > Total Energy                -459312        4.6    963.702   -2.58102
    > (kJ/mol)
    > Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
    > Potential                   -563933         30    777.279   -202.641
    > (kJ/mol)
    > Total Energy                -458346         29    960.748   -202.578
    > (kJ/mol)
    > CHARGE_GROUP_PRE_4.5.0
    > Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
    > Potential                   -561442          8    773.826   -49.7596
    > (kJ/mol)
    > Total Energy                -455891          8    958.546   -49.7573
    > (kJ/mol)
    > USE_CHARGE_GROUP_AND_GMX_4.5.3 AND CHARMM parameters settings
    > Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
    > Potential                   -566048        5.4    765.184   -31.6659
    > (kJ/mol)
    > Total Energy                -460851        5.4    950.934   -31.7008
    > (kJ/mol)
    > USE_NO_CHARGE_GROUP_AND_GMX_4.5.3 AND CHARMM parameters settings
    > Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
    > Potential                   -568520         24    770.264   -165.498
    > (kJ/mol)
    > Total Energy                -463287         24    955.755   -165.768
    > (kJ/mol)
    > I am particularly eager to obtain from you some comments and advices
    > about these findings. Thanks you so much for your help.
    > SA

    Dr Thomas Piggot
    University of Southampton, UK.


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    End of gmx-users Digest, Vol 79, Issue 167

Dr Thomas Piggot
University of Southampton, UK.

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