Nimesh Jain wrote:
I set nstlog = 100000000000, and still I get a 5MB log file within a minute of starting the sim. It seems absurd, but its happening :(

Well, a log file will always be written with header information, etc, although 5 MB does seem quite large. The better question is whether or not it continues to get updated, causing the file size to increase. If it is, investigate what the contents are. Is the simulation crashing, causing thousands of lines of LINCS warnings to be printed? Is it normal output, but at a different frequency than what was specified?


On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Justin A. Lemkul < <>> wrote:

    Nimesh Jain wrote:


        I am trying to simulate a system of 880 particles with implicit
        solvent using brownian dynamics, but the simulation generates
        huge log files (it writes md.log files at a rate of almost
        5MB/minute) and this crashed my system since I ran out of space :(

        My mdp file looks like this:

        include                  =
        define                   =
        integrator               = bd
        tinit                    = 0
        dt                       = 0.001
        nsteps                   = 100000000 ;100000
        simulation_part          = 1
        init_step                = 0
        comm-mode                = Angular
        nstcomm                  = 1
        comm-grps                =

        emtol                    = 0.01
        emstep                   = 1.5

        nstxout                  = 10000
        nstvout                  = 10000
        nstfout                  = 10000

        nstenergy                = 1000

        nstxtcout                = 1000
        xtc-precision            = 1000

        nstlog                   = 0

        xtc-grps                 =
        energygrps               =

        ns_type                  = grid
        pbc                      = xyz
        periodic_molecules       = no

        rlist                    = 8.95

        coulombtype              = user
        rcoulomb-switch          = 0
        rcoulomb                 = 8.95
        epsilon-r                = 1

        vdw-type                 = user  ;cutoff
        rvdw-switch              = 0
        rvdw                     = 8.95
        DispCorr                 = No
        table-extension          = 1

        ; Seperate tables between energy group pairs
        energygrps               = A T G C P300 SA SB

        energygrp_table          = A A  A T  A G  A C  A P300  A SA  A
        SB  T T  T G  T C  T P300  T SA  T SB  G G  G C  G P300  G SA  G
        SB  C C  C P300  C SA  C SB  P300 P300  P
        300 SA  P300 SB  SA SA  SA SB  SB SB

        ; Spacing for the PME/PPPM FFT grid
        fourierspacing           = 0.10

        Tcoupl                   = Nose-Hoover
        tc-grps                  = System
        tau_t                    = 0.001

    This doesn't seem like a reasonable setting for tau_t; grompp should
    have warned you about that since dt = tau_t!

        ref_t                    = 300.00

        Pcoupl                   = No

        andersen_seed            = 815131

        gen_vel                  = yes
        gen_temp                 = 300.0000
        gen_seed                 = 1993

        Please let me know if there is a solution to write smaller mdp
        files. I have set nstlog = 0 , but even that doesn't work!

    Set nstlog to some incredibly large number, then, and it will only
    output a few times.  It seems strange that nstlog = 0 didn't
    suppress the .log file output as it would any of the other nst*



-- ========================================

    Justin A. Lemkul
    Ph.D. Candidate
    ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
    MILES-IGERT Trainee
    Department of Biochemistry
    Virginia Tech
    Blacksburg, VA
    jalemkul[at] <> | (540) 231-9080

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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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